Welcome to the November edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date Link Up! Join us as we imagine we are getting together for coffee (or tea, or your favorite beverage), and share what’s going on in our lives. Since it’s no fun to have coffee alone, make sure you leave comments on other blogs in the link up, and don’t forget to visit my co-host Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner.

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With Thanksgiving just a few short weeks away, I am focusing on being thankful, and I have a lot of things to be thankful about.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I am thankful that this election season is almost over! I have to be in Boston on Tuesday, so I voted early for the first time ever. (Virginia does not have general early voting, but an out-of-town business trip is an accepted reason for early absentee voting.)
Have you voted yet?
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I am thankful that we are going to visit my daughter this weekend. I hope it’s nice enough to go hiking, but no matter what we end up doing it will be nice to be together.
Will you be travelling for Thanksgiving?
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I am thankful that my son has been living with us since he graduated from college in May. I know we are supposed to want our kids to move out and live independently–and of course I want that to happen eventually!–but over the past few months we’ve grown so much closer as our relationship has transitioned into a new stage. It’s a temporary situation while he decides whether to keep working or go to grad school, so I’m also treasuring the time together because I know it won’t last. Plus, he likes to cook dinner. 🙂
Did you live at home after graduating from college?
If we were having coffee, I’d thank you for stopping by! If you missed my Friday Five 2.0 post, I’d ask if you already know these five things about me?
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I lived at home just a couple of months after graduating — until I got a job. Couldn’t wait to move out!
Despite my crazy year, I have a LOT to be thankful for. Thanks for the reminder!
I lived at home during college ( I went to Howard) and for grad school ( GW). I moved out the Nov after graduation.
How nice to develop a new stage relationship with your son!
Yes, I voted early. I work close to early voting center in MD so it was easy and quick.
Have a great trip visiting your daughter.
Thanks for coffee. ..sorry it has been so long since I joined you all.
Yes, we do raise our kids so they can leave us with all the right “equipment” to function on their own. Total Catch-22, huh! It’s also nice to watch them transition into full-on adulthood. Our daughter in Pennsylvania facetimes us almost daily…and it’s usually her initiating the conversations. I haven’t been able (nor had the time) to thoroughly clean her bedroom…there’s still stuff on the floor, etc. I kind of like that the room still looks “lived-in.” 😉
I lived at home for almost a year after college. It’s great that you are enjoying this time with your son. Enjoy your weekend visiting your daughter!!
And I wish you were in Boston longer – it would have been fun to meet up!
Yeah, I’ve got so much going on at work, this had to be a quick trip – less than 24 hours. Maybe I’ll have a conference there – those usually last longer and have some free time built in. 😉
I’m ready for the election to be over too–but I’m nervous about the outcome. Hoping people come to their senses…
My oldest son didn’t go to college and selfishly I’m glad to have him at home. He’s got a lot of growing up to do so I don’t feel that my work is done yet. Besides, I just like having him around…I’m sure I’ll tire of it eventually but for now, it’s nice.
How awesome your son likes to cook! I call that a win-win situation. Our middle son is cooking a lot at college. I think his roommates are loving that. I’ll be very glad when this election is over. I’m tired of the mud slinging…which unfortunately will probably continue for a while. I didn’t finish my college degree until after I married – a little bit different scenario for me. As always, thanks for the coffee date!
Even though I went to school so close to home, I never moved back in with my parents. It seems like this generation does though and I think that would be fine with me for a while. We are hosting Thanksgiving so I have to start planning my meals! Hope you are feeling better always great to catch up!
I keep looking at my kids- all under 10, and know that I am supposed to want them to live their own lives and fly…but I want them to live right next door to me too! It is a hard thing, I imagine. Thanks for the link-up, I love this monthly routine!
What is the phrase, the days are long but the years are short? It’s so true! Thanks for joining us for coffee!
I think everyone is looking forward to the election season coming to an end. ????
Have fun visiting your daughter this weekend! Hope you have some good hiking weather!!
I am totally with you on wanting the election to be over. I have to vote on Tuesday. I don’t like either candidate (the candidate or their stance on policy) so it is the most conflicted I have ever felt going into an election. Looks like you have nice weather for visiting your daughter, hopefully you get to enjoy the fall season with her.
I had to do an absentee ballot too since I’ll be on vacation out of state for next several days. Like you, I can’t wait for the election to be over! I hope you have fun with your daughter!
I lived at home for a month after graduating with my Associates degree. I was unsure what I wanted to do so I stayed with my parents for a month to figure out if I wanted to go back to school or get a job. I ended up going back to school the day before the semester started. I haven’t voted but I will be on Tuesday!
I am sure it’s nice to have your son at home, especially if he likes to cook dinner! I hope you have a great trip to Boston!
Thanks! I wish I would have more time there, but I hope to squeeze in a run.
I think we all are excited about this election coming to an end! ugh…..yes, always lots to be thankful for! My kids do not live at home but they are super close and that is super nice! Thank you for coffee!
I think my internet is hating on my and ate my comment, but if it didn’t and this is a duplicate…just ignore me! :]!
That’s awesome that your son’s living back at home with you again and likes to cook! (Best of both worlds?! 😛 ) My parents want me to move back home after I’m done with residency too, hehehe. I have no idea what will happen, but it’d be nice to be close to them again–I’ve been gone for so long! x_x
Hope you have a fun time with your daughter + that you get to go hiking! :]
Hope you are having a wonderful time in Boston. I went to school there and LOVE it ! I am thankful for my health and my family’s health. Not everyone is as lucky, so I count my blessing every day.
And yes, I voted ! Absentee balot many days ago.