Bastille Day Run Down

Why do we (in the U.S.) celebrate “Bastille Day” on July 14 when the French simply celebrate “Quatorze Juillet” or “la Fête Nationale”? Maybe it makes more sense to mark an event in another country’s history rather than celebrate that country, especially when the event is said to have inspired our own fight for independence.

Bastille Day

Celebrating Bastille Day

No matter what you call it, it seems like a good day to spend one of my Starbucks rewards on a butter croissant.

Starbucks CroissantOr maybe try the new Frenchie baguette sandwich from Jimmy John’s.

Jimmy John's Frenchie

I’m sure the French would turn up their noses at these American imitations, but they probably won’t mind that we’ll be watching the Tour de France. 😉

Weekly Run Down

This week I was back to my usual schedule and made it to all my studio classes. Here’s my recap for the weekly run down hosted by Deborah and Kim. Join in for motivation and encouragement!

Monday: Strength workout, including the planks that I’ve been neglecting.

get out work out

Tuesday: Aimee’s Cyclebar class, and post-class stretching and planking.


Wednesday: 6 mile run in D.C.

DC sunrise

This has become one of my favorite views

Thursday: Corepower yoga, working on chin stand.

yoga toes

Friday: Orange Theory Fitness
The focus of the workout to try a faster “base pace” on the treadmill. I bumped it up from 6.5 mpg to 6.7 mph, which was plenty challenging. We also did some incline intervals, and I slowed my pace for those, down to 6.0 mph for the 6% incline interval.


My HRM freaked out for a few minutes on the rower
but I earned those splat points on the treadmill

Saturday: Conte’s Hill Ride (21.5 miles)
I talked my husband into the challenging Conte’s hill ride. It was tough but doable, and we were treated to fresh fruit and oatmeal bowls from Panera back at the shop!

Contes Ride Fondo Kits

Sporting our Farm To Fork Fondo kits–
I think we may have convinced some riders to join us!

Sunday: 30.5 mile ride
I wanted a shady route, and had the brilliant idea to ride from our house to Mt. Vernon. My husband had the brilliant idea to try a different route into Old Town (where we could pick up the bike path), and I had the brilliant idea to try a different route home. That’s how our 26 mile ride turned into 30 in the heat of the midday sun.

Luckily there were water fountains along they way, so we could stop and refill our water bottles.


Are you watching any of the Tour de France?

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35 Responses to Bastille Day Run Down

  1. Rabbit Food Runner says:

    Solid bike ride, even in the heat! I love exploring new routes, but like you, it often means going over distance. Oh well.

  2. I am loving biking this summer and it’s so much cooler than running. You logged in some great mileage this weekend. Love the matching kits!

  3. Marcia says:

    I’d totally forgotten it was Bastille Day. Thanks for the reminder! That frenchie sandwich from Jimmy Johns is awful cute. I was so hot even on my short bike ride yesterday. Beats running in this heat though! Great miles!

    • Coco says:

      I haven’t tried the Frenchie, but it does look like a pretty good imitation of the sandwiches they have over there.

  4. My bad…didn’t realize it was Bastille Day. You know I don’t mind the heat as much as most (when running), but there are times I actually feel chilly on a ride. I know…another one of my wonky quirks. Maybe because I’m usually on a hilly route, so we have all the downhills with ample “wind” blowing on us?

  5. kookyrunner says:

    Nice job this week on your workouts – so much variety, I love it! Great job at OTF! Right now my “all out” pace is 6.0 but I hope to increase that eventually.

    Also, the butter croissants are pretty good at Starbucks, especially when warmed up! I could eat them everyday but I’m trying to somewhat save my waistline, lol

    • Coco says:

      I usually succumb to the Starbucks brownies when I have enough for a reward. They are my favorite I realy love how you are loving OTF!

  6. Wendy says:

    No pictures of chin stand? Come on, inversions are fun! Right?

  7. Renée says:

    Nice week! And those bike miles – whoo hooo! We have those situations sometimes too – when it should have been 45 and ended up 50 hahaha!

    We watch the Tour every year. I think Ron got that from his mum who absolutely loved watching every etappe year after year. Sometimes the Dutch even win 😉

    • Coco says:

      My husband records it so he can watch it when he gets home from work. Even so, with 5+ hours each day he has to fast forward through some parts!

  8. Darlene says:

    As a former French teacher I should not have forgotten bastille day. But I was obsessed with Wimbledon.

    Great week. Lots of activity and biking.

  9. Laetitia says:

    I grew up at Bastille in Paris so I do find it very funny that that’s how the holiday is called here 😉

  10. Cari says:

    The French Institute here has a wonderful Bastille Day celebration but it was too hot for me to make it back down there yesterday. Bummed because I really enjoy it. We had a funny conversation recently re: the bastardization of the pronunciation of croissant.
    That sunrise view – know I said it on FB but Love LOVE LOVE

  11. I had forgotten about Bastille Day – my husband has been watching the Tour but I’ve been focused on Wimbledon.

    You two logged some nice bike miles this week!

  12. vitatrain4life says:

    Pretty much ANY day is a good day for a croissant!! And I know how those “bright idea” rides go – LONG!! Looks like you had fun and I love the kits!!

  13. Oh no to the ever expanding bike ride! Especially in the heat of the day. Mostly I’ve been fairly lucky with runs lately & managed them before it really heats up.

    Mmmm, croissant . . . haven’t had one in forever.

    • Coco says:

      It’s going to be in the 80s overnight this weekend – there’s no avoiding it!

      • The next few days are going to be downright ugly. And that’s what life was like in the summer in TX — all summer (and most of the fall!).

        But like anything, you adapt to it when it’s that long — this is thankfully just a few days and then we cool off again next week.

  14. runswithpugs says:

    Great work out there! Now I want some kind of French pastry (croissants are good. Napoleons are better!)

    I didn’t realize the Tour De France was going on right now. I always find it fascinating to watch but I just don’t have the time to sit down and do it.

    • Coco says:

      Watching all of the Tour would be a full time job. I think there’s about 5 hours of footage every day! My husband fast forwards through it, but still spends ~ 2 hours each night!

  15. I don’t have a bike right now but I’d love one for cross training!

  16. I love the chocolate croissants from Starbucks. That DC view is gorgeous.

  17. Chocolate croissants from Starbucks are life! Those are my rewards when I’m celebrating something. 🙂 Good training week!

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