Getting Control Of My 2023 Goals

People who have to live, work, or spend extended periods of time with me might say that I am a bit of a control freak. I am happy to let others take the lead and make decisions, but if I am responsible for whatever is going on, I want to make sure it is done right. There’s nothing wrong with that, is there? Since only I am in charge of my 2023 goals, I spent some time this week getting control of them.

My new solution to workout planning—will it last?

Getting Control of My 2023 Goals

The first step in getting control of my 2023 goals is to set some 2023 goals. So far I have a few goals for the first few months of the year:

  • Attend CorePower Yoga at least once per week
  • Complete a Jess Sims 45 min strength workout once per week
  • Follow the Matt Wilpers Half Marathon Training Program to train for the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run in April (I chose the 3 runs/week schedule)
  • Take time for pre-run warm-ups and post-run stretches
  • Aim to run ~75 miles/month
  • Cross-train with strength and cycling

With concrete strength goals, a specific training plan, yoga on Tuesdays, and set days I  need to go in to the office, I needed to figure out a schedule to fit it all in. At the same time, I need some flexibility to be able to adjust for good or bad weather, travel, etc.

I ordered an acrylic weekly planner with the idea that I would plan out my workouts every week, but found I was better at recording what I’d done than using it to plan ahead. The blank slate didn’t help me figure out when I would fit in which workouts.

my workouts this week

Then I had the idea to write down the workouts I want to do on individual sticky notes, and organize from there. Bingo! As you can see in the top picture, I gave myself these workouts to choose from):

  • 4 runs (1 long)
  • 3 rides
  • yoga
  • 45 min full body strength workout
  • upper body strength workout
  • lower body strength workout
  • arms + light weight workout
  • Barre/Strength For Runners workouts (as pre-run warm-ups)

I won’t do 4 runs and 3 rides each week, but created extras to give myself options. I didn’t create a separate note for core workouts, which I plan to do on a nearly daily basis.

This system is general enough to work from week-to-week, flexible, and gives me a visual reminder of the different workouts I want to fit in. It also helps me make sure I am spreading out my runs. When work spirals out of control, I will like having control over my workout schedule.

Weekly Run Down

You can sort of tell from the photo above what my workout schedule looked like this week, but I need to start with Sunday—New Year’s Day.

Sunday the weather was amazing—not at all like January 1 usually is around here. Of course I started the year with some Scooby miles, but I also went on a bike ride later, knowing it might be the only warm weekend day in January.

Note the matching socks!

Monday I did a Jess Sims 45 min FB strength workout that turned out to be one of my favorites.

Tuesday I got to try out my new yoga mat.

A $9.99 find at TJMaxx!

Wednesday we continued to have balmy weather, so I took Scooby out for a longish weekday run. It was dark when we started, but light when we got home.

Thursday I did some strength workouts at my office gym before hopping on the Peloton bike there.

Friday I did a 30 min tread class with Logan Aldrich. I really like his positive energy, and his programming is challenging without being insane.

Saturday turned out warmer than I expected (low 40s) so I could still wear shorts, although I needed long sleeves and thin gloves.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Have you figured out how you will reach your 2023 goals?

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22 Responses to Getting Control Of My 2023 Goals

  1. Susanne says:

    I love your idea of having sticky notes with workouts to choose from. I did something similar for my home workouts, writing down a list in my notes app, and then choose appropriate workouts depending on what I’ve done in the gym recently.
    But what is this thing with Americans and temperatures? Low 40s F is COLD and 2-3 layers for me! Or is the online F to C converter wrong?
    Regarding being responsible for something and wanting to do it well, I couldn’t agree more!

    • Coco says:

      I get really overheated when I run, and HATE feeling hot. When riding with my husband, he usually has 2-3 more layers on than I do. 😉

  2. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    That’s a great idea.

    I’m a control freak too. I have several calendars. Mostly use the one on my phone.

    Every time I think I can plan work puts a wrench in things. Ie. I may have to be in NYC Wed-Fri but I won’t know until Tues.

    Good luck with your new system.

  3. You a control freak?! 🙂 It is nice to have a plan and stick to it. I do the same workouts on the same days every week. I am glad you are doing the half training too so we can chat about it. I am already nervous w so many different paces. I don’t know if I have that many gears 🙂

    • Coco says:

      That’s where the treadmill comes in handy, although it feels like cheating. You will get much more out of it figuring out how to adjust your pace on your own.

  4. Melissa says:

    I love your system! I love anything visual that I can write on. Hopefully it works for you!

  5. You are very organized when it comes to planning your workouts! I have a general regimen, but most of my workouts are scheduled the night before (and not any time sooner, LOL). I’m jealous of your January OUTDOOR rides!

    • Coco says:

      I’ve been doing things by the seat of my pants, but want to be more intentional about it — we’ll see how long this lasts.

  6. Marcia says:

    I’ve not seen an acrylic planner like that before. Cool! I runfess I’m fairly seat-of-the-pants when it comes to exactly the workouts I’ll do. I will run 3x/a week though and strength train 3x/week as well with some core sprinkled in. One of my goals is to be better about yoga and stretching and so far so good.

  7. Jenny says:

    Yes, I totally get it. Trying to fit in all the workouts is like trying to put together a puzzle sometimes. Especially when you add in factors like not wanting to do leg day the day before or the day after a long run… it gets tricky. I think your system is great- it would be really helpful to actually visualize the week like that and move everything around until you get it right. You’ll have to let us know how it works out!

  8. Michelle says:

    I really like your new system! I’m committing to getting back to planning my workouts/runs this year. I look forward to hearing how your system works for you.

  9. Wendy says:

    I have a pretty predictable schedule and I plan my workouts around it. Sometimes I have to switch things around but it’s not so complicated that I need a calendar. Maybe because I only work 20 hours a week and that gives me more flexibility. We all have to do what works!

    • Coco says:

      When I was doing 3 studio classes a week, that was all the scheduling I needed, but now I feel like I need more structure — mostly to keep me from running every day.

  10. I have some intentions for 2023, not so much a goals. I hope to add another state but we’ll see how that plays out. Not too worried about my running break because I had one last January, too, LOL!

    I am lucky that I do have a lot of flexibility, and my “schedule” is all over the place (which is part of why poor Bandit has trouble every single time I go out).

    Sounds like you’ve come up with a great system for you! Nice!

  11. Debbie says:

    I hope your new system works for you! I organize my workouts in my head on Sunday evening when I’ve gotten a feel for what my work week and the weather will look like. My only given is that MWF are (almost) always strength days.

  12. Catrina says:

    That system is genius! You could patent it and sell it for good money!
    The weather is way too mild here in Switzerland, too. Many ski resorts had to close for the lack of snow.
    Does that peloton instructor only have one arm? Incredible!

  13. Kim G says:

    I love your system for taking charge of your 2023 plans, especially the acrylic weekly planner. That’s such a creative idea! I have a similar strength training goal where I am aiming to make Sundays my “long” strength training days where I do 45 minutes. So far so good and I hope I can keep it up all year.

  14. Shathiso says:

    This looks like a solid plan, and I love that it has some flexibility for when unexpected things happen with work, life or weather. That yoga mat looks so pretty!

  15. Jenn says:

    I love that acrylic planner! And I love your new yoga mat! I’ve been trying to record everything in a notebook, but I’m getting distracted. Again.

  16. Cari says:

    My yoga mat is a similar pattern and also a clearance find.
    Love how you’re planning your goals/workouts. As someone who doesn’t do well journalling, I might have to borrow that. I have a minor cork board obsession

  17. I’ve never seen an acrylic weekly planner. I also like to plan my runs so I know what to expect. I like that they’re all on the same days each week. I need to figure out what to do about strength and bike classes. You are the 2nd person that has mentioned Matt Wilpers Half Marathon Training Program. I am intrigued!

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