Jammed June Runfessions

It’s the last Friday of June, and while I‘m jammed at work, I’m making time to gather at the runfessional hosted at Marcia’s Healthy Slice so I can cleanse my souls soles before we head into July.

You also may be joining the Fit Five Friday Link-Up with DarleneMichelle, Renée, Jenn, and Zenaida.

Jammed June Runfessions

OMG, ya’ll I don’t know what happened, but I have been absolutely jammed at work for the past few weeks. I’ve been working nights and weekends and still barely have my head above water. I runfess, I am still making my morning workout time a priority—I need the endorphins to get through the next 15 hours of the day ….

I runfess that after my trip to NYC last week I forgot to set my alarm for Monday morning. Nothing like starting a hectic week by oversleeping! Instead of panicking, I runfess I continued with my regularly scheduled workout and decided to make-up the “lost” hour by working from home—I’m so glad I have that option!

I’m usually walking Scooby closer to 5:00 am

Speaking of my trip to NYC, I runfess I could have done with a few more signs better placed than this one. I somehow got ”lost” on what is basically a path along the water—I managed to find a few dead ends and had to nonchalantly pretend I meant to run that extra little out-and-back as I passed the same person still enjoying the view. 🥹

I runfess I also tend to get lost in Central Park even though I’m basically running a loop on a main road. I’m always afraid I’m going to miss the side road where I want to exit the park.

I runfess this comic strip nails what it’s like to walk Scooby. He’s not quite so annoying running, but some mornings he has to sniff everything.

(See it in color here)

All his  stopping is why I distinguish “Scooby miles” from solo miles, and I runfess it can be hard to run non-stop when I’m on my own!

What are you runfessing?

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14 Responses to Jammed June Runfessions

  1. Marcia says:

    I have felt that same way while running in CP. Hyper aware of not missing where I entered! Ha! Glad you have a work at home option. Oversleeping and being late for work would totally put me in panic mode! We have a dead-end path behind our home and occasionally we’ll get unsuspecting walkers/runners passing by only to quickly backtrack when they realize it’s a path to nowhere.

  2. Jenny says:

    Wow, that work schedule sounds grueling. Most people would not be getting up early to get a workout in before a 15 hour day- but you have to get those endorphins in somehow.
    Ha ha, that comic. Animals just don’t seem to understand our agenda, do they???

  3. Catrina says:

    Haha, the nonchalant run back, pretending it was on purpose!
    I do that all the time! 🤣
    I always admire how you fit in your workouts. You are proof that it can be done!
    Will work get any easier in the near future?

    • Coco says:

      It’s why I’m a morning exerciser!
      I think things will quiet down July and then I’ll be stressed because I don’t have enough to do. 😉

  4. I have also gotten lost a few times in Central Park lol glad it is not just me. Hope your summer calms down at work. Sounds like the perfect time to schedule a vacation

  5. I’ve done the nonchalant out-and-back too many times to count, LOL. I also distinguish from “my” walks and “Max” walks. He has to stop every 20 feet to sniff and mark, so there’s not much cardio happening on my part (but he’s such a sweetheart, and he loves his walks with his mommy…).

  6. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    I am so glad it’s not just me… I get lost in Central Park most of time… Cari makes it looks so easy.

    And yes I’ve gotten lost on that river path but there are deadends…

    One day we will get lost together in NYC.

  7. Michelle says:

    I think it can be pretty easy to get turned around in Central Park.

    Work sounds insane for you – I hope this is a short-lived thing! Glad you had the flexibility to work from home. Starting a Monday by oversleeping is tough. I hope things slow down for you soon!

  8. Jenn says:

    Haha! The pugs are terrible at walking and not stopping at every blade of grass. I feel your pain.

    I get lost in Central Park too. It’s just so big and if you’re not used to it, you can get turned around fast.

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