Sliding Into September

Happy Labor Day Weekend! With the holiday coming at the end of the first week of September, I feel like the month has snuck up on me and already is flying by.

Sliding Into September Graphic

Did you check out all the fun Labor Day Weekend Coffee Date posts? 

Sliding Into September

Six days into September, and I am pleased to report that I am doing well with my September goals. The hip-opening yoga series is offered by a local yoga studio (via Zoom), and I’ve mostly been attending the classes live. It cuts into my morning social media time, but I’ve found it really nice to be welcomed with a personal greeting. I guess it’s little things like that I’m missing most.

September Goals

Core: Daily
Strength for Runners: W/F/S
Upper Body Strength: M/Th
Hip-Opening Yoga: Daily

After a summer of daily core workouts and frequent strength for runners workouts, I can definitely say my efforts are paying off. Yesterday doing marching hip bridges I was able to keep my hips up and steady without too much effort. While I’m still making concessions to my ITB by maxing out my treadmill incline at 3%, it’s no longer nagging at me. It’s another way that little things can add up.

Weekly Run Down

We were promised good weather this week, and it finally arrived for the weekend. Earlier in the week it got a bit cooler, but the humidity stayed so high it was hard to notice. I’m still playing with my morning routine. On days I didn’t take Scooby for a run, I made sure we went on a full one mile walk.

Monday: 45 min Peloton Strength + 1 mile walk with Scooby
After Sunday’s long bike ride, my legs needed a break. I did a 20 min core workout and two upper body workouts before taking Scooby for a walk during this gorgeous sunrise.

August 31 Sunrise

Tuesday: 60 min Peloton Bootcamp + 10 min core + 1 mile walk
I woke up to pouring rain so I started my day and the month with Jess Sims’ birthday bootcamp.  Before braving her birthday listening games and plank party, I woke up with a core workout and did a quick 5 min pre-run warm up.

I definitely was dripping doughnut glaze on the floor
(her nice name for sweat)

Wednesday: 20 min Strength For Runners + 10 min core + 3.15 Scooby Miles

Scooby selfie

Thursday: 25 min Upper Body Strength + 10 min core + 3.35 Scooby Miles
I added a leg to my usual 5K loop so I could do the last two HIIT intervals of my a Peloton Outdoor HIIT run on flat road. It was fun pushing my pace outside, and Scooby kept up even when he wasn’t chasing squirrels. Scooby by the sports field

Friday: 20 min Strength For Runners + 30 min Peloton Treadmill
Scooby was eager to go out, so I took him for a walk at dark o’clock and then ran on the treadmill. This progression run was hard–holding increasing paces for 5 min, and then inching up the pace every minute for the last 4 minutes–but definitely paid off in endorphins. I finished off my legs with my second 20 min strength for runners class of the week.

treadmill selfieSaturday: 6.3 Scooby miles + 10 min core + 10 min Strength For Runners
One advantage (?) of better sleep habits is that I wake up before my alarm ready to start my day. To pass the time until daylight, I did a 10 min core workout and a 10 min strength for runners workout before taking Scooby on a run. I really wanted to go for 8 miles, but knew I should save something for an after-breakfast bike ride.

scooby selfie with Black Lives Matter signNot as many rainbows in my neighborhood as Judy’s,
but this is in a prominent location.

+ 25 mile bike ride
After coffee, yoga, and breakfast, my legs were ready for a bike ride. We explored a neighborhood that had a few more hills than we were expecting, but the weather was so nice we didn’t mind.

cycling selfie

Sunday: 4 mile hike + 10 min core
We got an early start to beat the crowds to Great Falls National Park, and even got there early enough to do the falls overlook trail without encountering too many others.

Great Falls National Park Maryland

After that we hiked in the woods for 4+ miles.

great falls selfie

We chose the Gold Mine Trail instead of the more popular Billy Goat Trail, and not just because I fractured my foot the last time we did the Billy Goat Trail!

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up. It’s always great for motivation and encouragement, but now it’s especially important for distance socializing. We may be physically apart, but we are in this together!

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26 Responses to Sliding Into September

  1. Marcia says:

    I feel like the entire year is sliding by! Who’d ever have imagined we’d still be doing this pandemic thing with really no end in sight? Yoga for hips sounds perfect!

    • Coco says:

      I certainly did not imagine this! There’s an article today saying we’ll be lucky if new cases stay at the current level (instead of falling off) because people are too fatigued to be more cautious and winter is coming. I need to see if Cyclebar will freeze my account for another 3 months ….

  2. therightfits says:

    Quite a full week with all the things! The hiking looks amazing. Fall is the best season!

  3. Part of the rainbows here is that there was an initiative for the kids to draw them back in the spring. I still spy a new one every once in a while!

    Those falls look amazing! It’s hard for me to get Mr. Judy moving early, plus Lola pretty much won’t eat before about 8 am (sometimes even later). So it’s hit & miss what we can actually find parking space for when we do venture out, but by going on Friday it wasn’t very crowded.

    That’s great (and a really good sign) that you’re waking up easier!

    • Coco says:

      Scooby’s always ready for his breakfast! When we were going to work he’d eat at 5 am some days! I was surprised my husband was ready so early, but he’ll get up to beat traffic 😉

      • Lola was always ready for breakfast when she was younger, too. She turns 15 in November though, and in the last year or so she simply won’t eat much early (even though she’s healthy).

        My husband would probably get up to beat traffic too! He hates traffic.

  4. kookyrunner says:

    Awesome job this week on all of your workouts! You’ve off to such a great start on your September goals. Starting off the day with yoga sounds so relaxing too!

  5. I agree, September is really sliding fast…only one week into it. Scooby is such a trooper 🙂 We’re working with Max on building his endurance back. He’s walking fine, but still 3-legged running on occasion. Congrats on a great week!

    • Coco says:

      There’s a reason I tag my runs with him as “Scooby miles” — he makes a lot of random stops even after he’s taken care of business. It’s annoying sometimes, but he also keeps me going.

  6. Wendy says:

    I’m glad your ITB is letting you be more active. My son has been running and he just developed ITB pain. Poor guy!

    Looks like a great week.

  7. Another busy week for you! Really hope you enjoy the hip opening series. I am almost finished and really seeing a lot of improvement

  8. We went to a close-by National Park this week, and it was really busy! We didn’t bring our masks along when we were hiking, but when we got out there on the trails I felt like the odd man out by not wearing one! That’s a good thing I guess. Good job on all of the workouts this week!

    • Coco says:

      You definitely have to get to the parks early around here. When we left @ 10 there was a loooong line of cars waiting to get in. I think 80% of people on the trail had masks. I was annoyed at people who didn’t, but remembered I don’t wear one when I run, so …. 😛

  9. Lisa says:

    The cooler weather this weekend was so nice! I agree, earlier this week the humidity was still pretty bad. Hopefully this weather will stick around for awhile.

  10. Cari says:

    I’m with you on the September slide. Then again I blinked and missed summer. Yay on a solid week and relief from the IT Band
    The mask dance, ugh. Was reminded yesterday why I need to go out earlier because running with it isn’t pleasant, but it was too peoply, especially on the narrow bridge trail.

  11. Ugh, how is it already September?

    Doughnut glaze? Ha, I love that.

    ITB injuries suck. Glad now it is behaving.

  12. I love all the mix of workouts you did from yoga to running to cycling to hiking! Well done! I start a 7 day yoga workshop via zoom today. Nervous but also excited!

  13. Michelle D. says:

    So good to hear your ITB is staying quiet! Looks like you’re off to a great start on your September goals…really how is it September already?!

  14. runswithpugs says:

    Happy September! I love that Scooby gets so much activity. We took Luna to the beach on Sunday, and she loved it. I have to get her barking under control so she can join us on more adventures.

    Great job with your hikes!

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