It’s that time of year when I really wish I’d taken a vacation, but I haven’t. Facebook rubs it in by reminding me of past August vacations–trips to the beach and last year’s amazing trip to the Grand Canyon. Between not wanting to leave Tiger Lilly and a hectic work schedule, a vacation just wasn’t in the card this summer. I’ve been making the most of my summer weekends, though, by getting out of my comfort zone and trying new things, like indoor climbing and my first organized bike ride.

Reston Half Metric Century
The Reston Bicycle Club Century is an annual event that offers three course distances: The “century” is 100 miles. The metric century” is 100 kilometers (about 62.1 miles). The course that we signed up for–the “half metric century”– was supposed to be 35.6 miles. (Because of one missed turn and the usual Garmin variations, my Garmin measured 37. 8 miles.) The ride is untimed, and riders can start any time between 6:30-10:00 am. There were several rest stops, “trail guides” riding the route, and a post-ride lunch.
Rachel, Deborah, Coco
We met at about 8:00 am, donned our participant bracelets, and got a volunteer to take the obligatory pre-ride picture. The course started with about 3 miles on relatively quiet roads around Reston Town Center, and then we spent 8 miles on one of my favorite sections of the Washington & Old Dominion Trail. The first rest stop was at mile 10, so we weren’t really hungry or thirsty, but we enjoyed a few orange slices before getting back on our bikes.
Even though the course was well-marked, we missed a turn soon after the first rest stop. We went about a mile further before we realized our mistake, pulled out our phones to pull up Google Maps, and got ourselves back on track. After that mistake, I consulted the turn-by-turn direction sheet every few turns so I could look out for street signs as well as painted arrows!
We spent about 16 miles riding on open roads around Ashburn. Most roads were divided, with two lanes in each direction and speed limits of 35 -45 mph. Of course, cars went much faster, but most gave us plenty of clearance by using the left lane. The terrain wasn’t very difficult, but varied enough to keep it interesting.
Our next rest stop was the same as our first one, but this time I was ready to dig into to some peanut butter crackers and cold watermelon. I also refilled my Nathan and added a few orange slices to the bladder since I forgot to bring an extra Nuun tablet.
We finished with 10 miles on the W & OD Trail, and then cruised back into the staging area at Reston Town Center. Since it was too early for the post-ride lunch, we put our bikes back in our cars and got lunch on our own.
Such a pretty t-shirt–it’s looks like an impressionist painting
of cyclists on the W & OD Trail.
I am so glad that Deborah nudged me out of my comfort zone for this ride. It was great to ride with friends (although I was too nervous for much side-by-side riding), and the weather was surprisingly nice with a hint of cool in the air. Other riders were very friendly, and there was great camaraderie on the course. It wasn’t as scenic as the Farm to Fork Fondo, but when cars weren’t around I actually enjoyed riding on the open road where I could go as fast as my legs wanted to without worrying about the walkers, runners, and rollerbladers I have to share the bike path with!
Weekly Wrap
The Reston Half Metric Century was
the highlight of my week,
but my other workouts are worth recapping
for the Weekly Wrap Link Up
hosted by Holly and Tricia.
Monday: Orange Theory Fitness
Like last week, the treadmill and rowing blocks were done as relays. This time we did 0.25 mi on the treadmill each time. I had to bump up the incline to 2.5 and push my pace to 7.7 mph to get my heart rate up.
Tuesday: Speed work on the hotel gym treadmill.
Inspired by Monday’s OTF workout, I decided to do mile repeats at 7.5 mph.
First workout in my new shoes!
Wednesday: Strength workout in the hotel gym, including two rounds of this core/back routine from Runner’s World.
Thursday: Incline workout on the hotel gym treadmill.
At home, I usually do 1 minute incline intervals. Since this treadmill shows “laps,” I decided to do 1/4 mile intervals.
Thanks to my experience at OTF, I did the steepest intervals I’ve ever done–I worked up to level 6, and did 5 intervals at level 6. Before now, I’ve maxed out at 1 minute intervals at level 5.
Friday: After a very long day of work on Thursday and an early flight home on Friday, I decided I should treat my body to yoga. The only class that fit my schedule was Core Power Yoga 1, which was a nice change from Core Power Yoga 2, with a slightly slower pace and more instruction.
I loved this view out the window!
Saturday: The only reason I got in my long run on Saturday is because it’s what I do. I had no motivation or enthusiasm for this run–not even the chance to put my new shoes to the test. Still, I knew I’d regret it and feel out of sorts if I didn’t head out the door, so I did.
I really struggled on my neighborhood hills.
Sunday: Reston Half Metric Century 🙂
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Next summer is Labor Day weekend, which marks the unofficial end of summer around here. I will not be heading to the beach, but I will be hosting the Ultimate Coffee Date Link Up with Deborah. Grab our new badge from my sidebar and make sure you stop by!
How are you making the most of the rest of summer?
I always think OOOH I LOVE BIKE RIDING (I definitely dont cycle :-)) when Im off on a secluded path on a beach cruiser.
Those sixteen miles??!! Open road?!
I seriously think that mightcould be too too far out of my zone of comfy.
Ive watched how AUSTIN drives around cyclists — and it can be scary.
You’re ballsy.
I am aspiretobeballsy.
They key is not to think about it too much!
Reading this makes me want to get back on my bike! There was a time I had a 16 month streak of a century a month, but now I haven’t ridden for a couple years since it bothers my back. My poor bike sits gathering dust. 🙁
Riding on the road can certainly be scary! Some drivers just are idiots (there, I said it!), while others seem to hate anybody riding a bike. Sad but true. I glad you braved it and had a good time.
That bike ride sounds right up my alley! I need to find some rides like that around here.
I am so glad that you came along! Turned out to be a gorgeous day all around
Open road biking scares me but it’s nice you had some friends to help push you out of your comfort zone.
This looks like a great time but I’m with Jen, I’m a little afraid of open road biking. I’m just getting comfortable with a bike period. Great week of workouts!
Your shirt is so neat!
Great post and I’m exhausted just looking at your weekly wrap. I’m the midst of getting back my running mojo so thanks for the inspiration!
That ride sounds lovely! Especially with friends – and then such a great week of workouts on top of it – way to go!
That sounds like a great experience on your century ride! I’d love to do something like that…if only I had a quality bike to ride! You did awesome with your workouts, so speedy too! Great job!
Being an injured runner (at the moment), I’m jealous of your week! Way to go! I’m on one last week of vacation this week so I’m trying to get last minute things done and just enjoy time with my family.
Kudos to you for getting out of your comfort zone with the bike ride. Meeting up with blogger friends at events is always a lot of fun.
I’d really love to do a bike ride like this, I think would be super fun, especially with other bloggers!
I saw the ride on Deb’s IG! It looked like it was fun!
I’m envious you have so many options for group rides like this! I know there are rides similar in Des Moines, but that’s an hour away and my weekend time is limited as it is so I don’t want to spend it in a car (how’s that for an excuse?). Besides, running is my focus right now since I have a marathon happening this fall. I can do my own ‘little” rides in my town and be happy with that. 😉
You voiced my biggest concern about cycling. The whole road aspect scares me. I wouldn’t be riding side by side either. I’ve seen too many crazy motorists out there and some crazy cyclists too. Nevertheless this looks like a fun event. Glad you and Deb rode together!
That sounds like such a fun event! It’s great that you didn’t have to travel somewhere far to have an adventure. 🙂
Great job with the Half Metric Century! That sounds like such a fun way to race while doing some cross training.
I didn’t get to take a trip this summer either, but that’s OK. I wanted a quiet summer (for once!) and that’s what I’ve had. Great job on your training!
Good for you for continuing to step out of your comfort zone! The whole open road on a bike petrifies me. Sounds like a nice ride and I love your shirt!
Great post! Love your achievements
That bike event sounds cool. I’ve only been a casual rail trail rider but a bunch of gals from my area did a bike tour this summer that sounded fab so I may look into that next year!
I want to do a ride like that someday!
Great job on the ride! That sounds really fun!
Summer is pretty much over for us. School started three weeks ago and we are in our fall routine (even if the weather forecast says otherwise). At this point, I’m just gearing up for are season and going from there.
That sounds like a really fun, low-stress event (as opposed to a timed race). And cycling with friends is an extra bonus. I ride on mostly residential streets so the traffic is never going more than about 35 (still speeding!). So far, I’ve never encountered any angry drivers. That’s a very pretty and unique T-shirt. Great job on the hilly neighborhood run too and love those new shoes 😉 Thanks for linking, Coco.
Fun! The one time I tried an organized bike event I got lost & called John to come get me. I’m not good at turn by turn directions. Sounds like a well organized event that you did though!
Your speed work is impressive! Looks like it pays off too, I don’t even have “speed” in my vocabulary over here. 🙂
It looks like you are having a lot of fun with all this bike riding! I am a little directionally impaired so getting lost would be the first thing I do! Yea, to the end of summer (who am I kidding ) HA! See you for coffee!
Great workout week. Congrats on doing you steepest intervals. I feel OTF helps me a lot with interval speed and hill work.
Oh, and I like the new shoes.
An Orange Theory is opening up by me and I can’t wait to try it!
An untimed ride sounds really nice, where you can start when you want and ride with friends. I liked that NYRR did something similar this summer with their long training runs in Central Park. There was a set start time but I liked the more relaxed atmosphere than a race day scenario.
What a great race!! (And I love those race t-shirts!)
That is great you ended up enjoying pushing the pace a bit on the open road! You picked a good distance. I always think 100 miles sounds great, then I think about how my tush would feel lol
Nice strong week of workouts too 🙂