Welcome to the November 2015 Ultimate Coffee Date Link Up! It seems like it’s been ages since we’ve gotten together. And no wonder–in October I went hiking in Colorado, almost PR’d at the Army Ten Miler, squeezed in one more business trip to Chicago (and found The Bean!), and cheered on friends at the Marine Corps Marathon. What have you been up to lately?

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If we were having coffee, I’d fight back the urge to say “Can you believe it’s November already?” and say instead, “Can you believe we have to endure 12 more months of presidential campaigning?” I’m so jealous of my Canadian friends and their “long” 11-week election season!
I did vote in our local elections this week–did you?
If we were having coffee, I’d share a laugh over how life does not respect my blogging calendar. On Monday I wrote about why I need to let my adult children cope with what life throws their way, but on Tuesday and Thursday I drove to Pennsylvania to take my son to oral surgeon appointments to have his wisdom teeth extracted and on Wednesday I paid for a rental car for my daughter to drive to work while her car is in the shop. I wanted to be there for my son, and my daughter just doesn’t have enough saved to cover the unexpected expense. Are those excuses or normal parenting decisions? I just don’t know. ~sigh~
I do know that I love these two!
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you about the last two races on my 2015 race calendar. Tomorrow I am running the National Race To End Women’s Cancer 5K (learn more about why this cause is special to me here), and next weekend is the .US12K, known in my house as “the birthday race” since it falls around my birthday. Last year it was on my birthday–so much fun!
Speaking of races, I’d be excited to tell you that it looks like I’ll be working with the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run social media team again! The race isn’t until April 3, but there’s a kick-off event in D.C. on Friday, November 13th, where you can win a lottery exemption. There’s a $15 charge for the event, but it pays for itself with a drink ticket, $10 gift card from Potomac River runner, and other fun stuff. You can learn more here–I’d love to see you there!
If we were having coffee, I’d ask you what’s going on in your life. What are you looking forward to this month? What’s been on your mind? I’d love for you to tell me in your own coffee date post, or in the comments below.
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My co-hosts Deborah, Lynda, and I host this link up to provide an opportunity to get to know each other better by sharing what’s going on in our lives. Please make the most of it by playing along and commenting on other blogs in the link up.
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I fully agree with you about the Presidential campaign. I even wrote about my view of Politicians this week on my Thursday post. WAY over the top…. thanks for the link up!
I did vote this week too, but like you, the Presidential campaign length drives me nuts. Canada definitely has it right. I asked my mother recently when you stop worrying/helping your children and she said never. Something happens the day you give birth and forever you will be there for your children….or that is my opinion anyway. Sometimes you have to let them fail, but more often then not, we mothers are there to help them out.
I’m certainly living that! At least as they get older they appreciate your help more. 😉
Do NOT get me started on the campaigning. Must be even worse for you considering where you live!
I’ve got my 15k tomorrow (hopefully) & maybe a chance to meet Frank Shorter today at the packet pickup. I was all set for a relaxing day at home & then remembered I have to go out to puck up my packet!
You know how thrilled I was to learn that Virginia is considered to be an important swing state, so we will be subject to lots of concentrated campaigning. Good luck with your 15K!
I don’t know how we’re going to live through another 12 months of campaigning! I’m a bit of a political junkie, but I’m over the whole election thing already. Congrats on the CB social team – maybe I’ll try my luck with the lottery again this year. Good luck with your 5K!
As a DC native and NPR junkie, I do follow the politics, but this year is mind-boggling! I think the CUCB lottery entry is in mid-December – I hope you enter and get picked!
Very cool you get to do Cherry Blossom again. That was a race I thought looked really awesome but didn’t get a chance to do it when I lived in DC. And ugh, right there with you on the political campaigning…why do they start so soon??
I think what you did for your kids was normal. It’s what any Mama would do. I just went through the wisdom teeth thing with one of mine. He was hilariously loopy afterwards too. I get very frustrated with the campaigning and will quickly stop listening. I agree, it lasts way too long. Happy Birthday (a little early). November is a popular month for those — I’ve said that about three times already this morning! The Cherry Blossom race sounds exciting. Enjoy your weekend.
I get it about the kids, my own personal schedule always comes last for sure. I have days when I just want to be totally alone and have time for my thoughts.
I am wrapping up my race season also after this half in a few weeks. Looking forward to a fresh new start next year. Thanks for coffee this weekend Coco.
You do have a lot going on! Kids they still need us even when they are older. I hope I get into CB this year. I was injured last year and couldn’t do it. Fun catching up over coffee as always!
Join me at the kick-off Friday – you could win a slot!
kids, kids, kids….they always need their mom for sure! Busy month for you! That Cherry Blossom event sounds awesome, enjoy it! Thanks for the coffee!
Hahaha! My first instinct is to say “how is it November already?” but I like your training of thought with the presidential campaign. That was funny stuff! 😉 I think that even if you have adult children, they will always be your little kids. It’s ok to still be a mom for them, right!!??
I am so blessed that when i call my parents when I am in a bind….they are there to help (even if i have to get a lecture-ha!)
Good luck on your races. I am doing a low key 5k with MCRRC but pushing to run my fastest 5k to date.
I ran the CB for the 1st time last year and LOVED it! Congrats on the media team!
I did vote and I’m a full supporter of If you don’t vote, keep your mouth shut! I get so tired of people complaining about this or that in politics and come to find out they didn’t even bother to exercise their right to vote!
You did have a busy October, if you are like me Nov and December won’t be any less busy. I agree fully, life does not respect my blogging! As in today, my post was supposed to be up and ready hours earlier, that didn’t happen, thanks to Life! Gosh Life I wish you would get a Life of your own!
Enjoyed coffee with ya, I’ve got a SEC ballgame or two to get ready for! 🙂
Yes, one thing that gets me to the polls is the belief that if I don’t vote, I don’t have a right to complain. One problem with our local elections was that so many positions were uncontested, but there were a few choices to make. Have a great weekend!
I think it’ll be a transition for you to let your adult children take care of whatever comes their way and become independent. It’s hard to cut them off cold turkey when you have grown accustomed to being there for them for so long. I think the wisdom tooth and the car rental ordeal you went through was all very normal!
Also a 12 month campaign seems crazy long! I live in Canada and 11 weeks was plenty long enough for me.
Couldn’t agree with you more on the Presidential campaigning! It’s so painful to go through for such extended periods of time. Can you imagine what it’s like for the candidates!?!?!? Yikes!
I hear great things about the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler! That is awesome that you are working with them again this year! The whole Cherry Blossom Festival is so amazing and one of my favorite events in DC!
I was just saying the SAME thing about the elections!
I have always wanted to run the Cherry Blossom race! I have to get that on the books some time. It was easier to get to when I lived in NYC – should have done it!
Totally with you on how life doesn’t respect my blogging calendar (or really any of my calendars, if you want to get technical!).
I hope you have fun working with the Cherry Blossom run again!
Life gets complicated with teen kids!!
Thanks for the coffee chat 🙂 I have been keeping busy here, Coffee sounds good though!
Why do I think you’ve not shared one before?
THAT alone made me smile.
I’ve shared a few, but they are few and far between! 😉
I agree, the Presidential campaigning is absolutely exhausting…I unfortunately saw clips of Trump hosting SNL…I thought he was terrible! I applied for the Social Blogger opportunity at Cherry Blossom – long shot but would be so stoked! Either way I’ll be signing up for the lottery again!
I think most of us are envious of Canada’s shorter election cycle. Ours is just exhausting!
Congrats on working with the Cherry Blossom crew again this year!
I would have done the exact some for both of my sons. Once a mom, always a mom, and I don’t think you were babying your adult children.
Thanks for providing the fun linkup!
So NOT looking forward to another 12 months of campaigning that’s for sure! Thank God for our DVR so I can fast forward all the commercials!
I know all about life getting in the way of blogging. Since I started working part time outside of the home I never have time to blog (or read posts!) I miss it!