Training For Spring Races

Even though it’s still January, it’s time I start doing more than just thinking about training for my spring races. For a while, the first race on my calendar for 2015 was the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run on April 12, but last weekend I signed up for the Reston 10 Miler on March 1–that’s barley five weeks away! 

Training For Spring Races
All of my spring races are 10 milers. I’m not concerned about the distance because my weekend long runs are usually 8-10 miles, but I need to make sure I am ready for the hills. The Cherry Blossom course is mostly flat, but the first part of the GW Parkway Classic has its share of hills, and the Reston 10 Miler is all rolling hills. 

Reston Perfect 10 Profile

Reston 10 Miler Elevation Profile

I also should think about doing speed work, but I need to recruit some other MRTT women to join me at the track, since it’s still pitch dark in the mornings. We did do our first hill workout of 2015 last week:

Shirlington Hill Repeats

It was a short hill (200 meters), so I tried to run fast, but my fastest repeat was at a 9:10 min/mile pace–clearly I need more practice at this type of workout! 

My current workout schedule has me strength training M/W/F, spinning Th, running T/Sat, and cycling Sun (weather permitting). My package of rides will run out soon, and I was thinking of not buying more so I could run T/Th/Sat, but I love Revolve so much, the prospect of not going once a week makes me sad. So, I probably will cut one of my strength training days or try to run one afternoon so I can fit in three runs a week.  

Speaking of fitting in my workouts, I hate when the weather doesn’t cooperate with my plans! When the forecast called for rain last weekend, I debated signing up for a weekend spinning class, but decided to take a chance on running when the hourly forecast showed a break (“light showers” instead of “rain”) Saturday morning. 

Running Rain Gear

I put on all my cold/wet/dark weather gear, but it was barely drizzling!

I ran 9.5 miles around my neighborhood, at a 9:45 min/mile pace, which is slower than usual for me. My legs were just plain tired, and at the very first hill both ITBs told me they need some time on the foam roller! I have been neglecting stretching, foam rolling, and yoga, and need to be more diligent if I want to be training instead of recovering in 2015!

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As I was updating my list of 2015 races, I realized that the three fall races I want to do are on consecutive weekends. šŸ™  I’ve already signed up for Ragnar, so I just need to decided if I want to do the Reston Perfect 10 as a training run and the Army Ten Miler as a recovery run. For now, I’m putting them all on my race calendar, but I have a few months before I have pay more registration fees.

Have you started training for spring races? 

Do you stalk the weather websites to make your weekend plans? 

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18 Responses to Training For Spring Races

  1. Jennifer says:

    I’m hoping to run the Reston Perfect 10 again (most likely the 10K). This weekend my friend and I were going to run on Saturday, but switched it up to Sunday b/c of the rain (we ended up going to yoga on Saturday instead).

  2. So….I have too many rides at Revolve…with me doing OTF I don’t have a lot of time for it and I need to follow through with them until Paris is over. My problem? My rides expire in April. Would you like to buy some of them off me? I got them during the sale, so they would be cheap!! Let me know!

  3. I am a big weather watcher here- one hour it is rainy and the next hour not! One morning it may be 45 degrees at my running time and the next morning could be 60! Sounds like a great workout schedule! I love the pic of you in your rain gear- that is commitment! šŸ™‚

  4. I’ve been wanting to do the Reston 10 for years thought it was the year but sadly this pf is going to prevent me from getting there again I think. Oh well next year?! Happy Monday

  5. Steena says:

    I love 10 milers, wish they were more common! There’s only 2-3 that I know of around here. This is the first spring since 2009 I’m not training for anything,.. yet. Ha!

  6. I signed up for 5K at the end of March and I haven’t been running at all! I need to brave the cold temps and get out there.

  7. Kim says:

    Fun that other than Ragnar you are doing lots of 10 mile races. I think I would enjoy racing that distance (it has been a long time since I raced a 10 mile)!!

    • Coco says:

      It’s just right for me. Long enough to keep me focused with my training, but not so long as to make me schedule my life around it.

  8. Carla says:

    now I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANNA WALK another half in the spring!!!!!

  9. You know I’m jealous of all the 10-milers in your area! I should be starting training for Cherry Blossom but my knee’s let me know that more PT and strength work are still needed.

  10. Pauli says:

    One of my New Year’s goals is to run in a run (I am slow so it is never a race) each month. I count Ringing in Hope 5K on Dec 31 as a January run, in February Run Your Heart Out 5K, and March the Lucky Leprechaun 5K. My foot is still recovering from over-use training from last years Cherry Blossom (awesome PR though), so I am just running 5Ks until May’s Cascades 1oK Firechase.

    I will be at the Cherry Blossom cheering on a friend, so if I see you I will ring my cow bell. :-))

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