DOMS For Days

This week I made it back to Orange Theory Fitness for the first time since mid-August. While the workout didn’t seem particularly tough at the time, I ended up suffering from delayed onset muscle soreness for days later!

Delayed onset muscle soreness

DOMS = Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

If you’ve ever tried a new workout–or added a new move to your strength routine or run a hilly route for the first time–you’ve probably suffered from DOMS. According to Wikipedia, the underlying biology of DOMS is still being debated, but generally is thought to result from microtrauma to muscles. Interestingly, while DOMS is thought to be caused by eccentric (lengthening) exercises, the intensity of the soreness does not necessarily reflect the magnitude of muscle damage.

I usually wait out DOMS, but possible treatments include low-intensity activity, massage, warm Epsom salt baths, and ice baths. I know the science is out on ice baths, but I’ve tried both Epsom salt baths and ice baths and find that ice baths work better for me. I also use mentholated creams like Biofreeze and Tiger Balm. According to this article, Indian food with curcumin also may help. Now that sounds like a delicious option to try.

I tend to experience DOMS about 24 hours after a workout, and didn’t realize it can take as long as 72 hours to reach its peak. I guess it’s not all that unusual to experience DOMS for days.

Weekly Wrap

My main goals for this week were to get back to Orange Theory on Wednesday and do a 10 mile long run on Saturday. I also was motivated to get to my early studio classes to avoid the back-to-school traffic that seems to be at its worst the week after Labor Day.

Monday (Labor Day):ย 3.3 Scooby Miles + Strength Workout
Even though I had the day off, I opted for a short run with Scooby instead of a long run, because my legs were pretty tired from running 8 miles Saturday and cycling 40 miles Sunday. Plus, it was so warm and humid!

Scooby is so happy running!

Tuesday:ย  Cyclebar
The best way to beat back-to-school traffic is to cut your commute in half by stopping at Cyclebar on the way–and taking the 5:30 am class so you beat most of the traffic on the rest of the way in.

Wednesday: OTF
This is the workout that did me in! For the strength routine we did a circuit of 10 reps each of (i) chest flies (bench); (ii) seated bicep curls; (iii) overhead presses and (iv) reverse chest flies (standing), interspersed with (i) bench hop-overs (round one), (ii) squat jacks (round two) or (iii) pop jacks (round three). I think it’s the chest flies that got my upper body and the squat jacks that got my legs!

Block 1: 4 min rowing/4 min TM/4min rowing
Block 2: strength exercises
Block 3: 4 min TM/4 min rowing/4 min TM

Thursday: CPY 2
This class was tough too! I different instructor meant a different sequence that involved more upper body/chest strength.

Friday: Strength Training
I was going to go to OTF, but decided I needed to take it easy before my first 10 mile run in ages. I focused on my easy PT exercises and core moves.

Saturday: 10 mile run
Early in the week I made plans to meet up with a woman in my MRTT group who is starting to train for the Richmond Marathon in November. We had some fierce storms Friday night, and while the rain had stopped by Saturday morning, the humidity didn’t clear out until after we slogged through 10 miles.

The Potomac River was high after a night of rain storms.

It was one of those runs where I watched my Garmin for the last 1/1oth of a mile and did not take one extra step after I hit my mileage goal.

My pace was back to my “normal” pace–a minute faster than last week–but my heart rate was still in a good range for long runs (139 avg).

Sunday: Hot Power Fusion (yoga)
“Rain” doesn’t begin to describe our weather on Sunday. When i took Scooby out for a walk water was rushing down the sidewalks like streams. Since cycling was out of the question, I opted for Hot Power Fusion at CorePower Yoga. The slower pace and hotter room seem like a combination of challenge and recovery, if that’s possible.

Join the Weekly Wrap link up hosted by Holly and Wendy!

Did you see my Reston Metric Century Recap?

How do you recover from DOMS?

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38 Responses to DOMS For Days

  1. Wendy says:

    I’ve been having DOMS after my bootcamp classes! I think I’m working new muscles that are protesting. If it gets really bad, I’m not shy about using Vitamin I aka ibuprofen.

  2. Liz Dexter says:

    I’ve been getting it after my circuits! I find it helps to walk up a hill, swinging my arms, and make gentle movements that mimic the movements that hurt me. I don’t always DO that, of course …

  3. Those DOMS are tricky! They always show up (on me) long after I’m expecting them LOL

  4. kookyrunner says:

    You had an awesome week of workouts even though you were suffering from DOMS for most of the week! I also experienced DOMS this week and it was brutal!

  5. I have a feeling I might suffer from some DOMs soon from my kettlebell workout today — I upped the weight on most of the exercises.

    We have been really dry for a while. The first time in a long, long time. That changes tomorrow — pretty sure I’m gonna get wet on my run.

  6. Lesley says:

    I’m surprised when my DOMS continues. I did a mile run on Thursday and my hamstrings were cranky from the deadlifts I did Tuesday. I didn’t push it and only did the one mile to get my legs spinning and work out some of the soreness.

    • Coco says:

      I am getting to the point where the first mile is hard no matter what — usually things loosen up by then, or at least I learn to ignore them.

  7. I’ve never really been able to tell when its DOMS and when it’s something else or if it’s just some from a really strong run. I cant bring myself to do ice baths though.

  8. Cari says:

    Great shot of the Potomac. Agree re: back to school traffic, and crowded trains. At least next two days should be quiet here due to Rosh Hashanah
    That OTF class looks amazing. Can’t wait for our s to open

    • Coco says:

      Well, since I live near a synagogue, we get more traffic around the Holy Days. ๐Ÿ˜‰
      OTF is awesome – I’m a huge fan!

      • Cari says:

        if I walk home up 5th or Lex I run into the crowds, but generally the trains are less crowded. I got a seat on my morning commute which usually only happens on school holidays.
        I’ve heard great things about it from Va friends and a dear friend in Texas. I hope ours actually opens and is reasonably priced.

  9. I don’t get sore that often anymore so when I do, I am actually happy about it. It’s good to mix up your workouts and keep your body guessing. I am going to really be feeling it next week after this 2 week vacation!

  10. Marcia says:

    When my long run gets to 15+ miles, I’m very good about epsom salt baths, Biofreeze, etc. That said my posterior chain is already talking to me this morning after yesterday’s CrossFit.

  11. Lauren says:

    DOMS is tricky, especially when you mix up your workouts like you do! I just wrote a whole post on my blog today about my favorite recovery tools. I also agree with Marcia above and like using epsom salt baths too.

  12. Organic Runner Mom says:

    I always have DOMS two days out. I love the idea of Indian food as a remedy! Sounds good to me!

  13. Chaitali says:

    I always feel like my DOMS starts at around 24 hours and builds to a peak around 48 hours afterwards. The rain last week really was a pain. Looks like we may have more coming for us this week too.

  14. Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says:

    Great job this past week! This past weekend I went to a yoga class for the first time in over a month and I am still feeling the DOMS, in addition to my running muscles aching after my 5K on Sunday! I usually just ride out the symptoms but I do need to get some more Epsom salt!

  15. You have to both love and hate DOMS! I always say the more sore the better the workout that I got in! ๐Ÿ˜„

  16. runswithpugs says:

    Great week!

    I started back to a strength training regimen, and my muscles have been on FIRE. Ugh. I’m trying to eat more protein for recovery, and take lots of nice hot showers. To be honest, I don’t mind entirely – it makes me feel like I’m really working!

  17. HoHo Runs says:

    Nice job on the Zone 3 long run! Like I said before, that OTF must be working! In the summer, I have another name for DOMS…Monday. As much as I’ve waterskied over the years, it still happens every week. I guess I push harder week after week so that my body never adjusts. And then summer ends and it starts over the next year. Does Scooby like the rain? I’d never get my dogs to walk in the rain! Thanks for linking.

  18. DOMS are sneaky aren’t they? I find Epsom Salts and some sort of balm help a lot. Of late I’ve been using a magnesium oil spray on my legs after kickboxing.

  19. debolton says:

    As a lifter everyday there is a DOMs. I prefer to use Arnica if it gets really bad but now I just have a daily relationship with my foam roller.

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