Looking Back On My May Miles

Now that it’s the first weekend of June, I can look back and see what I accomplished in May. According to Garmin Connect, my May miles totaled 242 and burned 9400 calories. How many brownies is that?

The hashed blue bars show the days I didn’t reach my step goal. I’m actually doing better at reaching my step goal on non-running days, which is good because I have so few running days!

My May Miles

Not surprisingly, most of my May miles were on my bike. I covered 130 miles over 5 rides, including one Conte’s hill ride.  I also ran 25 miles over 6 runs outside. The rest of my miles were logged in 5 indoor cycling classes (usually 13-15 miles per class) and 4 Orange Theory Fitness classes (usually about 1.8 miles per class). I also did three yoga classes and several more strength workouts, neither of which I log on my Garmin.

When I went into Garmin Connect to look up these numbers, I couldn’t figure out what the “Orange County Running” on May 3rd was. How quickly I forgot my work retreat in Orlando! I also was confused by this week’s workouts–the Memorial Day holiday seems so long ago already!

Here’s my run down for the last week of May:

Monday: 30 mile Memorial Day bike ride
We rode on the Four Mile Run Trail, Mount Vernon Trail, Custis Trail and Washington & Old Dominion trail, completing the “Arlington Loop” with a spur out to Vienna and back.

Between the nice weather and the holiday, the trails were pretty busy, and there were a lot of families out with kids on their bikes, so we had to take it easy.

Tuesday: 3.5 mile run + strength workout
I did my usual Reflecting Pool loop, but this time stopped at the WW II Memorial end to take a picture.

Extra wreaths were still up from Memorial Day ceremonies

Wednesday: Cyclebar

Thursday: Strength Workout
I was planning on yoga, but I needed to get an early start at work, so I opted for  a strength workout at my office gym instead.

I had the place to myself at 6 am

Friday: Orange Theory Fitness
The focus of this workout was a 12 minute “benchmark” run on the treadmill. I wanted to get to 1.5 miles, but only ended up at 1.486.  I couldn’t overcome that first minute I spent easing up to the 7.5 mph pace (8;00 mm) I held for most of the time–before nudging it up a bit more in the last few minutes.


Saturday: 8.5 miles
I was planning on 8 Scooby Miles, but he pooped out by mile 5! I coaxed him back to the house with some walk breaks, and then went out for a few more miles on my own.

Too humid for Scooby?

Sunday: Cyclebar
Church ended on the early side, so I had time to do some PT exercises before class.

I did glute bridges, donkey kicks, bird dogs, and planks.

Next weekend I’m doing the Lawyers Have Heart 5K. I’d love it if you would help me support the American Heart Association through my Lawyers Have Heart fundraising page or my Facebook fundraising page.

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up for recapping our workouts and staying accountable and motivated. 

Did you tally up your May miles? 

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27 Responses to Looking Back On My May Miles

  1. Oh no! You broke Scooby, LOL!

    Nope, definitely didn’t tally up May miles. If i hit 30 miles it was probably a miracle.

  2. kookyrunner says:

    Great job this month – that’s a lot of mileage. I love that the Garmin can track bike miles and running miles. It’s so nice to see everything laid out like that at the end of the month.

    Awwe, poor Scooby! I guess even dogs have days where they really don’t want to run long.

  3. Laurie says:

    Totally jealous of your bike miles. The trails you ride on sound so appealing. Friends of ours just told us about riding on a trail from Baltimore to Annapolis. That sounds like fun too. Those black dogs don’t do well in the heat, at least ours didn’t! I wonder why they call them the “dog days of summer”?

  4. deborahbrooks14 says:

    Those are some serious bike miles! I am excited to do more biking this summer too. Have a great week!

  5. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    I am always amazed, and very impressed, with all of your workouts each week! I think you and I share the early morning cardio thing LOL Doesn’t it feel great to wake up to a sweat session? 😉 Thanks for linking, Coco!!

  6. Rabbit Food Runner says:

    Lots of good bike miles! I’ve been doing more bike commutes – it’s such a nice way to get around. Great job on May!

  7. Cari says:

    Poor Scooby!
    I feel you on the wanting one thing, but work calling more loudly. Story of my week.
    I love your Garmin data. Because I don’t wear mine when I’m not running it’s not a complete story like yours, but I need to get back into my Fitbit data.

  8. Wendy says:

    Poor Scooby! I always think Cocoa would be able to go forever with me but when I see her chasing the ball across the backyard then taking a break, I think she’s a sprinter.

    Nice month for you!

    • Coco says:

      I know Scooby has endurance, but I guess I need to build him back up again — or keep to shorter runs for the summer, which is probably better for both of us.

  9. Wow that’s some serious mileage! Nice job! And, I’m amazed you actually wore Scooby out – everyone’s entitled to an off day – even a pup 😉

  10. therightfits says:

    oh poor Scooby! Was it warm? Tilda doesn’t do great running when it’s warm. Plus she is 10 and is definitely slowing just a bit.

    You had a strong month of May! Way to go!

    • Coco says:

      It wasn’t too warm – upper 60s? – but it was a bit humid. Mostly I think he’s out of conditioning because I haven’t been doing long runs with him. I probably should keep it short until the fall.

  11. Every week I love your pictures from Prisma and say I want to do it too but then forget. I also use Garmin Connect and it tallies up my miles for me. I also have a spreadsheet to add my miles but it hasn’t been updated since maybe November? Did you know you can edit the title/name of your runs? I had one called “Dupage Running” and couldn’t figure it out till I realize that that was at The Arboretum.

  12. Marcia says:

    What? Scooby pooped out?? Ha! I guess everybody has their limit. Great week of activity for you as usual. I really do need to g

  13. Marcia says:

    That last sentence should be:
    I really do need to get my bike out already!

  14. Darlene says:

    Oh no. Poor Scooby. Glad he’s ok.

    As usual, you have such variety in your activities…never a dull workout.

    I only wear my Garmin for races. I never upload the data. I do keep track of miles on my blog. My monthly miles are not as high as they have been in past years. Life and work keeps getting in the way.

  15. Renée says:

    lots of miles!! I thought, at first, that those were all running miles! my Garmin splits my kilometers up – well, at least I just choose a specific workout on my watch and then it goes into that category.

    by the way, you did a Cooper Test on Friday! maybe you remember me mentioning that I did my last one last year some time?

    sounds like a good ride on Memorial day – but I can imagine it was kind of busy out. that happens here too. I try to hit up more “alternative” routes if I can but sometimes it’s not always possible.

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