Five Fitness Truths

I’m sure everyone on Facebook has seen the BuzzFeed montage of “What You Think You Look Like vs. What You Actually Look Like” pictures. They make us laugh because they hit so close to home! I know I’m usually surprised at how miserable I look in all of my race pictures. I enjoy running, really!

5 Fitness Truths

For today’s Friday Five post, I thought I’d share another five fitness truths I’ve learned after 15 years of trying to live a more healthy lifestyle.

1. There are no shortcuts. Ask an athlete the “secret” to their success and you probably will hear about commitment, dedication, and perseverance. Sure, some exercises are more effective than others, and some workouts burn more calories in less time, but if you want to get results, you will need to be consistent with your fitness program.

2. You are not as fit as you think. Most of us tend to focus on one activity, even if we dabble in others. Whether you run, cycle, workout with kettlebells, do yoga or even CrossFit, your program probably emphasizes some muscle groups while neglecting others. I run 10 miles before having coffee most Saturday mornings, but don’t ask me to do a pull-up!

3. You are stronger than you think. If you do ask me to do a pull-up, I am pretty sure I couldn’t do one, but I probably am closer than I think. More importantly, if I want to be able to do a pull-up, I know that if I put in the time and effort to work up to it, it is a goal I could achieve. Sometimes when I watch an exercise video I catch myself thinking “I can’t do that!” but when I actually try I surprise myself and realize that I really am stronger than I think!

4. Injuries suck. I would rather go without coffee than have to miss my morning workout, and I love my morning coffee. While I try to keep things in perspective, listen to my doctor, and do my physical therapy exercises, being injured just plain sucks.

5. Achieving a personal record is hard. One of the lessons I’ve learned recently is that PR-ing is hard. I had to remind myself of that during the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run and the GW Parkway Classic. During both races, my energy flagged when I still had a few miles to go. I was tired. I wanted to be done. But I realized that finishing a race faster than ever would require me to dig deep and give it my all.

What are your fitness truths?

Check out other Friday Five posts via the link up sponsored by Eat Pray Run DCMar on the Run and You Signed Up for What.

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28 Responses to Five Fitness Truths

  1. Carla says:

    that it’s not as important to me as it once was.

  2. Susan says:

    I’m happy 🙂 I work hard and am not as strong as some and stronger than others. I won’t win a race, but I love running them. I usually skip formal workouts when I’m on vacation with my family. It’s all good!

  3. The first 20 minutes of run will always suck. 🙂

  4. Agreed injuries do suck! It’s so important to listen to your body and take rest when you need it. Fun linking up with you today #FridayFive

  5. Absolutely yes to all of these, especially #2 and #4. ESPECIALLY #4.

  6. M says:

    Absolutely 100% agree!

    Glad you joined the linkup.

  7. YES to #5 — i’m trying to teach myself to be comfortable being uncomfortable during runs. it is HARD! thanks for linking up 🙂

  8. My fitness truth is I can’t have ice cream in the house because I will eat the ENTIRE PINT!!!! No ifs, ands or buts. I can’t do it so I leave it out of the house.

  9. Kierston says:

    #3. Definitely.

  10. Kim says:

    Working out isn’t an excuse to eat all the junk food!

  11. #1 absolutely! If you want the results you have to put in the work.

    I have come to an age where there will be no more PRs, though I had some I was pretty proud of in my 40s. That being said, my new goals are age group PRs, and those are just as hard to earn.

    • Coco says:

      Yeah, we’ve got some pretty fit and fast older women in this area too. Aging up does not make it easier to win! But, they inspire me to keep doing my best.

  12. YES!!! # and #4 and I almost spit out my water on “I run 10 miles before having coffee most Saturday mornings, but don’t ask me to do a pull-up!” so true…

  13. Mine is that I’m getting older. I like the wisdom of getting older, but not the physical limitations. I’m a softball player and my range isn’t what it used to be. I used to have a heck of a backhand… And, in all my years of playing sports, I never had the ubiquitous knee injury. Now, my knee hurts, or pull my quad, or my hip hurts. I figure the best thing I can do is stay active and I’ll be better off than most!

    • Coco says:

      Yes, some things are inevitable, but I think we can minimize others by staying active and taking care of ourselves. Plus, life is more enjoyable from the playing field than the sidelines.

  14. Jennifer says:

    Sooo true!! I can empathized with pull ups! I use to feel that way about pushups, but you were right about #3, closer than I think.

  15. GiGi Eats says:

    My biggest fitness truth = I work out to wake me up in the morning, to give me endorphins, to rev my energy… It’s only an added benefit that it helps keep me in tip-top shape! 🙂

  16. Injuries do suck! I’m dealing with my first right now and it’s killing meeeeeee.

  17. Amen to #4! I’m Almost recovered and ready to run again!

  18. These are so true!! I’ll finish a strength class at the gym and feel like I’m sooo fit and then I’ll try to run with Alex and I can’t seem to go more than a few miles! Meanwhile, he can’t hold a plank for more than a minute, but he can run forever!

  19. Steena says:

    I agree with your truths! PRing is SO hard when you’ve been racing for several years. I think the only thing I can possibly PR in anymore is a 5k, because I’ve only done one and that was in 2009. Ha.
    If I were to add one fitness truth is that it’s a priority to my life.

  20. You are so right with #2 – I can run a half marathon but a pullup… ack! I’ve been working on overall fitness and body weight training so maybe I will be able to do these things soon!

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