Comeback Treadmill Workouts

There are a few runners who really love the treadmill, and a few who will avoid it all costs, but most runners have a love-hate relationship with the treadmill. Like most runners, I am most likely to opt for the treadmill when the weather is nasty or the roads are icy, but I also rely on the treadmill when I am recovering from an injury.

  • If I am on the treadmill, I can stop running as soon as a twinge becomes a sharp pain without worrying about how long it will take me to get back home.
  • If I am on the treadmill, I can control the incline and keep my pace easy.
  • If I am on the treadmill, I can limit my time/distance–I’m rarely tempted to add another mile like I might be running outside!

Here are two treadmill workouts I am using as I train for the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler while trying to keep my ITB happy.

I do this Baby Steps workout at an easy incline (0.5%). The goal here is to gradually ramp up my pace–and stop if it proves to be too much for my ITB.

I do this workout to build up my endurance while counteracting boredom with some pace and incline variations. I usually do the pace segment at 0.5% incline and the incline segment at 6.3 mph pace.

Do you love or hate the treadmill?

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2 Responses to Comeback Treadmill Workouts

  1. David H. says:

    4 years and counting without a treadmill run. I thought about it a little bit this winter since I have free access to one, but it's like I'm really scared of them now. That said, if I had the money to get a good one, I think I'd buy one and use them purely for speed work.

  2. Sarah says:

    I am a hater of the treadmill. My doctor thinks it contributed to my torn meniscus, because I was heel striking and jerking my knees. If I can avoid it, I stay off. 🙂 However, I do, very occasionally, work on it—just to change things up. But I'm extremely careful.


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