It’s hard to believe that when I first started blogging I really didn’t like yoga. Even now, it’s not my favorite non-running activity, but I appreciate how it makes me feel, and sometimes I even enjoy doing it. So, I am as surprised as anyone at how much I loved the hot yoga class I took with Cynthia and Mar last week, and how much effort I made to get the most out of my week of free classes at CorePower Yoga.

Monday: I started my week with a strength workout at home, doing one of the workouts from Laura’s Runner’s Reset that focus on single-leg moves. After work, I checked out a 5:30 hot yoga class at CorePower Yoga and loved everything about it. The timing worked out well–I left my office @ 5, and got to the studio with time to spare–and time to find my zen on the mat before class started.
Tuesday: The sidewalks along my neighborhood running route were still buried in snow that the snowplows dumped on them, so I opted for a run on the cleared paths of Washington, D.C. I didn’t plan on taking pictures, but I couldn’t resist paying tribute to President Lincoln the morning after the Iowa Caucuses.
Was he contemplating the state of our country or enjoying his view?
It was too cold to wait for the sunrise,
but I took a moment to enjoy this glimmer of pink.
Wednesday: This was my crazy day. I went to an indoor cycling class at 6:00 am, snuck out for a hot yoga class at noon, took the train to New York City at 3:00, and walked from Penn Station to Grand Central Station (where my hotel was). My Vivosmart doesn’t give me credit for spinning or yoga, but I logged over 12,000 steps despite sitting on a train for 3 hours.
Thursday: I set my alarm for 5:00 and did a strength routine in the hotel gym. I had it to myself from 5:15 until about 5:50, when three others trickled in. I couldn’t help but wonder if they had set their alarms for 5:30 or 5:45?
The early bird gets to use all the weights!
Friday: I was going to take a rest day, but after reading Sherry’s post with great reasons to workout in the morning, I decided to do one round of my new core workout. Of course, once I started, I didn’t want to quit, so I added a few more exercises and stretches to counteract all the time I spent sitting on the train on Thursday night.
Saturday: With the hilly Reston Ten Miler less than a month away, I decided to do my long run on the rolling hills of the Mount Vernon Trail south of Old Town. As I was driving in to the park the sunrise grabbed my attention, so instead of starting on the bike path, I explored Dyke Marsh path out to the water. Here is just one of the many pictures I took. Watch for a photo-centric post in days ahead!
I was planning on running 10 miles, but the out-and-back threw off my calculations, and I ended up running 10.7 miles.
My mile split times from my Garmin 225 and the heart rate data from my new Garmin Vivosmart HR (yes, I wore one on each wrist!) reflect all those photo stops.
I’m pleased with the relatively steady heart rate for miles 2-10.7.
Sunday: As much as I will suck it up and run in just about any weather, I want it to be sunny and at least in the upper 40s before I will ride my bike outside in the winter. Since the weather had different plans on Sunday, I opted for a 45 minute Real Ride class at Revolve.
Enjoying Hot Yoga
So, about that hot yoga. There are so many reasons why I should not like the classes at CorePower Yoga. First, I don’t like being hot when I workout. I rarely wear two full layers to run outside, and I have walked out of gyms that felt warm. Second, the classes are a full hour. Of yoga. How can my monkey-mind settle down for that long?
Chilling Out On The Mat Before Class
But instead of hating the heat, I find that entering the warm, humid room helps me leave my cares behind and let my stress melt away. And the Vinyassa flow classes I’ve been taking move so quickly that there isn’t time to be bored. Plus, I am enjoying learning and experiencing the new-to-me poses too much to wonder when we will be done.
Unlike Carla, I don’t like taking a break in the middle of my day–I find it too hard to get back into the groove–but I think hot yoga could be a good transition between my workday and my evenings. The 5:30pm class lets me put in a full day of work, and by the time it ends the worst of rush hour traffic usually is over, so there’s a low risk that I will lose my zen to road rage. 😉
Is there an activity or exercise that’s grown on you?
Have you tried a hot yoga class?
I was at core power again today too love how it makes me feel. You were a rock star this week! I forgot how hilly that Reston course is my hamstrings were so tight today. Have a great week
Oh, maybe we could do a weekend class together!
That sunrise was stunning! That is one of the reasons I look forward to Spring, I seem to see the best sunrises that time of year 🙂
I have never tried hot yoga, maybe I will be like you and change. I have thought about trying poses at the gym, but never do lol
Nice job on the 10 miler.
I love running in the morning, I miss it! I can’t seem to make myself get out of bed for anything else.
I’m not a hot yoga person. I love yoga and I don’t want to sweat while I”m doing it. Plus lately I’ve been having hot flashes and that’s the last thing I want to do while I’m on the mat!
I have not tried hot yoga, and have always assumed that I’d hate the heat. Perhaps I’m wrong, too.
Ypu have had a very busy week. Tell me what did you do on your 3 hour train ride. Are you able to read? I can’t read a paper or magazine but sometimes looking at my phone is ok. I’ve never been to a hot yoga session. Are most classes that long? I bet I would enjoy it though. I’m do get to attend my sessions with my gym trainer during the day. It allows me to squeeze in a little activity during work. Thanks for linking up with us Coco! Have a good week!
Oh, I am able to work on my laptop on the train. It was harder to make myself do on the way home Thursday night because I was so tired, but I didn’t really want to fall asleep!
I LOVE me some hot Vinyasa since it’s only an hour and not 90 minutes.
REGARDLESS I need to stop giving that lip service and just get there.
Now 90 minutes would be too long. She says.
I am obsessed with hot yoga (it’s the only kind of yoga I do, except for minor stretching), and Core Power Yoga is one of my favorite studios. I feel so strong and rejuvenated after! That sunset picture is so beautiful.
Thanks! I’m so glad Cynthia suggested it or I never would have tried it!
Hot Yoga was suggested to me by my trainer on Saturday, but like you, I am reluctant to go for my first time. Yoga has grown on me as well and I actually did a Jillian Michaels Yoga DVD at home yesterday. I’m excited to read your post with all the photos from your long run. The one you shared with the sunrise is gorgeous.
I am so not a yoga girl in general and the couple of times I took hot yoga, I could not stand being that sweaty. Glad you are finding a nice way to wind down your day though. I think that’s awesome. And woohoo for missing part of rush hour.
First off, great job with all your workouts over the past week. I need to remember to do some of Laura’s workouts and squeeze them in! I love hot yoga! I couldn’t imagine doing it in the middle of the day (we have a class at work that’s vinyasa but not heated), I used to enjoy it on Sunday mornings. I also love it when I’m the only one in the gym.
Great job last week! Thanks for linking to my post!! 🙂 I like your pics! I haven’t tried hot yoga yet but sounds like a great experience.
I love me some hot yoga and am trying to incorporate into my life more often.
Congrats on an amazing week! I didn’t think I’d like hot yoga, either, but it really does do wonders for those tired, achy muscles! I enjoy being the only person at the office or gym because then I can get everything done without distractions. =)
CHILLING with HOT yoga? You are sending me mixed signals. Sheesh!
Dyke Marsh looks like a wonderful place.
I never thought I would like yoga either but it slowly sucks you right in. I don’t know about hot yoga, this is Florida I think most of our classes are hot 🙂 I love the pics you get when your run and look at you tracking that HR- impressive!
I haven’t been to hot yoga in ages. But I really loved it when I went. It’s so relaxing and a great way to end a day I agree.
I’ve never tried a hot yoga class – the 90+ degree room kind of intimidates me. But the old yoga studio I used to go to had a warm class that was heated to 80 degrees which I enjoyed and seemed to be a nice middle ground for me 🙂
I used to be more into yoga than I am now. I am going to try to start getting in a class at least once a week, though to help increase my mobility. I tried hot yoga once and while I actually enjoyed the sweltering room, the class I went to was 90 minutes, which is just too long in my opinion.
I’ve not tried hot yoga, but I do like regular yoga. I just need to figure out how to fit it in!
Your run times are good and I have yet to try hot yoga.
Love yoga, love hot temperatures, yet I am somehow scared of trying hot yoga. You might have convinced me, though. Thank you!
I prefer working out in the morning, at least if I run. A lunch session can do if I am working from home, else I hate having to shower a second time in a day. I haven’t tried hot yoga. I love yoga but hot yoga doesn’t appeal to me. Having said that… I haven’t tried it.
You had a great week, even with travel thrown in in the mix. I have not tried hot yoga but am definitely open to it. A weekend class would work best for me. That is a stunning sunrise picture! I wear both of my devices too — Fitbit HR on the left and Garmin 225 on the right. I’m very impressed by the consistency of your HR! Thanks for linking with us Coco.
yoga has grown on me as well! I recently found an app called Downward Dog, it’s free and it’s awesome. It gives me a new workout every time I use it! I’m surprised it’s free! I like being able to set it for 20,30,40 or 60 minute workouts at my leisure, in my own home. I’ve been doing it every Sunday and/or Monday.
Sounds like a great app. I’m pretty sure I’d always pick the 20 min option given a choice like that.
I’ve never tried hot yoga I think because I overheat so easily when I workout. I can’t wrap my head around being in a room where they’re intentionally dialing up the heat.
I always love your photos! Have a great week!
I used to despise yoga. However, I’ve come to terms with it, and can even enjoy it a little bit.
Hot yoga is a big fat no for me. I have low blood pressure, and when I get overheated, it doesn’t end well. I know people love it, but it’s just not for me. So glad you found it relaxing and are going to be able to fit it into your schedule.
Yeah, if you have a health condition that makes hot yoga risky, there’s plenty of other ways to get your zen on. 😉
You killed it this week!! I am extremely jealous! Def can’t wait to start exercising again!
I enjoy hot yoga, but haven’t been to a class yet this year because our studio is SO packed. It’s anything but relaxing when it’s so tight in there. Lovely views and sunrise!
Oh, interesting. I think the lunch time classes are busier than the evening ones, but I’ve only been to a few. Stressing over where to squeeze in your mat would be counter-productive!
Awesome job on all your workouts!!! I have been doing yoga for a few years, and am finally starting to actually like it LOL (I have always like the results of it, but the actual “act” of it not so much). I’m not sure if hot yoga would be a good move for me or not…. Everyone raves about it! 😉
I’ve been hearing good things about Core Power Yoga, and I think I want to check out their Bethesda location. I haven’t done hot yoga in almost two years, but maybe I can get over the weird smell and give it another go? I really liked the way I felt afterwards, even though I (like you) don’t like to be sweaty. I thought I was the only athlete who felt that way! Go figure!
OK, now I’m going to be sniffing the air the next time I go – is the smell from the moisture they add to make it humid?
It sounds like you had an awesome week of workouts! Those sunrise pictures look so gorgeous. And I love vinyasa yoga classes – they are a perfect workout and a great de-stressor too!
I love morning workouts and hot yoga. I rarely to to a yoga class that is non heated.
I totally agree about the hot yoga. I hate being hot too, but for some reason love hot yoga. I don’t mind being drenched in sweat. Same with my spin classes (obviously not hot in the room lol bt I don’t mind being drenched in sweat). An hour of yoga does sound like a lot until you start doing it, then it flies by!
What an awesome week you had! I tried hot yoga once many years ago but never went back, I am planning on joining a new gym and they have hot yoga, so now I may try it again!
I love doing yoga when I”m consistent with it. I went back to my first class in like 3 months last week and boy, if you don’t use it you lose it! I’ve never done hot yoga before but I’m not sure I would like it. I hate saunas as I start to feel very claustrophobic. That is how I would expect to feel in hot yoga…would you agree?
I’ve done hot yoga once, and I agree that there is something about the warmth that puts me at ease. I wish I had given it more than one shot though, because I found myself getting way to antsy and my mind wandering.
I love that you are loving yoga!! I have to admit that I’m not a big fan of hot yoga because I just don’t like it that hot but I do like a heated room, if that makes sense. And that sunrise! So gorgeous!
Hope to see you at a class one day! I’m happy they are opening another location close to my office (likely cant go during lunch) in City Center (and another Flywheel).