I’ve been so focused on marking one year of staying safer at home, I lost track of the fact that we are one quarter of the way through 2021 until Jenn mentioned it . While 2021 got off to a rough start, it’s calmed down enough that I can spend a moment to take stock of my March milestones.
Are there any four-leaf clovers in there?
Deborah and I will be hosting the April Ultimate Coffee Date next weekend. We’ll open the (link-up) doors Friday April 2nd, and keep the coffee brewing.
March Milestones
Many of my March milestones are pandemic related. Earlier in the month I marked one year since joining Peloton, and last week I marked one year of working from home. I made it nearly one year before using Instacart and more than one year before having dinner delivered–we placed our first Uber Eats order last weekend because I didn’t feeling like dealing with the parking situation at the restaurant we wanted to order from. This week I had my first telemedicine appointment. Apparently my back has had it with my non-ergonomic work-at-home set-up. When ibuprofen, an Epsom salt bath, and a heating pad didn’t help, it was time to try a muscle relaxer. I also got a referral for physical therapy, but the first available appointment isn’t until mid-April ….
That leads me to another milestone this week–my first massage in over a year. I was a good patient and had the massage therapist spend the whole hour on my back and shoulders. My calves and ITB were so jealous–once I’m vaccinated I will go back for some leg work.
Speaking of legs, despite my slow start in January I’m on track with my goal of running 1000 miles this year. My goal of running a spring race may not happen though. Janelle warned me that the Delaware Half may not be an option after all.
Weekly Wrap
My jacked up back didn’t interfere with my running, but it did make me modify some core exercises–lying flat was not an option, but I was fine if I kept my head and shoulders up. I was surprisingly logical and decided not to practice my tripod headstand this week.
Monday: Core + 4.75 Scooby Miles + 10 min Strength For Runners
I accidentally/inadvertently chose the same 45 min Peloton run I had listened to on Saturday, but the intervals were perfect for the particular loop I did. So perfect, I may do it again next week.
Tuesday: Core + Ride + 30 min Strength For Runners
I don’t like HIIT on the bike, but I do like hills, so this format wasn’t too bad. This strength for runners class was a mix of mobility exercises and lower body strength exercises. It was fine, but I’m not sure I’d do it again.
Wednesday: Core + 4.75 Treadmill Miles
It was rainy, so I took my run to the treadmill. Can you guess the pattern of this interval workout from my Garmin data? After the warm-up, there were three 3 min intervals, then six 2 min intervals, then four 1 min intervals, all with 1 min recovery.
Thursday: Core + 3.7 Scooby Miles + 10 min Strength for Runners
The rain was gone, but it was so misty the sidewalks were just as wet. I convinced myself it was warm enough for shorts, but probably could have worn short sleeves too.
Friday: Core + Ride + Upper Body Strength
I was looking forward to Christine D’Ercole’s “The Chicks” ride, and it did not disappoint. CDE is good about not talking too much during artist series classes. I’ve done this 15 min Arms + Shoulders/15 min Chest + Back combo before, and it’s a good one.
Soon I’ll be wearing my new SRTT tank top outside!
Saturday: Core + 9.25 Scooby Miles
It was perfect running weather for my longest run in ages–in the low 50s. Scooby’s pace was more reasonable this week. I felt like I was cruising along versus running hard. My left ankle felt pretty good, but my right ITB was a bit naggy. It’s always something.
Sunday: Core + 2.3 Scooby Miles + 10 min Strength for Runners
The Weather Channel app said it wouldn’t rain for at least another hour and a half–I even checked the radar–but Scooby and I got caught in a downpour and were soaked by the time we got home. I hadn’t budgeted time for drying off a wet dog into my before church schedule, so I may do a longer strength workout later–or I may not.
I guess you can’t really see how wet he is.
Weekly running miles: 25.1
Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up.
Have you had a telemedicine appointment?
Do you have to wait ages for a PT appointment?
I’ve been doing telemedicine with my thyroid doc. It’s been so nice not having to drive there only to have her talk to me. I’ve had such bad experiences with PT (telling me to stop running) that I leave everything up to my sports chiro. He gets me right in. I hope you get some relief for your back!
I haven’t had a good sports chiro in years. At least (not) running itsn’t on the table for this issue.
Well done on Saturday’s long run! And I love seeing Scooby again in all the running photos.
I hope your back will feel better soon (I envy you for that massage!) and that the niggles in ITB will disappear.
How is the Achilles holding up with the increased running?
The Achilles is complaining a bit today. Perhaps if I had a long run that wasn’t hilly too it would be happier, but that’s not where I live!
yes I am a big fan of telemedicine! I’ve been working w a non profit in VA to do social media around telemedicine for the past 6 months. It’s been fun. I have also developed some lower back pain issues. I am not sure if it is from running or ST or sitting. It is super annoying though. I’ve tried every stretch I can think of!
Everything’s connected to the back, so it’s hard to figure out where it’s coming from. I hope you feel better soon.
Ohh a massage sounds awesome right about now!
I haven’t taken any of The Chicks classes yet, but definitely looking forward the the run and cycle classes.
I still need to do the run!
I love telemedicine and hope it sticks around. I’ve used Virtuwell, for a simple diagnosis plus prescription, and done multiple consults for different things before having to actually go in person for a procedure. It’s so convenient! No need to allot for time to drive and park, etc.
Getting caught in downpour is tough, even tougher when its with the pup!
The Chicks ride sounds so fun!
I’ve heard some insurance companies may cut back on reimbursements, but I hope not. It is more efficient and safer for routine issues.
I haven’t had a telemedicine appointment yet but my husband and stepsons have and it’s so convenient. Congrats on your miles! I hurt my back a few weeks ago and thankfully it cleared up right away but it was pretty miserable while it lasted.
My back first flared a few weeks ago, but this time it’s not letting go. Hopefully my multi-pronged approach will work.
I do telemedicine with my patients pretty regularly–it’s great for some things but not all. I like it for chronic medication management, but for acute issues, I still like a hands on exam. It’s amazing how much technology has changed in the past year, isn’t it?
I hope your back feels better soon! I’m actually getting PT for my SI joint dysfunction. This PT is a pelvic health specialist and it has been really effective. I’m going to post on it in April.
Wait for PT, yes, pre-Pandemic! The only time I did telemedicine was when I was trying to schedule my COVID test in January. They were really helpful!
Like most things in my life, I think it’s been 2 years since my last massage. I’m looking forward to hugging my mom finally on mother’s day (or thereabouts), and that massage — and haircut — probably not far behind that.
But we have been having groceries delivered since almost the start, and a restaurant meal most weeks. Occasionally twice a week like this week. Looking forward to warmer weather and being able to eat outside!
It’s always a crapshoot with when rain will actually occur. We got out earlier than we had to to walk Bandit this morning, and for a change it started right when they said it would (a couple of hours later).
I thought the radar would be trustworthy at least! Now I know better.
I wouldn’t have gone for a massage if I weren’t in such dire straits. I also went to a therapeutic massage place (vs “day spa”) that I know has been following strict protocols.
I have been fooled by radar many, many, MANY times!
I’ve never done a telemedicine appointment. Since March 2020, I’ve gone to see the doctor once in August, a mammogram/ultrasound in December, and a follow up appt to it this month. A massage sounds wonderful! I keep telling myself that I should go get one but have not done it. Should have scheduled it for this week since I am on Spring Break.
I wasn’t thrilled about being with someone in a small room with the door shut for an hour, but they had a lot of pre-screening questions and a liberal cancellation policy and we both kept our masks on. Hopefully it was safe enough!
No telemed appointments for me, yet. I need to get in for my annual exam…that didn’t happen last year (my very bad). I have two weather apps, and they are seldom in agreement. Ironically, there have been many times when both showed rain (with different times and percentages), only to never have any rain show. My back has had some cranky mornings in recent months. I blame Max for hogging the bed.
I haven’t done any “real” doctors appointments except to get those x-rays, so I will have some catching up to do.
Oh, man, if Scooby got on our bed I’d have to move to his!
Did the massage help your back? As a massage therapist/runner, I would have been itching to do some work on your legs as well! I hope it’s feeling better.
I haven’t done any telemedicine appointments but I love the idea of them! I hope they will be an option long term. I almost ran yesterday morning but it started down pouring right as I was about to walk out the door.
well I would have loved to do a telemedicie appt but my GP was so horrendous she just wouldn’t let me make an appt. Then of course she kicked me out of her practise as soon as I moved. I do need to make an appt with my new GP so let’s see what happens…
sorry to hear about your back! and the fact that you can only get PT in mid-april. Boo! I usually can get in pretty quick to my PT. Luckily I haven’t had to go lately!
lots of milestones for you. bet you are pleased you are still on your mileage track!
Keith has had several telemedicine appointments, but not me. They have been very effective for what he’s needed. I haven’t tried to go back to PT so don’t know how long that would take.
Sorry Scooby and you got rained on. Luna would NOT have been a happy doggy.
I haven’t done a telemed appointment yet. I hope you can get some relief for you back! Did the massage help?
Nice job with your mileage!