Cherishing The Cherry Blossoms

Can you ever get enough of the cherry blossoms? If so, I haven’t gotten to that point—I hope you haven’t either.

A rare peaceful moment at the Tidal Basin

Cherishing The Cherry Blossoms

The weather forecast for the week called for rain Tuesday and Wednesday, so I figured Monday might be my last chance to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom. My hamstring isn’t ready for my usual 5 mile Tidal Basin loop, so I plotted a shorter route from my office and stayed on the “far” side from the Jefferson Memorial.

There are no blossoms at the Reflecting Pool, but the Washington Monument at sunrise is always worth a photo stop.

There were a few people at the Tidal Basin for the sunrise, but surprisingly few for how gorgeous it was. It was fun to see couples and families meeting up with professional photographers for photo shoots.

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The trees along this wall of the Martin Luther King, Jr., memorial were stunning.

I walked around to see them from the other side before heading back to my office.

Weekly Run Down

Monday’s run was hard to beat, but I got in two other runs with Scooby, two Peloton rides, and even (finally!) made it to yoga. I kept up with the last week of the Breakthrough Crew Shamrock Shuffle challenge—except that meditation class.

Monday: 4.2 mile Cherry Blossom run

Tuesday: Upper body strength at home + Peloton rides at my office gym.

Wednesday: 3.7 Scooby Miles

Thursday: Upper body strength + Peloton rides before work and yoga at the Corepower Yoga studio near my office after work. As I shared in my runfessions, I didn’t like the instructor’s style, so that particular class won’t be a regular thing

Friday: Upper body strength + 3. 2 tread miles
My hamstring has done OK with my steady-state outdoor runs, but I’m still doing run/walk intervals on the tread.

Saturday: 4.9 Scooby miles
I did not intend to run this far—I was aiming for 4-ish miles—so I did not round up to 5.0 miles. 😉  It was a great run in the moment—the weather was amazing and my hamstring was okay. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up. And thanks to all of you for putting up with my hamstring saga!

Happy Easter!

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12 Responses to Cherishing The Cherry Blossoms

  1. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    Love cherry blossoms. At some point I need to come to DC. But luckily I worked in nyc this week and saw them. Still winter like where I live.

    Glad your hamky is being nice and you can run. I’m sure Scooby is happy too.

  2. I never get tired of seeing the cherry blossoms either. Glad your hamstring is feeling better and you are working your way back

  3. Debbie says:

    It’s good to see that you’re able to increase your mileage without hamstring pain. Let’s hope it stays that way! I bet Scooby is happy to have you back running again. 🙂

    I love seeing the cherry blossoms, but don’t get down there on an annual basis to see them.

    Happy Easter!

  4. Jenny says:

    Your Monday run looks incredible!!! I’m SO glad your hamstring is okay and you got to have that experience.
    Nice job with your workouts, and finishing the Shamrock Challenge (well, almost- I’m laughing because a lot of people would say that meditation class would be the EASIEST one to complete.)
    Hope the hamstring continues to cooperate- Happy Easter!

  5. Wendy says:

    I would never get tired of the cherry blossoms! Do they have a scent?

    Glad your hamstring is feeling better and you’re able to run again!

  6. Jenn says:

    Oh, I love that the hamstring is feeling ok! That’s such great news! And Scooby looks super confident in your progress, so that’s important.

    I love the cherry blossoms! I wish I could get up there to see them in person.

    Great week for you! Nice job!

  7. All the cherry blossoms look so beautiful! I’d never get tired of them:-)

  8. Catrina says:

    Who ever had the idea to plant cherry trees at the Tidal Basin was a genius! Every year I look forward to seeing your photos. So beautiful.

    The best sentence this week is “I ran 4.9 miles and my hamstring was OK!” YAY! so glad for you, Coco!

  9. Such good news in this week’s post about the happy hamstrings! Thanks for the cherry blossom pics – they are beautiful!! Wish I could see them in person.

  10. Jessie says:

    So so pretty! How could you ever get tired of those cherry blossoms! What fun. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

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