Cherry Blossom Run (Saucony Kinvara 4 Review)

Since the cherry blossoms were not really in bloom during the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler, I decided to do my own “Cherry Blossom Run” a few days later, when they were at their peak. I also thought that the flat route would make a good test run for the Kinvara 4 that Saucony sent me to review.

Saucony Kinvara 4

I love the hot colors!

Kinvara 4 (side view)

After taking Tiger Lilly for her o’dark-thirty walk, I drove to my office in Washington, D.C., and headed out just as the sun was beginning to come up.


My timing was perfect.

Jefferson Memorial Cherry Blossoms

It’s hard to choose which pictures to share–the blossoms were just fantastic!

Tidal Basin Cherry Blossoms

You can see how they inspired my blog header!

Tidal Basin Cherry Blossoms 2

And now I have an updated avatar picture.


It was a perfect run for the Kinvara 4’s. When I started out, my legs still felt like lead from the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler. They really appreciated the super light weight of these shoes –only 6.7 oz. for a women’s size 8. On the other hand, I wasn’t worried about triggering a new injury since these shoes have a 4 mm drop. (While I am used to wearing the zero-drop Saucony Virrata on the treadmill, I have not tried them an on outside run.)


I had such a fantastic run that I am going to try to do this pre-work run more often–even after the cherry blossom trees have lost all of their petals.

Have you ever seen the cherry blossoms at peak bloom?

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13 Responses to Cherry Blossom Run (Saucony Kinvara 4 Review)

  1. @runningbloggers says:

    love all the pics

  2. nhrunner says:

    Gorgeous pics. I am wondering why you think a 4 mm drop ensures you won't get another injury, though.

    • Well, nothing can ensure no injury. What I meant was that it\’s not as much as a change from my Mizuno Wave Inspires as the Virrata. I\’ve been wearing the Virrata\’s on the treadmill and my Mizunos for outdoor runs. These sort of fall in the middle.

      • nhrunner says:

        But the Mizunos have a 12 mm drop. ..they are supportive shoes. These may be closer but .. not so much.

  3. Carrie says:

    Gorgeous! I'd get out there and run every day in that setting. Glad you like the shoes, I love their look.

  4. Sarah says:

    Love the photos! And the shoes are cute too!


  5. yumyucky says:

    The Cherry Blossoms look so pretty! And I need me a new pair of running sneaks. I've never honestly entertained a pair of Sauconys, but I'll try them on next time I'm sneaker shopping.

  6. mommyrunfaster says:

    I'm glad you're happy in the new shoes! I wore mine for the first time this weekend, and they felt good, too. Love those gorgeous blossoms.

  7. Prayers and Apples says:

    So pretty! Love the shoes too 🙂

  8. Cyril says:

    That shoe pair is awesome. For heavy running purpose during morning running I'm being using Saucony Kinvara 4. It's very comfortable and not gives any pain in my toes as well. Thanks.

  9. Mrs. Smith says:

    Oh, girl, those trees!!! This west Texas lady is jealous. I bet those blossoms make up for the traffic. haha! THank you for your encouragement on SITS today. 🙂

  10. Pingback: Cherry Blossoms Biking Tour - Running With Perseverance

  11. Pingback: Five Ten Mile Races In Washington D.C. - Got2Run4Me

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