Welcome to the Spring Ultimate Coffee Date Link Up! Let’s imagine we are getting together for coffee (or tea, or your favorite relaxing beverage) and share what’s going on in our lives.

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Ultimate Coffee Date
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I am so happy that spring weather finally has arrived–although they are threatening snow for today! I know April won’t all be sunshine and short sleeves, but I really enjoyed having my morning coffee outside last week!
Taking my morning coffee + Facebook time outside
If we were having coffee, I would offer you some of my new favorite chocolate chip cookies. I ventured into vegan baking for my daughter and love how these turned out.
You can see my Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe here.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you about Zen Camera: Creative Awakening with a Daily Practice in Photography–I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.
Check out Zen Camera for yourself via my Amazon Affiliate link.
While I’m not very good at keeping up with Instagram, I do enjoy taking pictures, and appreciate how that helps me slow down and appreciate my surroundings. This book builds on that principle, showing you how a daily photography practice can enrich your life. The chapters guide you through six lessons that cover technical skills and also explore personal growth and expression. I don’t aspire to enlightenment or plan to get more serious about photography, but found this book to be just informative and inspiring enough to put some of its ideas into practice. If you want to instill more meaning into your photography–or get more out of it–Zen Camera will show you how.
The author cautions not to share everything on social media, but here are a few pictures I took of various dockless rental bikes near my office.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I am excited about running the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile run tomorrow! I will be at the expo this morning, and we have the VIP dinner tonight–will I catch Meb with dessert again?
Real runners eat dessert!
I’m also excited because the blossoms are approaching peak bloom–although I know that also means more tourists and traffic in the area.
What would you tell us over coffee?
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Has the rental bike craze hit your area?
Has it gone dockless?
Is is snowing where you are?
Love the photos! And the book sounds interesting. Obviously I run hot & cold with IG.
And I am totally jealous of your warm weather. We are waiting, waiting, waiting . . . it did snow yesterday, turned to rain, the woke up to maybe half an inch. I was planning a trail race today & I know people will still do it, but it’s cold & windy– no thanks! Although I will run.
I’m all about taking and sharing interesting photos. I’m amazed at some of what I see on social media. And not in a good way. Looking forward to your review!
Have a great race tomorrow!
That book sounds wonderful! I really like the idea of focusing on photography and mindfulness at the same time. Thank you for the extra help covering the Expo this morning! See you tonight for the Meb dessert watch 🙂
Love the concept of the Zen Camera book. I am not a very good photographer, and I often forget to take pictures, but the concept of using your camera to slow down, to be in the present is an good one. Many people seem to be so focused on taking pictures to capture the moment that they seem to be missing the moment that they capture with their smartphone cameras. Just looking at the picture is calming.
Good luck and have fun at the Cherry Blossom 10 miler tomorrow. Looking forward to a race report!
There is a fine line between capturing the moment and missing the moment you’re trying to capture. I think that’s why I often forget to take pictures with friends.
Enjoy the race tomorrow!
That photography book sounds interesting! I totally agree with the “not sharing everything”on social media….I try to be selective in what I share. After all, I’m pretty sure my life is not as captivating to others as it is to me, right 😉
I saw dockless bikes and scooters in San Diego but the Divvy Bikes we have in Chicago have a rack. It’s so weird to me how they can be left anywhere. What a fun pic of Meb. Have a great race! Spring has skipped us so far. 20 here today with a real feel of 6.
We are still waiting for spring weather here in Chicago. UGH. Have a fun race! Can’t wait to hear about it.
That photography book sounds so interesting. Photography used to be a big hobby of mine – I’d like to get back to taking more photos.
Good luck tomorrow!
I am not sure which spring weather you were referring to! I love the photos they are great! I want to take a photography class this summer. Hope I see you this weekend
I think writing about it jinxed it. It keeps teasing us – or playing peek-a-boo.
Those cookies look yummy! I love that you caught Meb with dessert! Have a great race!
Love that picture of Meb with desserts …although since he runs sub 6 miles, he can burn it off a heck of a lot faster than I can! Lol
Photography can be a lot of fun and relaxing too… glad you’re enjoying it.
Good luck tomorrow and have fun! Can’t wait to hear all about it!
I hope that you had a great run! Was this the coldest one ever?! It was 21 feels like 11 when I went out this AM – but at least there was bright sunshine!
I’ll have to check out that book!
Have a great April!!
We have rental bikes near us but the only time we rented bikes was when we visited my in-laws in Kansas. I think it’s a great concept.
The Cherry Blossom ten miler sounds beautiful! Enjoy!
Good luck at the race tomorrow! Hope you have a great time. Any day you can take coffee outside is a great day, right? That Zen Camera book sounds great! My photography skills have taken a real dive lately. I need a refresher!
Oooh, vegan chocolate chip cookies, yummy! Thanks for the recipe, I’ll have to make some of these soon. 🙂
Hope you have an awesome race at the Cherry Blossom 10-miler! I still have yet to meet Meb, maybe one day!
I love taking pictures and do most of posting in IG rahter than FB. I’m not good but I would like to be if I had more time.
Warm weather to be outside with your coffee? I am so jealous. It’s freezing here!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy spring! (Not that it feels like spring at all. :'( )
I’m super sad that Blogging For Books is no longer doing blogger book reviews. :[ I will miss being able to add to my cookbook stash on a semi-regular basis! Zen Camera sounds pretty cool! I’ve been wanting to get better at photography!
Hope you had fun on your run!
I know! Your reviews kept nagging at me, so when I finally remembered to check it out again I found out I was getting in just under the wire.