My weekly workout schedule has included indoor cycling since I took my first ride at Revolve a few years ago. I’m still surprised at how much I love it, but I find the the instructors, music, and energy from my fellow classmates to be really motivating. Although I’m pretty loyal to Revolve–or at least not tempted away by SoulCycle–when CycleBar agreed to set up a free group ride for my Moms Run This Town group at their new studio in Arlington, I didn’t want to miss out.

I knew CycleBar would be gliztier than Revolve, but would I like it?
My CycleBar Review
When we arrived for our 5:30 am class, we were greeted by friendly staff who helped us check in and get our shoes (which CycleBar provides at no extra charge). One interesting thing CycleBar does is have you include your height and shoe size in your account information, so they have shoes waiting for you in your cubby (corresponding to your bike number) and your bike set up at approximately the height (although you may still want to adjust it).
The studio is set up theater-style, with the instructor at center stage under the spotlight. The bikes are new Schwinn bikes with bike computers showing your RPMs and resistance level. The class was similar to other indoor cycling classes I’ve taken–perhaps because our instructor was Aimee, who happens to be one one of my favorite instructions from Revolve!
We started with a warm up that included some intervals to get our heart rates up, and then moved on to sprints, climbs, endurance, and more sprints. Having the bike computer was eye-opening. I had to work hard to hit the target RPM, and thought I was working hard enough when I was about 10 RPMs below the goal. I tend to focus on resistance over cadence, but it was good to push myself in a new way.
The “bar” part of Cyclebar refers to the body bar that you use for a short upper body segment about halfway through the class. I try to avoid the “Body Ride” classes at Revolve that have a similar break, but I guess the indoor cycling gurus think we need to do a few bicep curls and tricep extensions mid-class.
Cyclebar lets you opt-in to participating in a big-screen performance display. Aimee used it a few times when we agreed to a friendly competition, but I’m glad it wasn’t on all the time. Regardless of whether you want to go public with your data, Cyclebar will send you a report of your workout and also stores the information on your profile.
All in all, I enjoyed by first ride at CycleBar. They are offering free classes through November 13th, so I’m going back on Thursday. They also have a great pre-opening deal that I’m likely to spring for–$99 for a 9 ride package!
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Weekly Wrap
The rest of my week was more unusual for what I did’t do. Monday I was up late working until 2:30 am (!),
which made Tuesday an unplanned rest day.
By Thursday afternoon I had come down with a cold,
so Friday was another rest day.
I did finish off OTF Hell Week on Halloween
by rowing 3,100 feet, doing 31 burpees, and running 13.1 minutes, and I ran 5 miles Thursday before my cold caught up with me.
Saturday I tried to nudge the cold out the door with a warm CPY1 yoga class,
and Sunday I got myself out the door for a 15 mile bike ride.
Join the Weekly Wrap Link Up hosted by Holly and Tricia!
Is there a CycleBar studio near you?
Does your spinning class include an upper body workout?
Do you like it?
Sounds a lot like Flywheel? Love indoor cycling too as you know. Perhaps I will join you one day except at a more civilized hour 🙂
I still haven’t tried Flywheel, but, yes, we should go together sometime!
I think I’d like CycleBar! We don’t have anything like that around here. I’d probably have to go into the city for that.
Hope your feeling better!
Nothing remotely even close to CycleBar in my area. There are spin classes (and I’ve been to one), but it just wasn’t my thing. I didn’t hate it, and I liked the challenge, but I’m not much of a cyclist (yet). maybe someday I’ll develop a little more passion for it.
I haven’t been to a spin class in months and now that my Thursday night shred class is canceled who knows what they will put in that time slot!
I think this would be so cool all this data really gets me excited!
Great job on finishing OT’s Hell week!
Thanks for linking up with us!
It’s funny how motivating those numbers can be!
I love how they have shoes and a ready set-up bike ready before you start!
Hope you’re feeling a lot better this week!
Thanks! I think I’m 95% better today!
I’m actually scheduled to go there tomorrow! Their rates are definitely more reasonable that most in the area though not sure they could sway me away from Zengo 🙂
Haven’t tried a spin class yet but would like to one of these days! I enjoy road cycling so I’d probably do well with it.
Hope the cold is on its way out and you feel better! I like that they have information about shoe size and height up front and try to adjust things for you 🙂 I’ll have to look and see if they have a studio around here.
Cyclebar sounds fun! It does sound similar to Flywheel which I did take once. The upper body workout is nice but I’m with you…I’m not looking for that. I take spin class through work so we don’t have any bells and whistles but it’s starting to become one of my favorite workouts. I think seeing the stats would drive me nuts!
Honestly I would like the riding but don’t want to wear someone else’s shoes!
Could you purchase your own shoes to bring along? That would be great.
Yes! I have my own shoes (because Revolve charges $2/class to rent them) and wore those. They have to have the right kind of base to clip in.
No Cyclebar around here either. I’m pretty impressed with the $99 package deal though. It does seem a little odd that you have to do an upper body workout in the middle. I hope you are feeling better. Great job for completing the OTF Hell Week! Thanks for linking, Coco.
I would love to have a CycleBar type place by us. My regular spin class doesn’t do too much in terms of upper body, but I do other upper body work.
I hope you’re feeling better soon!
I don’t have any of these fancy cycle clubs near me. Cycling is not one of my favorites but if I had friends going- I wouldn’t want to be left behind 🙂
I haven’t heard of CycleBar, but I love that they get your shoes and bike all set up for you!
I just took my first CycleBar class yesterday and loved it! I’m currently on a small ‘break’ from running due to an aggravated achilles tendon so cycling is becoming my new cardio for the next few weeks. It was really fun and my instructor Chris was funny. Glad you enjoyed your experience! I really love that they provide the shoes and their service levels are great compared to other cycling places I’ve been in my hometown.
Indoor cycling saved my sanity when I broke my foot two summers ago. I hope you heal quickly and enjoying spinning in the meantime!
Oh my gosh, I would so love this!! I may have to travel just to find one! Thanks for the info 🙂
Woah! That is probably the fanciest class I’ve ever seen. I guess there isn’t the market here for it in the UK.
We just turn up, grab which ever bike is free and do it in our trainers.
I think by having everything sorted for you before you arrive could help with peoples initial fear of going along. I always try to get my mum to come along with me but she’s too scared!
Some of the studios here are over the top! I agree that walking into your first class can be intimidating – that’s why it’s great to go with someone you know! Tell your mum to give it a try!