Last week I was on my longest business trip ever where I stayed at the same hotel the whole time, arriving Friday morning and checking out Friday morning. Running outside was not an option, so I had to come up with a training plan for a week of hotel gym workouts.

Hotel Gym Workouts–Strength Training
Saturday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday I did strength routines from Quick Strength For Runners (<<Amazon affiliate link — check it out!).
Saturday, I did two rounds of Workout 12 (my lower foot is resting on the treadmill–I’m not that strong yet), Monday I kicked off Week 7 with two rounds of Workout 13, Wednesday I barely had enough time for one round of Workout 14 (and barely could make it through all the leg lifts), and Friday I did a mash-up of Workouts 13 and 14. I’ve got one more week to go in this eight-week program, and am definitely seeing and feeling the results!
Hotel Gym Workouts–Treadmill Workouts
OTF has spoiled me with short treadmill workouts, but I was able to talk myself into three 45 minute treadmill workouts, each with about 30 minutes of working intervals.
Sunday I did three 1 mile repeats at 7.0 mph with 1/4 mi recovery in between.
Tuesday I did an incline ladder interval workout working up to level 6.
For levels 3, 3.5, and 4, I did 2 min intervals with a 1 min recovery in between,
two times before moving up to the next level.
For levels 5 and 6, I did 1 min intervals with a 1 min recovery in between,
two times before moving up to the next level.
Thursday I did a speed ladder interval workout working up to 8.0 mph.
For each pace, I did 2 min intervals with a 1 min recovery in between,
two times before moving up to the next one.
I was glad when my week of hotel gym workouts was over!
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NYC Half Training Plan Update
I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia
for the Weekly Wrap and joining Courtney‘s Training Recap link up.
As far as my NYC Half training plan goes, I was home to do my second 12 mile training run on Saturday, and it went really well. I guess my legs were happy to be out in the fresh air and sunshine!
Have you ever had to do a week of hotel gym workouts?
That’s great that you got so many good workouts in at the hotel. It’s always hard for me to stay motivated in situations like that. Have a great week!
you KNOW I wanna send this to my hotel husband.
He’s not found his stride or mojo as you have.
I think you’ve got to be committed to a daily routine at home to make it happen on the road. Opting for another hour of sleep would not have been an irrational choice!
Great job doing your workouts all in the hotel gym. You just had to be a little more creative to keep it not so boring. At least it looks like it was a nice hotel gym opposed to some I have seen,
It was a small room, but it had good equipment!
Thank goodness for a well equipped hotel gym, and for treadmills that actually work. Finding a hotel with a good gym has become one of my top priorities when searching for hotels, as you never know whether the neighborhood where the hotel is located will be safe enough to run in.
That’s pretty great you kept up with your workouts–it would have been hard to stay motivated. Unless being at that hotel for a week had the opposite effect! I bet it feels good to be home.
Those are some great workouts! I pinned this post because I love those treadmill workouts though I am in no way able to take it past 7.0 for too long, lol! I’ve had some work trips so I usually try to get at least one day in the gym but I’d rather explore the city outdoors if possible! I bet you’re so glad to be back home now.
Wow that was a nice hotel fitness center to get your workouts in! Great job on your 12 mile long run too! Looks like you’ll be ready for the NYC Half! Hope you have a great week!
Way to get your workouts in! That hotel gym looks pretty decent!
Way to make the most of that hotel gym!
I have SUCH a hard time getting motivated when I am at a hotel. Good for you for getting your workouts in!
Good for you for getting those workouts in while you were away. The change of scenery/equipment/environment definitely throws lots of people off. Those are great treadmill workouts!
Sounds like you really worked in that hotel gym! Wow! I pinned your post so I’m thinking I’ll try some of your treadmill secrets!
You are so good about staying on top of your workouts despite the crazy work travel schedule! And, nice job getting your 12 miler in!
Wow, nice work! I’m impressed. I think if I were stuck in a hotel for a week I would probably do a couple 3-milers here and there and call it a day. Lol!
That sounds like a great plan for working out when traveling! It really helps when the hotel gym is well stocked and has good equipment 🙂
Pure dedication, Coco! I’m not sure I could have stayed motivated to complete my training (and every day, no less!) while staying for a week in a hotel. Also, a big congrats on your second 12 mile run in this training cycle. It sounds like you are ready for that half to me! Thanks for linking.
Awesome job getting in so many hotel workouts. I find I’m motivated at the start of a holiday and use it at the beginning but my motivation dwindles towards the end, thankfully, I quite like swimming so I still get in some exercise.
Coco you always impress me with adapting hotel gym workouts to benefit you! And what variety too! I’m not sure I’d be so motivated a whole week. I don’t think I’ve ever stayed in one hotel room come to think of it for a week.
Great job! It’s really hard to motivate yourself when the situation and environment changes, but you really got it done.
You’re very lucky that your hotel had such a great gym! That helps make it easy to get in a variety of workouts! Congratulations!
Great job getting in your workouts in the hotel gym! I usually dont mind workout out in a hotel gym- its always nice to have access to a treadmill!
My head is spinning trying to grasp all that treadmill time LOL You are a beast (a very disciplined beast) for taking it to the hotel gym every day!
So impressed with your dedication. I’m in Chicago now and hoping I’ll only have to run on the treadmill once. Love your week of hotel workouts!
That looks like a great hotel gym! I always try to stay in a hotel that has a workout room so I can use the treadmill, and many of them are pretty shabby I’m sorry to say.
This is one great hotel gym! I’m so impressed. I rarely get to visit hotels with gym though as it’s usually a bit expensive so I just try to work with my own body weight, but maybe I’ll try to find one offering such a nice gear.
Awesome workouts! As I spend most of the time traveling I definitely need these workouts!