Ready For Runfessions

Forgive me runners. It’s been three months since my last runfession. Thank goodness Marcia always welcomes us back to the runfessional. I am more than ready to cleanse my sous soles before we head into August!

I’m also joining the Fit Five Friday Link-Up with DarleneMichelle, Renée, Jenn, and Zenaida.

Ready For Runfessions

runfess, I am grateful to be running enough to participate in runfessions. After months of one issue after another, both of my ankles and feet seem to be healthy and strong. (knock-on-wood).

I runfess, I had to choose my words above carefully because my left hip isn’t 100% healthy and strong. 🙁 It doesn’t bother me when I run, but I sometimes notice it on my bike. Mostly I notice it just walking around the house. I’ve dealt with this issue before, but I runfess I don’t have the patience to cope with another injury right now!

I runfess that I have gotten so used to my 3-4 mile loops, I’m kind of dreading going longer. At least with no races on the horizon, I can take my time—and wait for cooler weather.

I runfess, sometimes when I take a Peloton treadmill class outside I’m not sorry I’m missing the incline call-outs. This week I had to suck it up when I cut my run with Scooby short (it was too humid for him) and finished Marcel’s tabata-sprints/incline-recovery class on my treadmill. I know it makes me stronger ….

I runfess, I don’t like doing strength workouts after a summer run because I am so sweaty! Last weekend, I dripped all over the floor doing a Saturday 60 Bootcamp. I was so disgusted I got the mop out afterwards!

Deborah and I will be hosting the August Ultimate Coffee Date next weekend. We’ll open the (link-up) doors Friday, August May 6th!

How often do you clean your workout mats?

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13 Responses to Ready For Runfessions

  1. Wendy says:

    I feel you on all the aches and injuries. My knee is finally feeling better but this past week, I tripped over a tree root and landed on it again. We’ll see how it feels when I head out this morning!

    Oh the sweat is something else!

  2. Darlene says:

    Good news about running.

    There’s always something I’m ignoring.

    And yes I do the tread runs outside.

  3. deborahbrooks14 says:

    I am so glad that your feet and ankles are feeling better. No one has time for that! It is amazing how much sweat can materialize on these summer runs!

  4. Here’s hoping you remain injury free for a long while! I think you’ve done your time! I runfess I preferred walking this week over running! I think I just wanted a slower pace week but looking forward to running again next week.

  5. I do smile when I hear the incline call outs. If only Matty knew I do not do them. 🙂 I hear ya on the sweat. Sometimes I sit outside on the steps to cool down because I am hot ans sweaty.

  6. Catrina says:

    Yay on relatively pain free running, Coco!
    I runfess that I’m too lazy to pull out our mat, so I do my exercises on a towel on the floor. Saves me from cleaning the mat! 😄

  7. LOL about mopping up your sweat (we have carpet where I do ST). I usually wait a while after a run if I’m going to do ST that day — that’s where the showering gets tricky, though.

    Hope the hip resolves again soon.

    I usually do do the inclines — but it may not be as high (sometimes) and I may (sometimes) end up walking them. But yup, they do make you stronger — as long as they don’t injure anything of course!

  8. I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling a lot better!

    I’m with you on the shorter runs. I did a 7 miler last Friday and it was absolute torture with the heat and humidity….ugh!

    Thanks for the reminder to wipe my yoga mat…it has been a while!

  9. Yay for more running! I hope the hip thing resolves itself quickly.

    Shorter runs are my happy place at the moment and I’m ok with that! And I hear you on the post-run strength sessions – I’ve been doing them on my deck lately just to cut down on the sweat clean up inside.

  10. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    I’m glad your aches and pains are subsiding! After my run, last Saturday, I was trying to get my requisite selfie done, and the sweat was dripping everywhere off off practically every body part. YUCK. Couple that with the sweat running down, into my eyes, and it was a fun situation, LOL.

  11. Renée says:

    I so hear you on the injuries, aches and pains. I’m so over it. I often don’t runfess because either I’m hardly running or the running is poop.

    Also I’m over the heat, humidity and sweating like a banshee (ithey sweat like they scream)

  12. runswithpugs says:

    I’m just sweaty all the time now. I feel like I need a shower every time I come back inside.

  13. Marcia says:

    I feel the same way about the incline callouts when I’m outside. It’s so nice to ignore them! Hope your hip and ankle and everything else is ok!

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