My first race of 2015 is in the books, and it was quite an adventure!

Luckily, they didn’t have to cancel 10 miler.
Then, my gear. Before I left the house I saw this Tweet from Tracy. I quickly checked my own Garmin, and strapped to to my wrist so I wouldn’t forget it.
Running the @PRRaces Reston Ten Miler this morning and I totally forgot to charge my Garmin. Race day is not off to a great start.
— Tracy (@HRmom2twogirls) March 1, 2015
But as I pulled onto the highway on my way to Reston, I realized that I hadn’t grabbed my ear buds. Now, I know a lot of people don’t run with music, or at least don’t race with music, but that’s not me. Unless I’m running with someone else, I like to have my tunes. I especially like to race with music, because my fun playlists keep me going when my legs get tired. I decided that I would buy some ear buds, figuring I could find them at a nearby 7-11 . That turned out to be more of a mission than I had planned for!
The first shopping center I encountered had a gas station convenience store, so I popped in there. They had phone chargers and Go Phones, but no ear buds. The grocery store across the parking lot was open, so I ran in there. Again, a wall of Go Phones, but no ear buds. (They did have a nice warm restroom with no line, so I took advantage of that amenity!) I drove on to the race venue to pick up my bib, and decided I had time to try my luck at 7-11, which was 1/2 mile down the road. They had phone chargers, USB cables, and Go Phones, but no ear buds. By then, the drug store back by the grocery store was open, so I headed back there, knowing they would have ear buds. I toyed with buying a cheap pair, but didn’t want to risk the annoyance of ear buds falling out while I ran, so I spent $25 on these Philips ActionFit ear buds.
They stayed put, and I love the clip that keeps the cord in place.
After all that, I went back to the race venue and then sat in my car debating what to wear. Even though it was only 25F, I felt warm in my jacket and contemplated running with no jacket, but then I thought I might regret that decision if the freezing rain started before I finished. I ended up opting for a lighter jacket, warm headband but no hat, and gloves without mittens. By then it was almost 7:30, so I headed inside to use the bathroom and do my final gear adjustments–including using my new Racedots!
That brings us to my fall. It was about 7:50 when I headed outside and took a few minutes to warm up by running up and down the driveway of the start/finish area. I was just about finished when I found myself flying through the air and then sliding across the asphalt, my arms outstretched in front of me as if I was gliding through a pool! 🙁
I had either missed or misjudged a speed bump. I could tell that my fall was spectacular by the reaction of those nearby, but luckily I was fine. I did scrape my little finger and my Speck case took a hit for my phone, but all limbs and electronics were still in good working order. 😉
With those misadventures behind me, I was ready for a good race!
The best part of the race was the people on the course. There weren’t many, but I was so impressed by the energetic volunteers and cheering family members who braved the cold, snow and sleet. I tried to smile, wave, and yell “Thank you for being out here!” whenever I could.
The most fun was seeing Kim several times. She had told me that she and her son would be out on the course since her husband was racing, and I was excited when I saw them right after the start, and then again near mile 3 and mile 6 (it’s a loopy course). Her son wore a bright yellow slicker that was easy to spot and always made me smile. Thanks, Kim!
My spilts tell a story of a hilly course, and show that I had a hard time getting back in the groove after I stopped to take a picture of the lake:
8:00, 8:11, 8:07, 8:46, 7:55, 8:40, 8:42, 8:43, 8:35, 8:11
I knew I was sacrificing my time by stopping, but I really wanted a picture to contrast with the blue skies of The Reston Perfect 10 in October. I thought the course was pretty then, but it was lovely today with all the snow on the ground. I know I was in the suburbs, but there were so many wooded areas I almost could have been out in the country. It started snowing about halfway through, and even that was nice. Luckily I finished before the snow turned to freezing rain, although my drive home was a bit dicey!
Is the ice blue medal color a coincidence?
I hadn’t set a goal for this race, other than to run it faster than the Reston Perfect 10, which I nailed. I came thisclose to hitting snooze and DNSing this race this morning, but I am so glad that I got up, got out there, and got it done! And, yes, now I am looking forward to the flatter Cherry Blossom course in six weeks!
Is there one thing you just don’t want to race without?
Thanks for the shout-out! It was great seeing you out there today. Maybe they should make the medal sunshine-y yellow next year to bring better weather 🙂
Good idea. You both really brightened it for me!
Glad you’re okay after that fall! Scary moment no doubt. So is that an endorsement for the Speck case? I don’t usually race with my iPhone but when I do it’s in my bra without a case (in a ziploc), wonder how it would have fared….
Did you like the RaceDots? I backed them on Kickstarter, so I got two sets, but I haven’t used them yet. Think I’ll wait till after Boston just in case.
Yes, I love my Speck case. It has saved my phone many times!
And the Racedots worked very well. They hold very tight so no worries about losing your bib!
Sheesh, that fall! You’re a champ to get up after that and run 10 miles!
That’s some dedication to music, I hate making too many pit-stops, I would have gone without it, but that’s the Ironman in me, you can’t wear music during IM!
I am amazed at how many stops I was able to make and still be ready on time. I could have coped without music, but I would have spent more time fretting over my Garmin, so it was better this way.
I’m so impressed that you got up and went out there with the weather. Glad that you got all the negatives out before the race! So fun that someone you knew was there to cheer. Glad you didn’t get hurt in that fall – that could have been really bad!!
It’s amazing that I wasn’t hurt. Maybe I did just glide along the surface. 😉
Great job & great time! I can’t believe tripping and falling just before the start didn’t rattle you, you’re awesome! PS – What are Go phones?
Thanks. Go Phones are the pre-paid phones you can buy without a contract. 😉
I loved this race last year!! Good for you for getting out there. I wimped out and skipped the St Patty’s day double and hit the treadmill for 18 instead. No way was I risking slipping and falling this close to Paris!! Great job!
The finish stretch was dicey and I did not push my pace — especially when I realized I’d have to run by that speed bump again!
Wow congrats! It was a crazy day for running around here. I heard lots of stories this morning. You ran an amazing race for the conditions. You should feel pretty bad ass.
Wow so many obstacles you overcame before the race even started! And then you rocked it! Congrats!
One advantage of such a low-key race! It was so nice to be able to stay in my car until 7:30, and then stay inside until 7:50! Most races I’m standing around outside for an hour.
So sorry about the earbuds, but I could never run without music, so I do not blame you one bit!!
I thought you’d understand! 😉
And you were right! 🙂
I wouldn’t be able to run without ear buds either!! that little clip is handy. I need to get a good pair that will stay in my ears 🙂
Cheers to running on such a cold day!
i ran the reston 10 miler last year and it’s amazing to me to remember how warm is was – just my long sleeve was warm enough! what a difference. i’m so glad you weren’t hurt when you fell!
Thanks. Our weather is so unpredictable! Wasn’t it 60 a few weekends ago???
Beautiful medal shot! I thought of you guys this morning as it started to sleet during the St. Pats Day Double (b/c of the hills of Reston). Glad you made it home okay. I’ve had to play scavenger hunt before for earbuds.
I was so frustrated since I have several extra sets at home! Maybe I should keep one set in my car from now on …. Hmmmm. I heard the weather for the Double was pretty bad too, especially for the 10K.
Apparently I do not wanna race without…YOU.
Wow you had quite the adventure before the race even started! Glad you weren’t hurt in the fall. I don’t race without my tunes either 🙂
Congrats on a great race in some crazy conditions! I’ve had a few races that I was tempted to sleep through, and those ended up being some of my best and most memorable races ever! Props for running it!
great job! what a snowy first race but you looked super cute and ready! I would be at a loss without my earbuds as well- I kind of get in a zone once I get going. I love my racedots! I got some for Christmas and they are so handy! I hope you get a little sunshine on your next race for goodness sakes!
Racedots are such a cool idea! I’ve got my fingers crossed for lovely weather for Cherry Blossom!
Thank heavens you didn’t get hurt on your fall.
I forgot my iPod for a 15K once and it stunk!
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Awesome race! Aren’t you glad you got out of bed 🙂
You’re going to be so ready for Cherry Blossom.
I’m so far behind in blog reading, but needed to come and say congratulations again. Did I miss the picture you took somewhere? Must go stalk your IG for it… I think I remember something, somewhere.