Getting Ready To Run 13.1 in Denver

This week was all about getting ready to run 13.1 miles in Denver–and surviving the monsoon weather that got stuck over the mid-Atlantic. I was bummed to see rain in the forecast for Denver too, but at least it was supposed to clear in up time for the Denver Colfax Half Marathon on Sunday.

I love the rainbow racing strips logo–it seems sort of retro.

Ready To Run 13,1

We flew out to Denver on Friday morning, and spent the day visiting with my daughter. She was able to show us around the Luvin Arms animal sanctuary where she is interning before the rain moved in. Then we dashed through rain and dodged puddles to do a bit of shopping before dinner in Boulder–including stocking up on Nuun which was on sale at REI. 

Visiting Kristin at Luvin Arms

On Saturday morning we went to the race expo, and then my daughter met us at our hotel for a day around Denver. We went to lunch at Beet Box, a movie (Deadpool 2, a bit much for me), and dinner at Watercourse. Those are her two favorite vegan restaurants and even my husband enjoyed his meals!  

Chickpea of the Sea sandwich from Beet Box–the bread was amazing!

After dinner, I organized all my race gear, crashed early, and set my alarm for 5:00 am, with plans to Uber to the race @ 6:00. I was ready to run 13.1!

Weekly Wrap

The big news of my week is that I “graduated” from physical therapy. While my PF still flares up, it resolves within a day or two, so I think I am ready to tend to it on my own.  Plus, my physical therapist said I always can come back for a tune-up.

Monday: 1.7 mi run/walk with Scooby + PT exercises

Tuesday: Cyclebar + pm dog walk in the rain

Found a hard foam roller at the hotel gym and put it to good use.

Wednesday: Orange Theory Fitness + my last PT session + two rainy dog walks 

Thursday: rainy am dog walk + upper body strength + rainy pm dog walk 

pressure point massage with a lacrosse ball–it’s great on my glutes too!

Friday: travel day w/13,000 steps 

Saturday: PT exercises in the hotel gym including lots of foam rolling 

I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.

Were you stuck in a monsoon this week?

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25 Responses to Getting Ready To Run 13.1 in Denver

  1. Wendy says:

    Congrats on your PT graduation. The lacrosse ball is one of my favorite rolling tools. I’m looking forward to your race recap!

  2. ugh this weather has gotten old! Hope you had a fantastic race today can’t wait to hear all about it

  3. Darlene says:

    Um yeah. 13.1 miles in the pouring COLD rain!

  4. I cannot believe all the rain out East this week! Crazy!

  5. Hopefully now that you finished your PT flare ups will be far and in between. I have never been out to Denver to visit, but I will be going there much more in the near future for work. Hopefully I will have time to explore.

    • Coco says:

      Oh, interesting, there’s a lot to do in and around Denver. We were downtown and loved taking the train from the airport and the free bus up and down the 16th st shopping area.

  6. Marcia says:

    I think we’re going to get a monsoon here as I type. That said, we lucked out on the weather in La Crosse. Seeing your pics makes me wanna make a trip to Denver sooo badly! Love it there! Mary Beth (Tutus/Tennies) ran Colfax as well. Hooray for “graduating” from your PT!

    • Coco says:

      I do love visiting Denver, and Boulder. I wish I’d known MB was going to be there but I didn’t until I saw her FB post.

  7. We had rain on and off, but not a monsoon. Although it rained for half my 5k. Not a warm rain, either (but we were warmed up by then, so not so bad).

    That sandwich does look amazing! It must have be really fun touring the animal sanctuary, and of course being with your daughter, too. πŸ™‚

  8. Chaitali says:

    The rain last week sounds tough! I’m glad I had a couple days out in Dallas to get sunshine. Congrats on graduating from PT πŸ™‚

    • Coco says:

      It’s funny how desperate you can get for some sun — not that going to Dallas is a sign of desperation. πŸ˜‰

  9. HoHo Runs says:

    Congrats on your graduation from PT. We were supposed to have rain all week but it stayed east of us. We were just left with the humidity. Also, I love specialty breads like the one pictured from Beet Box. I anxiously await your race recap. As you know, I’ll soon me running at altitude. I’m desperate for some reassurance. πŸ˜‰ Thanks for linking!

    • Coco says:

      You know, I don’t know if the altitude affected me. The race felt hard, but 13.1 is long for me, so there’s that too. I definitely made sure to drink a lot of water the days before and was cautious about pushing my pace aerobically because I didn’t want to end up with an exercise-induced asthma attack (I used my inhaler before the race). I’m sure you’ll do great!

  10. Kim G says:

    So cool that you were able to visit the animal sanctuary and hang out with your daughter over the weekend! Also, congrats on graduating from PT!

  11. Good to hear that your PF is doing better. No rain here, just a lot for gloomy overcast days.
    I love Colorado! Hope you had a great race.

  12. Great to hear you’re done with PT! Yeah way too much rain here – I’m ready to build an ark πŸ˜‰

  13. Cari says:

    Congrats on PT graduation. The chickpea sandwich looks great. My pre long run meal is avocado toast. Hits the spot.

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