October is one of my favorite months. It starts off strong with my wedding anniversary on October 1, and ends in a spooktacular way on Halloween. Deborah and I noticed that many of our coffee date guests are having coffee on Friday, so we are going to try opening the Ultimate Coffee Date link up on Fridays and see how that goes. To keep it real, please make sure you stop by other coffee date posts throughout the weekend.

Check out these tips for making the most out of link-ups.
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October Ultimate Coffee Date
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that my husband and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary on Monday. I’ve heard that millennials are “ruining divorce” by marrying later in life and staying married, but we took the opposite approach and started our wedded bliss early. 😉
I love these mugs my Mom gave us!
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that as much as I like Starbucks, this geo-tagged Facebook ad freaked me out–but was a good reminder how much information Facebook collects, uses, and sells.
But, no, I did not go to Starbucks after my meeting.
If we were having coffee, I would complain about that woman at my office gym locker room one more time (I promise). I’ve shown you how she takes up all the space,
and how she claims a shower and leaves it running while she works out,
but hadn’t yet been able to show how she takes up all the sinks too.
Her towels <–> her stuff <–> more of her stuff .
That’s a glimpse of me in the mirror. I’m keeping my public shaming anonymous. 😉
Speaking of bathrooms, if we were having coffee I’d tell you about the fancy sink I encountered on my recent trip through O’Hare.
soap dispenser <–> faucet <–> air dryer
But I still prefer paper towels!
Speaking of O’Hare, I lucked out on both my flights in completely different ways. On my way to Chicago for my conference, I had the whole row to myself and the row in front of me was completely empty. I guess mid-afternoon Saturday is not peak flying time.
I wore my new Mizunos for some Chicago running.
On my way home, I was able to switch to an earlier flight without paying a change fee. I got a window seat in the very last row of a completely full plane, but I also got home an hour earlier than expected–and 5 hours earlier than I would have on my originally flight which got even more delayed.
I’m joining the Friday Five link up at Running On Happy and Fairytales and Fitness.
What would you tell me over coffee?
Do you have Monday off? (I don’t)
Friday Coffee Date — yeah or nay?
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What a great month! So great about the flight!
It was so nice for a change!
Happy Anniversary! We just celebrated our 30th as well!
I do think it’s creepy how much FB and Google knows about us. I was looking at stuff on Zulily yesterday and guess what ads popped up on FB this morning?
What’s funny is that our work servers are in Milwaukee, so I often get served ads about Milwaukee stores.
Happy anniversary. You have 10 years on me but then again it’s my second.
Another reason not to go to a gym.
Only kidding. I may change my insurance in November and join the Y.
It is though, a hassle about sharing space when people aren’t considerate.
So THAT’s where all the emptyish flights are. All of mine recently have been so full they bribe people to give up their seat. Not fun. Wow that lady is a piece of work. Happy Anniversary! I had no idea 30 was Pearl. Love the mugs! Yay for Friday coffee!
Yes, I’m usually on overfull flights too. This plan was SO empty. Thanks for joining in for coffee!
Yeah, the FB ads are kind of scary. Yay for getting home early. I thought about trying to do that last Sunday, but instead embraced the quiet of the airport to get some work done LOL.
Hmm, must have been a small airport. An extra hour at O’Hare would NOT have been quiet!
I just ordered new running shoes the other day…and as soon as I headed back to Facebook, there was an ad from the Brooks site enticing me to buy more 😉 Congrats on the 30 years! We just celebrated 28 years (in August) and got married right out of college.
Yep, Facebook knows all of your shopping habits!
Happy 30th wedding anniversary! If I could do it over I would have gotten married earlier in life too!
That lady in the gym cracks me up. It really is her own world there isn’t it?
It was a great decision in retrospect. 😉
Friday coffee date yay!
I would complain about gym woman hog. I’m sure others are ticked off by here. Everyone feels so entitled these days, it seems. Sigh. Definitely a pet peeve.
Hooray for getting home earlier and having a row to yourself is pretty darn sweet, too.
Happy anniversary! Yes, we married young & will celebrate 33 years this month. Only the cool kids get married in Oct. 🙂
October is a great month for weddings! I seem to be the only person lucky enough to be in the locker room at the same time ….
maybe you should leave an anonymous note to your gym friend or just starting spreading your stuff all over too and see what she does. 🙂 Happy anniversary!
True. If I could get there first, I could spread out ….
Happy anniversary! Our 30th is on October 15th. Sounds like 1988 was a good year for several of us bloggers! It’s so nice to get those random treats like empty seats and gratis flight changes when you travel!
Happy almost-anniversary to you! It’s amazing how many of got married around the same time. No wonder we have so much else in common.
I heard that about millennials too. My parents married young and celebrated their 38th anniversary back in May. Congrats on yours.
Congrats to your parents!
The fact that she turns on the shower while she works out just blows my mind!
Happy Anniversary! My husband and I are also celebrating this month – 26 for us!
More October celebrations!
Congrats on 30 years!!! As someone who has only been married 10 years, I know it’s not always a picnic, and being married/happy is a choice.
Speaking of choices… I think you need to choose to just LET GO of the frustration you feel about the woman in the locker room. It’s not worth it! She’s going to do her thing no matter how you feel about it.
I really do need to let go, but it’s hard when she takes up ALL THE SPACE and I do need to get ready too.
Happy anniversary to you! We are closing in on 12, and it’s been fabulous so far!
that locker room lady is a piece of work. I would probably just start shoving her stuff over.
I need to figure out something! I hate confrontation though ….
Happy Anniversary! My hubby and I started early, too. That way, we are empty-nesters while we are still relatively young. Gotta love that!
Grrr… to the locker room woman. I usually have the locker room almost all to myself at the gym, since I can go at oddball times and there are 2 locker rooms. I go to the one without the sauna, the older one, so it is also less used.
Score on the plane trips!
Yes, it is nice to be empty-nesters so young, although I think I would have been a more mellow parent when I was a bit older. 😉
Yes, me too!
Those darn Millenials. My husband and I did things reverse too and we are half way to your 30th. Happy Anniversary. Vwry cute mugs!
Thanks! My Mom always finds special gifts.
Happy Anniversary! 30 years is quite a milestone!! I would let it go about the woman…I still can’t believe she leaves a shower running while she works out!!
Thanks. 30 years and counting! 😉 I do need to figure out how to cope and let it go.
Happy anniversary! You were a child bride!!!
Do you know who the woman is? I’d turn her in to the gym staff! Maybe they could confiscate all of her way over priced crap. The shower thing is too much! That or maybe someone could “accidentally” spill her things everywhere!!
Yes, luckily they didn’t card me for the honeymoon suite. 😉 I think I need to move her c@p aside next time …
A brewery in Leesburg that we visited this summer has those same fancy sinks and it took me a second to figure it out. It slows things down, though, because the next person has to wait for you to finish drying your hands before they can use the sink.
Wow, that lady sure does take up a lot of space… and running the shower while she works out? You should just turn her water off. She’s being extremely wasteful. 🙁
Thanks for the linkup!
….what is wrong with this gym lady and has she ever heard of consideration?! o_o
I need your flight luck! My last flight got delayed to the point where I had to sleep over at the airport when I finally got back home because all the trains had stopped running! :[
Happy anniversary! That is a great accomplishment!! Cheers to many more!
Wow, that lady would drive me up a wall! I would just move it out of the way! LOL
Ads are SO creepy! Sometimes I am just thinking about something and an ad appears!
Last summer I was talking to my dad about my Amazon account while we were having dinner and 2 days later I got an email from them about my account. CREEPY!!!!