2024 Year-End Runfessions

Well, it’s the very last Friday of 2024, so I’m sharing my 2024 year-end runfessions. Join me over at  Marcia’s Healthy Slice where we can cleanse our souls soles before we head into the new year.

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You also may be joining the Fit Five Friday Link-Up with DarleneMichelle, Renée, Jenn, and Zenaida.

2024 Year-End Runfessions

Probably my most telling 2024 year-end runfession is this—I runfess I didn’t get any running gifts for Christmas and I’m not sad about it. I did just get new running shoes and Altheta tops and running tights on Black Friday, so there wasn’t really anything left on my running wish list. I still had a merry fitmas with new 12 lb weights and did you hear about my Peloton Bike+? 🤩

I runfess my 2024 year-end running mileage isn’t anything to brag about. The first two months of the year I was still rehabbing my hamstring and I lost some running days to traveling in November, but that 12 mi/week average is pretty accurate. Maybe I’ll nudge it up to 15 in 2025 with slightly longer Scooby runs.

I’ll get to 675 by the end of the year.

I bikefess my 2024 year-end cycling mileage isn’t anything to brag about either. We didn’t do a Fondo this year, and didn’t do many long outdoor rides.

I’ve got a few more days to get to 1500 miles with indoor rides.

On the other hand, I did meet my goal of > 25000 Peloton minutes. Probably 1/4 of that is strength workouts, which have been a focus in 2024.

I bikefess I thought I was taking good care of my Schwinn IC4 by wiping it down after my rides, but when we moved it to make room for my Peloton, I saw from a different angle that I had been missing a spot. 😳

My husband (soon-to-be-retired corrosion expert) says it’s only cosmetic,
but yikes!

I gymfess that now that I have a Peloton at home I’ll be going to my office gym even less. The Bike+ is more a result than a cause of my gym truancy. I’ve gotten into a good routine working out at home before my commute, and the gym was getting busier than I wanted to deal with at 5:30 am.

I runfess I still haven’t unpacked my gym bag, but maybe I’ll get to that before the first runfessions of new year. 😉

What are your 2024 year-end runfessions?

Do you have any year-end  organization projects you plan to tackle this week?

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10 Responses to 2024 Year-End Runfessions

  1. Catrina says:

    Oh wow, sweat is so corrosive! That’s actually quite impressive. How long have you been using the Schwinn?
    Well done on the 25’000+ Peloton minutes! That’s nearly 70 minutes a day without a break! An incredible feat, especially with your packed schedule!

  2. Enjoy your new Peloton bike! Since you exercise so early it makes much more sense to do it at home.

  3. Marcia says:

    Yikes on the corrosion! The Caveman uses my (our) bike and sweats all over it. Now I need to look and see if there’s damage.
    Hope you enjoy the new bike! I runfess I don’t even tally up my miles or set mileage goals. I just do what I want with regularity and call it good.

  4. Debbie says:

    I bet you are going to enjoy having your own Peloton bike! I can see having it as a home option changing up your work gym routine. Enjoy!

  5. Yay for your new Peloton baby! That’s funny (well, sort of) about the corrosion! I often see “drops” on the floor after my rides, but have never checked elsewhere. Things that make you go HMMM…

  6. Michelle says:

    My son’s been using our Peloton the most lately and now you’ve got me thinking I need to take a closer look at it! Congrats on your new bike – Enjoy it!!

  7. Jenn says:

    We don’t put away decorations until January 6 or 7, so I’m kind of waiting to do all that. That being said, I do have a friend coming to town so I will need to clear out the guest room a little. Meh. We can figure that out.

    I love that you are in love with your new bike! Wishing you many happy miles on it!

  8. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    A Peleton … go you!!

    My running miles are lower than normal… oh well.

    I’m glad I’m healthy but it’s soooo cold!!

    I did finally finish putting up my medal racks.

    I do feel I’m always packing and unpacking for NYC trips…

  9. Renée says:

    I think I need to check. my spin bike now!! (I have an IC8). I try to clean it after use too but it’s always a quick job and I’m the only one using it so …

    because we’ve been Reno-ing my house since about April (*laughs wildly and cries at the same time*) I still have many end of year organizing projects going on.

    I see a theme of less miles from so many of us. Good to know we are all in good company.

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