The Hundred Dollar Hill Ride

If you’ve known me long enough, my story about this weekend’s hundred dollar hill ride might remind you of my thousand dollar Chicago lakefront run back in 2015. That time, it wasn’t my fault. This time, I have only myself to blame.

cycling in socksCan you guess what happened?

The Hundred Dollar Hill Ride

Saturday morning I was going to the Conte’s Hill Ride on my own because my husband was hanging out with friends (maybe I can blame him?). I was a bit discombobulated because they had spent the night, and I was trying to be not the worst hostess in the world while still getting myself ready and out the door on time. I thought I’d put everything I needed in my car–bike, helmet, bike computer, bike gloves, water bottle, sun glasses–but when I pulled into the parking lot at Conte’s I realized I’d forgotten my shoes. šŸ™

I live too far away to go back for them, so I made a split-second decision.

new bike shoes

New bike shoes!

The good thing about doing a bike shop’s group ride is that the store manager is there and happy to open up the shop if you forget something. It’s easier (and less expensive!) if you forget a water bottle or bike gloves, but he was able to find shoes in my size and had the right cleats for my pedals. I apologized to the others for holding up the start, and took the gentle teasing I deserved.

Contes Hill Crew

Sorry, guys.

Yes, I am the same person who balks at a $25 studio class and wonders if she’s getting her money’s worth out of her $20 Corepower Yoga on-line subscription. If cycling weren’t everything to me right now, I probably would have switched gears and gone home for a run. If my husband had been with me, we would have just gone home for my shoes and then ridden on our own. As it was, I let Conte’s save the day, and then did my best to get my hundred dollar’s worth out of the hill ride.

Hundred Dollar Hill RideSweaty selfie at the top of the golf course hill.

Weekly Run Down

If you were expecting this post to be all about my return to running, the fact that it isn’t might tell you something. I did do a few test runs, but they were neither 100% pain-free nor 100% painful, so I’m not sure what to think. I am going to do a few more runs before my podiatrist appointment on Thursday and try to take good mental notes so I can explain how it feels during and after my runs. Other than that, I’m still doing that Peloton core challenge and Peloton light weights arms challenge, although I’m not sad both are ending this week. šŸ˜‰

Monday: 2 mile test run with some walk breaks + lower body strength
It is dark before 6:00 am, so I snuck in a second 10 min workout before taking Scooby out.

Scooby selfie


peloton workouts

Tuesday: Full body strength + 30 min Peloton Ride
I know Kim doesn’t like to repeat workouts, and laughed at myself when I realized 5 minutes in that I had just done this tough class with Robin last week! I knew what was coming, but stuck it out anyway.

peloton workouts

I did not regret taking Sam Yo’s classic jazz ride at Michele‘s suggestion.Ā  Check out the playlist!

Peloton playlist

Wednesday:Ā  2.25 mile run + upper body strength

scooby selfie

I was going to do a 10 min light weights arms class, but my arms were done for after Jess Sims’ class, so I committed to doing a make-up day this weekend.

peloton workoutss

Thursday: Light weights + 30 min Peloton Ride
I took a “guns out” selfie for my arms challenge group, and then realized I had done the “wrong” classes for the day. They’re not that different, but ….

peloton workouts

Friday: 2.25 mile run + Strength For Runners
I don’t usually take the longer strength classes and this one didn’t convince me otherwise. The long “activation” was good because it included a lot of PT-type moves, but the last few minutes seemed like an afterthought. Maybe PT has brainwashed me, but I don’t think one set of clamshells is going to anyone much good.

Scooby selfie

peloton workouts

Saturday: The hundred dollar hill ride (22.25 miles)

Golf Course Hill
The infamous golf course hillā€”I swear I wasnā€™t last.

Sunday: 3.1 Scooby Miles + Strength for Runners + Bike Ride (25 miles)

Scooby selfie
This is what happens when I wake up at 5:15 on Sunday:

Peloton workouts

And a bike ride later!

Cycling selfie

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up.

Do you schedule easy weeks in your workout calendar?

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28 Responses to The Hundred Dollar Hill Ride

  1. At least now you have backup shoes! Keep one pair in your car, just in case… šŸ˜‰ Of course, I had to go back and read about your $1,000 Lake Front run. Wow!

  2. Life is too short not to buy the shoes! Can’t hurt to have an extra pair since you ride so much. I leave mine in my car with my other cycling gear. None of which has been used at all the past few months. Nice job on a solid week of workouts

    • Coco says:

      Maybe I should keep them in my car. I donā€™t think Iā€™d forget them when my husband is driving. Actually, thatā€™s why I forgot them since I couldnā€™t put them on yet ā€¦.

  3. Lisa says:

    I think if I were in your situation I would have just bought new shoes too! Especially if I couldn’t run. I’m sure the store appreciated your business!

  4. jenny says:

    Ha, well $100 is better than $1000! You know I had to go back and read that post- I like how part of the money was spent at Victoria’s Secret.
    I like that Becs Gentry class! Although I agree it’s kind of weird how she tacks on clamshells at the very end. I definitely need more of those.
    I think it’s a good sign that you’re running at it’s not too painful- you’d know if something were drastically wrong. Sometimes you definitely have to run to test it out. Good luck at the podiatrist!

    • Coco says:

      It wasnā€™t a bad class, just not my favorite. If you want clamshells, look for Selenaā€™s clamshell classes. šŸ˜‰

  5. Wendy says:

    I would have done the same thing–I have done similar things as well. It hurts to spend the money, but sometimes, you just have to do it.

    I hope you get some answers from the podiatrist.

  6. kookyrunner says:

    Oh man, that’s an expensive “oops”, but on the plus side the new cycle shoes look really nice! Although I’m sure it sucked at the time to spend money on new shoes, I’m sure it was worth it to participate in the fun! šŸ™‚

    I hope that the podiatrist is able to give you some answers. I hate that you’ve been dealing with this issue for so long šŸ™

  7. Well at least your ā€œoopsā€ had a happy ending šŸ™‚ Nothing wrong with an extra pair of any shoes…though I canā€™t personally speak of any experience with cycling shoes šŸ™‚ Well gone on a productive week!

  8. Cari says:

    and you can shop local and support them for being open for you — at least that was my logic every time I forgot something before a Rogue run. Wasn’t $100 in one go that I remember, but I’m sure I spent that and then some every Wednesday, Saturday. There must have been something in the air Saturday, saw a friend yesterday who managed to turn up at a half Saturday without socks.

    I won’t miss the Matty challenge, but grateful for the kick in the ass it gave me. Good luck with the mental notes ahead of doc appt. Hope there are some good answers.

  9. therightfits says:

    What a week! You squeeze in so many classes. I need to be a bit more organized about my peloton strength. I really do like it though, I just need to pay closer attention to these posts to know which classes are the best! I might have to find Selena’s clamshell class!

  10. Everyone needs more than one pair of cycling shoes, right? ha! Glad you were able to get the shoes and could ride. I got my shoes on sale and they were $100, so it sounds like they were a good price. Great workouts this week. Hope your return to full running is soon!

    • Coco says:

      Yeah, he didnā€™t try to take advantage of me. He offered to put flat pedals on for the ride, but I wasnā€™t sure I could handle the hills without being clipped in.

  11. Darlene says:

    I laughed. But Iā€™d have done the same. Iā€™ve taken insoles out if my shoes when in NYC and had to buy new ones. Twice!

    Such a busy week of workouts. Donā€™t know how you fit it all in!

  12. Oh no about forgetting the shoes! But I am glad you were able to get another pair. Maybe now that pair you can leave in the car just in case. I read your $1,000 lakefront run story. What an experience for you! I hope you get some answers from the podiatrist.

  13. runswithpugs says:

    I mean. I’m not the the one to tell anyone not to buy more shoes.

    Can I tell you that Scooby always cheers me up?

    I’m sorry you’re having pain, still. I’m glad you have cycling to keep you going, but still so frustrating.

  14. Nathan says:

    Awesome post! Thanks for putting all these great sites together in this list.

    I started blogging about running to some months ago. So hereā€™s my URL:
    I appreaciate every visit šŸ™‚

  15. Nathan says:

    First off, excellent post and so much great stuff in there ā€“ rest is incredibly important, and it is how your body recovers that dictates everything. I think more and more things keep appearing that back that up, or at least that is what I have been reading.
    I think I tend to be happy with about one rest day and 50-55 miles in the winter and 60 or so in the summer.
    And whether or not that is optimal for me being a ā€˜better runnerā€™, really doesnā€™t matter. It works great with my time and love of getting out there, and I feel great. Iā€™m sure a coach would knock me upside the head and totally change things up on me, but I really donā€™t care. There are so many bloggers out there and it’s hard to keep track of everyone! Thanks for this list and for including me! Check My recent post

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