Recovering With Spring Fever

Did you catch Spring Fever last week? Our weather was crazy warm–in the 80’s even!–and all of the flowers started to bloom. The National Park Service just had predicted that the cherry blossoms would be in peak bloom the weekend of the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run, but revised their prediction to March 18-23 after this week’s heat wave. That’s fine by me, since I can do my own cherry blossom run and stop to take as many pictures as I want.

spring fever

I had a pretty grueling week at work, so I didn’t get to enjoy the nice weather too much, but Monday night I met some friends for dinner and it was still warm enough to enjoy eating outside. 

Fitness-wise, I took it a bit easy this week to recover from last week’s course PR at the Reston 10 Miler–if you missed my recap, please check it out here–but with only a few weeks to go until my next race, I didn’t take any days off. Here’s my recap for the Weekly Wrap hosted by Holly and Tricia.

Monday morning: 30 min strength routine, with 3 rounds of this core workout, and lots of foam rolling.
Monday evening: 60 minute Core Power Yoga 2 class. (Yes, I am hooked!)

Tuesday: 4.4 mile run, enjoying the daylight at 6:00 am before we change our clocks. πŸ™

Sunrise Run

Wednesday: 45 min strength routine. Since my favorite instructor was on vacation, I decided to give my legs a bit of a break and skip spinning this week. 

Thursday: 4.4 mile run, in shorts! and a t-shirt!   

spring fever run

Friday: 45 min strength routine.

Saturday: A “cold” front came through Friday night, so the weather was a bit cooler, but the clouds made for a glorious sunrise during my 8 mile run. 

spring fever run sunrise

Sunday: With rain in the forecast I opted for a 45 min indoor cycling class after church. The rain never materialized, but I am once bitten, twice shy of rainy bike rides, and I got to meet a friend for brunch after spinning, so it worked out well.

To ensure a complete recovery and get my toes ready for spring, I treated myself to a massage and pedicure on Saturday. Now I’m really ready for spring!

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Do you have spring fever? 

Are you doing anything for Spring Break?

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21 Responses to Recovering With Spring Fever

  1. I totally know how you feel about Spring Ahead daylight savings time. My 5AM runs are going to be pitch black again πŸ™ the only bad thing about warmer weather and spring. I have to wait a bit more for my early morning sunrises. I have never seen a cherry blossom, but some day I hope to when they are in full bloom. How beautiful!

  2. I totally have spring fever. The only part that is hard, is dealing with the change in time. It really affects my sleep. The week after the time change my hole schedule is off

    • Coco says:

      Yeah, I hit snooze three times today, and that was with a 6:00 am alarm. All bets are off tomorrow when my alarm goes off at 4:40!

  3. Marcia says:

    I know it’s premature but spring has sprung here at least for a couple of days. Running in a tank was fantastic. I even got a little tan line. Whoops! It rained all day here today and is supposed to continue all week so not quite as gorgeous but I do think winter is behind us!

    • Coco says:

      We’ve had a few snowy days in March before, but I don’t think that’s going to happen this year. We were back to more normal temperatures today though.

  4. I am so ready for spring. My work is right next to a trail so now that it will be lighter out longer I am going to start bringing my running clothes so I can go after work.

  5. HoHo Runs says:

    My allergies say Spring arrived here about two weeks ago. Thank goodness for Allegra. Now, the yellow pollen has started dropping. That is a beautiful sunrise pic! I want you to post a lot of pictures of the cherry trees! We missed them completely on Spring Break in DC a few years ago. Thanks for linking with us Coco.

  6. It was so strange going from hats and gloves to shorts and tanks in one week! I am loving spring and getting exciting for CB

  7. Pam says:

    Great job on your workouts this week. When work is busy, it is hard to get everything in. I love daylight savings so it is light later in the evening. Spring fever has gotten me and it was warm enough to sit by our pool this week. Unfortunately the humidity has started as well.

  8. I definitely enjoyed the warmer weather! Now we’re in rainy season, but if it’s still warm out I’m alright with it πŸ™‚

  9. Chaitali says:

    That is a beautiful sunrise from Saturday! I somehow missed it completely. Sounds like you had a great week of workouts πŸ™‚

  10. Meagan says:

    I am so ready for spring, too! Unlike you, though, I am happy for the beginning of Daylight Savings. I am an evening runner during the week, though.

  11. Sharon says:

    Sounds like a good week or workouts! We had spring early in CA but had rain the last couple of days which dampened the weekend but I’m ready for more sun this week. Nice you treated yourself to a massage and pedicure! I need to get my toes ready for spring too! πŸ™‚

  12. You do sound spring ready! I love it when we can eat outside πŸ™‚

  13. Wasn’t it nice to run outside in shorts? I loved it. But even days in the 50s and 60s sound nice to me. Of course, after being in Florida, I want to fast forward right to summer!

  14. The summer like weather last week was crazy…now it feels like late Fall….

    I am ready for Spring but haven’t gotten the fever yet πŸ˜‰

    Oooh a massage and a pedicure…sounds lovely…yup time to get the toes all pretty before I lose another toe nail-lol!!

    I won’t be at Cherry Blossom this year but may try to get down there for a run and pictures πŸ˜‰

    Have a good week.

  15. I haven’t done a lot of early morning running (like ANY) in several months, so I’m loving the longer daylight with the time change. I’m ready to start upping my mileage in prep for a couple half marathons this spring, so I’ll probably be heading out periodically for some “street time” in the early hours soon. You have the best pics!!

  16. I so have spring fever! I am almost to the point of putting up all my winter running clothes! I figured I’d just deal with it if it turns back cold, right? Can hardly wait to see the Cherry Blossom pictures! Thank you Coco for linking up with us!

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