Lawyers Have Heart At Home

This weekend I ran 10K for the Lawyers Have Heart on my own again. I won’t even call it a virtual race because I didn’t push my pace. I didn’t even plan a 10K route–I just stopped my Garmin at 6.2 miles so I would have a time to enter on the participation page.

Scooby selfie

Yes, I did wear this same top and headband
when I ran the Lawyers Have Heart at home last year

Lawyers Have Heart At Home

As many of you know, I’ve been supporting the American Heart Association through the Lawyers Have Heart event ever since I became a lawyer. At first, I ran to counter the health impacts of my stressful, sedentary lawyer lifestyle. I began fundraising and supporting the educational efforts of the AHA after learning the hard way that even “healthy,” active people are not immune. I ran for my Dad after losing him to sudden heart failure. I ran for my best friend from college after losing her to a heart attack. Last year I ran for all those who contracted Covid-19 and those who are caring for them. This year I ran for Covid-19 survivors–especially those suffering from covid-related heart complications.

Despite the shocking numbers of the coronavirus pandemic, heart disease is still the #1 killer — and is an “underlying condition” that makes many more vulnerable to Covid-19.

Did you know women have more strokes than men?
I shared information on stroke risk factors for women here?

Do you know the different warning signs of heart attack in women?
I shared about them here?

If you want to support the American Heart Association, you can do so via my Lawyers Have Heart fundraising page. Thank you for your support!

Weekly Wrap

My heart felt great this week, but my (undiagnosed) tennis elbow continues to plague me. It’s almost time to make a doctor’s appointment ….

I ran with Scooby Monday (5.3), Wednesday (5.2), Thursday(4.2), Saturday (8.25), and Sunday (3.5). Saturday’s run was so much better than last week–what a difference a “cold front” and cloud cover make!

Weekly running miles: 26.6 (with two days off)

I continued to avoid upper body strength workouts, and focused on bodyweight workouts to minimize the strain on my arm. Friday I stacked two 30 minute Bike Bootcamps — one core focused — to mix things up.

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Sunday turned sunny and was heating up quickly, so we went out for a ride right after church. I’ve got to prepare for a 4:30 pm videoconference this afternoon, so no stop at the brewery!

cycling selfie I’m going to do a Core Power Yoga class as soon I hit publish. 😉

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up.


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25 Responses to Lawyers Have Heart At Home

  1. kookyrunner says:

    Congrats on another year of participating in the Lawyers Have Heart 10K. I love that you do this race every year. I’ve been reading more and more about the health issues that Covid-19 survivors are having and it’s heart breaking 🙁

    Sorry that your tennis elbow is still acting up. I hope that it gets better soon as I know you’ve been dealing with it for a while.

    • Coco says:

      Thanks, Kim. There are two women in my MRTT group who are coping with post-covid cardiac issues. Not severe now, but limiting months after “recovering.” It’s scary!

  2. jenny says:

    So Scooby ran all 26.6 miles with you? What a lucky dog! Hope you’re able to get some answers on that elbow situation.
    Thank you for running for such a good cause, and bringing it to our attention!

  3. Today is nice here, but it a bit warmer than the last couple of days. We finally gave Bandit a much needed bath.

    I’m sorry that your elbow is still bothering. I’ve had that in the past — pretty badly, as a matter of fact. Hopefully it resolves soon.

    Enjoy your Yoga!

  4. therightfits says:

    Scooby had quite a week! What a great pup. So handsome.

    I have read some scary tales of people having post-covid heart issues. So scary.

    Might be time to head to a specialist so you can figure out what’s going on with the tennis elbow! That’s no fun.

  5. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    I hope your elbow starts to improve…such an awkward place for an injury. I had something “off” with one of my forearms (but near the elbow) a while ago…it really made it tough to grip the hand weights for strength workouts. Thank you for all your fundraising work and support for the AHA!

    • Coco says:

      That sounds similar to what I am dealing with. Trying to do things, I feel it in my forearm, but my elbox is sensitive too. Ugh.

  6. I cannot believe that I have never done the actual lawyers have heart race. We always seem to be away. Maybe next year! Way to keep active on a hot and humid week

  7. Wendy says:

    I love that you do this every year! Such a great cause and you really do a good job spreading the word! Stay cool.

  8. Marcia says:

    Thank you for your ongoing support of the AHA. Such a wonderful cause. A friend of ours just died of a heart attack resulting from Covid a few weeks ago. So sad.

  9. Great work on the 10k!! It sounds like a great tradition. And maybe you should make a tradition out of the outfit too!

  10. Lisa says:

    Great job doing the 10k again! Its great that Scooby could run with you so much this week even though it was hot out. Sorry that your elbow it still bothering you!

  11. Cari says:

    Boo on AHA for not allowing decimals to do 26.20. Department of anti fun. So been there with a picture of the watch for a time to submit.
    So many great people lost to heart conditions <3

  12. pie says:

    well done on another edition of Lawyers Have Heart. Maybe next year it’s a real race?

    I’m sad about your pain issues but glad to see you are out on the bike, getting your scooby miles in and doing what you can for upper body. Hopefully some news this week on a recovery plan for you1

  13. Angie says:

    I hope your tennis elbow gets better soon. You don’t realize how it can disrupt stuff you do until you get it. Look at your pup being an awesome runner! My Riley likes to hike, not running so much. He wants to spend his days as a couch dog, me thinks. 🙂

  14. Darlene says:

    Ugh on the elbow. I know that pain I had it from playing tennis.

    Congrats on your race. Hope next year you can run the real one.

    Love your scooby runs. What a great partner.

  15. Great job supporting the AHA! Such an important cause!

    I’m sorry your elbow is still being uncooperative…maybe it’s time to see a doc?

  16. That is great that you support such a great organization. Hopefully next year you can run the real race again. Yes, it is time to see the doctor. Don’t wait any longer. I love how Scooby poses for the pictures. It is like he knows that his photo will be posted on a blog post.

  17. Tennis elbow? I think mine is kayak forearm 🙂 Bummer you are still having issues. Great job on the miles this week for both your and Scooby!!

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