Can you believe this is the last full week of January? Our winter weather has been relatively mild so far, but we still could face cold weather in February and March–and I wouldn’t mind a snow day or two. Whether the weather is warm or cold, I have added a running warm up to my routine, and hope it will help keep me injury-free as I train for the NYC Half.

Dynamic Running Warm Up
Last week I attended an injury prevention seminar put on by MedStar Sports Medicine in conjunction with the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run. One of the topics was the benefits of a dynamic running warm up. Several studies have shown that dynamic warm ups can improve performance, and some studies suggest that they can reduce the risk of injury too.
The physical therapists who led the program suggested spending about 15 minutes doing a variety of exercises that involve movement in all planes, such as:
- front/side leg swings
- knee circles/hurdlers
- calf raises
- arm circles
- walking lunges
- high knees/butt kicks
- skipping/bounding
- running backwards
They emphasized that your warm up should get your heart rate up and even cause you to break a sweat. I’ve only been spending about 5 minutes on my dynamic running warm up, so I need to incorporate more moves to follow their advice.
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Weekly Wrap
Speaking of workouts,
here’s my recap for
the Weekly Wrap Link Up
hosted by Holly and Tricia
and the Winter Training Log Link Up hosted by Courtney.
Monday: Orange Theory Fitness
Class was smaller than usual due to the holiday, so we did a mini circuit with 4 X 1/4 mi run // 400 m row. After the “fastest mile” challenge last week, I knew I had to push my pace on the 1/4 mile segments, and so I did them at 8.0 mph.
Tuesday: Strength Training at home
(Hips + Core III from Quick Strength For Runners)
Wednesday: Cyclebar
Thursday: Strength Training at home (Hips + Core IV from QSFR)
Friday: 12 mile run
This was my first long run of my NYC Half training plan. The running felt easy, but afterwards everything hurt. Luckily after some stretching, foam rolling, and putting my feet up, I felt OK by the end of the day.
The lovely sunrise reminded me that the sun WILL come out tomorrow,
no matter who’s in the White House …
Saturday: Revolve
Although I had run Friday in the hope that the weather would cooperate for a bike ride on Saturday, when we woke up to damp and dreary weather I decided to head to Revolve. Since the class I wanted to take didn’t start until 10:30, I also did a mash-up of the two QSFR workouts I had done Tuesday and Thursday. Yowzie!
Sunday: Hot Power Fusion at Core Power Yoga
As much as I love the Vinyassa flow of CPY2, the Hot Power Fusion class is growing on me. I think the emphasis on standing balance poses and longer time spent in poses like half pigeon are improving my strength and flexibility.
Do you do a warm up before you run?
Have you tried different styles of yoga?
Nice week! I don’t often warm up before I run but I always do when I play soccer. You’d think I would have learned by now how important it is for any sport you do to warm up properly. This is something I need to work on.
I bet your soccer warm-up would work for a run — or does it include running laps like we did in high school? 😉
I will have to try the HPF class again it was way too hot last time I did it. I used to do all of those warmups and I kind of don’t anymore but probably should
It is hotter than CPY2, but since you aren’t moving as much I’ve been ok.
I did warm-ups for almost all of my training runs last fall, but have gotten a bit lax on them lately. Of course, most of my runs right now are easy-paced (it is my off-season, after all LOL), so I’m not doing anything too strenuous. But, I know I still need to incorporate proper warm-ups for EVERY run. It’s a tough habit to keep!
I’m always pressed for time. Although my dog walks took longer than 15 minutes, I’d rather run another mile than do a longer warm-up — but that’s where science would say I’m not making the right choice.
I always love a good dynamic warm-up! So important before digging in for the important miles! Great tips!
I do a few marching steps, lunges, leg swings, butt kicks, etc. but probably spend less than five minutes on it. I’m usually while I’m waiting on my watch to sync with the satellite. What a pretty sunrise you captured. That was your reward for a great long run! 🙂 Thanks for linking, Coco!
They suggested 20 reps of each move, so maybe you could work up to that. :-0
I may skip post-run stretching sometimes but I’m pretty religious about doing my dynamic warmup, which is a sequence of things pulled from a variety of disciplines including running, Tae Kwon Do and skating. Whatever works, right?
Good for you! I’ll have to follow your example.
Wow, good for you for getting up to 12 miles in your training cycle already! I have a feeling I’m gonna be behind in this training cycle like I was much of the last one.
I need to do better at warming up before a run!
I think I’m ahead because of my friend’s aggressive plan. She’ll be doing some 14s that I will not join her for!
yoga retreat
yoga retreat
we need us a YOGA RETREAT!!! <3
If you plan it, I will come.
I don’t warm up before I run–I always figure my first mile (or 2) are my warm up!!
Yep, the sun will come up every morning, unless Trump figures out a way to stop it. Alternative facts…
LOL. I also fear what could happen if he cuts the national park service budget. He did “spank” them for re-tweeting that crowd photo (banned them from tweeting!).
When I had a coach, I used to warm up but not I’m pretty lazy and short on time. I count walking up my holly driveway my “warm up” lol. Hope you have a great week!
Yeah, I feel pressed for time too. I’m sure a few minutes is better than none!
I do do a dynamic warmup that includes some of those exercises (but not all), but I runfess sometimes when I’m strapped for time I skip it. Usually I’m pretty good about it, though.
Hey, 12 miles is a lotta miles! I’m a little intimidated by my 15 k this weekend . . .
Walking the dogs is slooooow. So I’ll do it for a cooldown, but not for a warmup!
When TL was healthy, she kept a brisk pace. 15K is a fun distance, but it’s no joke!
I was really good about my running warmups when I was working with Coach Suz, but I haven’t been doing them lately. I really need to get back to that to prevent injury!
Oooh, this is something I don’t really think about much. I walk a bit before I run but that is about all my prep.
Give it a try and see if you notice a difference!
I am actually not very good at warming up but I try to take my time to cool down after my long rides.
I’m really not good at either! As soon as I’m done I hit the shower and head for the coffee pot!
You’re off to a great start if you’re already doing a 12 mile run! I use to be so much better about doing a dynamic warm-up before running, but honestly I’ve felt so pinched for time lately that the warm-up is practically non-existent. I need to get back at it!
I feel the same way! As for my long run, since I won’t be able to do one this weekend, I wanted to get it under my belt.
I used to never warm up before runs. Then I was very diligent about it. But now I never do because I found with my hypermobility I would often end up injuring myself by overextending even when I didn’t mean to. #hotmess
Hah! Yes, as with everything, you have to take the general advice and modify it for your own needs.
Wow good luck on your NYC half marathon training. I didn’t get in this year. I am hoping next year.
I got lucky! I hope the weather is lucky too!
If it’s super cold, I do A’s and B’s (high knees and back kicks) indoors to get warmed up!
Yes, I’ve been doing my warm-up in my kitchen!
Maybe I should incorporate the warm-up into my routine? I have been injured before and really hope I can stay injury free this go-around for my next marathon.
Do you know Karen from Fit In France? She did two marathons last year and was injury free the whole year and was very diligent with her warm-ups!
I really don’t warm up before running. When I run with my husband, he always does a warm up and it makes me so edgy and off kilter LOL. It’s probably a big mistake on my part, but it’s just what my body feels at this time.
I’ve done a few different types of yoga. I like vinyasa the best, but I can appreciate the benefits of a good hatha class, as well.
The CPY2 class is more vinyassa flow, and that is what got me hooked, but now I’m ready to accept the slower class too!
My warm up is not the best! Drinking coffee, getting my sports bra on and a little stretching and I am usually out the door! 🙂
Depending on the sports bra, that can be a workout in itself. 🙂
I’m not good about warming up but I always try and take my first mile as a warm up. I am getting much better about stretching post run! I love your pic from this weekend – you are right, the sun will still rise. Although it’s been pretty dark in DC this weekend – where is the sun??
The weather has been pretty gloomy! It fits the mood, eh?
I’m horrible about doing a warm up – I tend to just take my first mile slower. Love your weekend pic!
Some great tips, and I need to try those exercises. I didn’t know you were supposed to do a full 15 minutes of the routine…good to know! Currently I do a few minutes of dynamic stretching, then take the first 10 minutes slow.
I’m guessing the studies showed a difference with a 15 minute warm-up, but I’m sure something is better than nothing.
A great week! Im quite bad when it comes to remembering to warm up before running! I certainly notice a difference in my running when I have and when I haven’t!
I am guilty of not warming up before running, I’ll do a little stretch routine but on some weekday training runs I’ll just slowly increase my speed.
I really need to get in a routine of this!
They really discouraged static stretching before a run, but said it can be helpful afterwards.
My dynamic warmup is about 5 minutes too, then I just want to get to the running… whoops.
Great warm up list! My PT also said to do sideways lunges/side lunges. Great way to warm up the inner thighs and glutes!
I always try to at least do lunges, as you said in all planes 🙂 Especially if it’s an AM run when I need to warm up a bit more!
Yes, I usually run first thing in the morning, and a warm up is essential!