The Art Of Physical Therapy For Runners

As I complete my fourth week of physical therapy, I am impressed by the knowledge and skill of my physical therapist. As runners, many of us have learned the hard way that just because your left knee hurts doesn’t mean your left knee is the only body part that needs treatment. A weak core, inactive glutes, and tight calves have been at the root of my running injuries that manifested with pain somewhere else.  

Physical therapy for runners
Physical therapists know how complicated our body mechanics are (most have Ph.D.s), and design treatment programs tailored to a patient’s specific issues and goals. While I am being treated for a relatively minor injury, my Mom has a much harder PT program to get her walking and climbing stairs again after she broke her hip.

The Art Of Physical Therapy For Runners

My PT is leading me through a stretching and strengthening program designed not only to quiet my PF, but to also address other body mechanics issues that may have contributed to my PF in the first place. That’s why my physical therapy program includes side steps, monster walks, bridges, and other exercises that target my hips and glutes. Last week she took a video of me running on the treadmill and may add different exercises after she analyzes it for hip rotation and the angles my legs, ankles, and feet make with each stride. 

Here are a few of the key exercises I focused on this week–made more artful with the fun Prisma app. 

Basic Foot Stretch

Physical Therapy - Foot Stretch

This stretch gets really uncomfortable towards the end of the 30-45 second holds.

Banded Marching Glute Bridge

Physical Therapy - glute bridge

At my second appointment this week, my PT changed this exercise to a figure four glute bridge with a 10 second hold for each rep — that hold makes all the difference. Yowzie!

Toe Yoga

Physical Therapy Toe Yoga

Who else needs a block to do toe yoga?!

When my PT learned how inept I am at toe yoga, she immediately added it to my program.

Foam Rolling

Physical Therapy Foam Rolling

No program of physical therapy for runners would be complete without foam rolling. I’ve been focusing on my calves, but during my long run my ITB reminded me that it needs some torture TLC too.

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Weekly Wrap

This week I continued my program of ramping up while holding back.

Monday: Strength training, focusing on my PT exercises + PT in the afternoon

Tuesday: Mardis Gras ride at CycleBar–complete with beads and post-ride King Cake.

Wednesday: Strength training, focusing on my PT exercises.
My first sacrifice of Lent was giving up OTF so I could go to church before work on Ash Wednesday. šŸ™‚ 

Thursday:  6 mile run + PT in the afternoon
As I walked to the end of my street to start my run, I was confused by the sound of water. It had rained over night, but wasn’t raining. Then I saw where that rushing water was coming from. 

I used my phone to look up our water utility and report the water main break. Then I rang the doorbell of this neighbor to let him know he might want to move his car.  

Friday: CPY2 at CorePowerYoga

Saturday: 8.7 mile run
Knowing that I want to do the Reston Ten Miler on March 4, my PT suggested I try an 8 mile run this weekend.  Fingers crossed–it seemed to go well.

The Reston course is hilly, so I’ve been hitting my neihgborhood hills.

I didn’t plan my route very precisely–but the extra 0.7 miles didn’t seem to have any lasting repercussions. I diligently stretched and rolled when I got home, and again later.

Sunday: 21 mile bike ride + PT exercises 
We did the Arlington Loop with an extra lap on the Custis Trail (2.5 mi each way) to get in more hills. I need to work up to the hilly Conte’s route again.

February Custis Trail Ride

So, my running ramp up is going OK, but I’m still playing with my running shoes. I noticed that with my Wave Inspires my right ankle slips a bit, even though I have then laced appropriately. I switched back to my Wave Riders (which are the same size but seem a bit narrower) for this long run, and didn’t notice any slipping. I’m also using the more supportive Green Superfeet in my right shoe, while using my usual Berry on the left. I hesitated to use different inserts in different shoes, but then figured it was sort of like custom inserts — the Green feels good on my right foot, but feels like too much on my left foot. 

This coming week I have a three-city business trip followed by a few days in Colorado visiting my daughter. I’m hoping to fit in at least one short run and one long run, but none of my hotels appear to be convenient to any enticing running routes. 

I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap–join in for motivation and inspiration!

I’m also participating in the Cherry Blossom Training Link Up that Heather is hosting. 


Have you been in physical therapy?

What exercise surprised you by how hard it was?

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44 Responses to The Art Of Physical Therapy For Runners

  1. I could probably benefit from toe yoga myself to keep the PF at bay. Impressed you are out on your bike so early in the season. I am a cold weather wimp on my bike

    • Coco says:

      It was COLD when we started with the wind, but it was 50F and sunny, so once we were on Custis it was nice! I hope to do Conte’s with you this spring. šŸ˜‰

  2. HoHo Runs says:

    A couple of years ago, my PT prescribed hip exercises to cure ITB. It worked like a charm and hasn’t returned (knock on wood). Funny you mention the Wave Inspires. I just received a new pair of 13s and they seem wider/roomier than my 12s. What generation are you slipping around in? Nice job on the 8+ miler and the bike ride. I should have gotten my bike outside today! Thanks for linking.

  3. I’ve never heard of stretching toes before. It’s for PF? I do leg swings a few times per week and these calf raises and lowers (I don’t know what to call it really). I think it helps but who knows. I’m always struck when the PTs are interviewed on podcasts I listen to that they’re really focused on the whole body like you said. They’ll say your hamstring hurts because your core is weak and stuff like that. Makes sense to me.

    • Coco says:

      Yes, the toe stretching is one of the many things I’m doing for PF. The stretch also stretches the PF (that runs from below your toes to your heel). The human body really is amazing.

  4. Wendy says:

    I’ve gotten pretty adept at “broken toe pose” and I do it frequently because PF is starting to chatter. I’m actually sharing it on Runfessions but I am having problems with my Mizunos–same issue you talk about, the ankle slippage. I may need to find a different shoe. Dammit.

  5. After your 8+ miles this past weekend, I say you are definitely ready for that ten miler next weekend. Some cake after cycle this week, can’t beat that! I bet you were happy you attended that day.

  6. Kim G says:

    A good PT is such a great thing for runners. I was lucky that my first experience with a PT was awesome. She was so kind and answered any question I had about the moves, the process, etc. I still use PT moves that I learned 2 years ago to help prevent my IT band injury from coming back.

  7. Lesley says:

    I’ve never heard of toe yoga, and I’m probably bad at it. I still do exercises from my PT two years ago.

  8. Marcia says:

    Sounds like you have an excellent therapist! I’ve been to PT. Some of it excellent, some of it I’d never go back to. My sister is a yoga instructor and does a class just for runners’ feet. It is fascinating.

  9. PT can be so helpful if you get a good therapist – sounds like you have a good one! With that 8 miler I’d say you’re ready for Reston!

  10. I have been known to run around large parking lots. Just sayin’. There have been times it was the only option. Hey, it’s CO, I’ll bet it’ll be beautiful no matter where you run!

    I HATE that sitting back on your toes pose. I know it’s beneficial, so I do do it, but man that’s hard.

    That sounds really good that the 8 miler went well.

    • Coco says:

      I’m glad I’m not the only one who hates that pose! I’m really happy at how well my runs went and hope my week away from PT doesn’t ruin it!

  11. Darlene says:

    When I went to Denver for a conference, I signed up for a CityRunning Tour. it was great – a city tour and a run with a guide (and he was young and cute.)

  12. I have seen a PT off and on for recurring piriformis issues…though, it’s been a couple years since my last visit and things are still feeling good. The first thing she told me was that my piriformis issues were most likely a by-product of something else…and she noticed my right hip was extremely tight. Bingo! šŸ˜‰

  13. Angela says:

    I took pt for my knees years ago but with no avail. Once I started being active, which included a lot of squats my knees are great again! I canā€™t wait for the nice weather to begin riding my bike again!

  14. Kim W says:

    Your PT sounds awesome. I’m glad you are getting answers and tailored exercises for your PF. Good luck with your upcoming challenging week!

  15. I love asking questions at physio….I kinda wish I would have study Kinesiology as I’m so interested in how they body moves and in sports.

  16. Thankfully, Iā€™ve never had to do PT but Iā€™ve had to stretch and foam roll when my IT Band was injured. Your pace is amazing on your runs!

  17. Debbie says:

    I think toe yoga is a great exercise for PF! Be sure to check with your PT before rolling your ITB. It’s my understanding that is contraindicated.

  18. De Bolton says:

    I am also in Physical therapy I have an ankle injury. I am also studying for my NASM Correct Exercise Specialist. Going through rehab and the course together has opened my eyes to the kinetic change. It all starts from the ground up. I am glad you are getting the care and learning so you can run your best/

  19. Clarinda says:

    What is toe yoga? I’m such a slacker when it comes to foam rolling. šŸ™ I get bored. I should try to be better. I do love me some foot stretching, though! Nice job last week. Hope you’re still feeling good after Saturday’s 8-miler!

  20. Adam says:

    Hi, Coco I have finally decided to write to you after reading this article. I am currently studyingĀ the PhD Physical Therapy program as well as write on my own blog (although just started hehe). I also have a bachelors degree in Kinesiology and I am a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Your writing is really inspiring!Ā 
    Just checked in to tell you. Finally stepped out of the shadows of just being an anonymous reader!

  21. It sounds like PT is going well for you. Its always good to have a good relationship with anybody that you have to work with, especially somebody that is trying to help make things better for you. I hope that it continues to go well.

  22. Jenn says:

    This is all fantastic! I love the idea of toe yoga! Our toes surely don’t get enough love!

    I’m so glad to see you getting back out there!

  23. Angela Cardamone says:

    I used to take a class called Yoga for Runners, which was so helpful! I have struggled with PF, but it has not reared it’s ugly head in a while!!

  24. Chaitali says:

    That’s great the 8 miler went well! And good idea to try the different inserts in the shoes. Good luck with the travel this week!

  25. Jessica says:

    So good to know your PT is going well! It’s so helpful to have a knowledgeable professional in your corner when it comes to things like that!

  26. bazyl says:

    Thank you creating this episode the players in this game need to learn some basic ethics!

  27. Great job with your workouts! I am stalking your exercises a bit for PF…I’m worried that it’s developing, ugh! I did a little toe yoga a couple of weeks ago and my feet were sore the next day..I def need to do it more often! Glad you’re making progress with your PT!

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