Cleaning Out My Pantry (The Graduation Edition)

This weekend I noticed those tell-tale signs that the mouse had been back in the pantry again. I traced the damage to a large bag of M&Ms I had bought for holiday baking but forgotten at the back of the top shelf.

(What does it tell you when the mouse doesn’t eat the “candy coating”?
I don’t think I can eat M&Ms again!)

I took everything out of the pantry, checked packages for signs of infiltration, wiped down boxes and cans with Clorox wipes, and thoroughly cleaned the shelves. As I put things away, I tossed things we don’t eat anymore (Craisins anyone?) and put our snack foods into plastic tubs for added protection.  (The mouse has a thing for chocolate, and has ruined several dark chocolate Lindt bars!)

I also did some pantry cleaning of a different type. I tossed the snacks I bought for my daughter when she was home a few weeks ago. Now that she’s back at college for summer school, I seem to be the only one tempted by the Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I also made sure that my son took all of the Cheez-Its to the beach.

(I don’t need to be home alone with these all week.)

I got rid of the tub of peanut-butter filled pretzels that my husband got at BJ’s, since that’s another item I seem to be “enjoying” more than anyone else.

My son will only be gone for a few days this week, but when he goes off to college in August I won’t have any “reason” to stock so many cookies, chips, and snack foods. I’m sure my husband will want a few things to nibble on, but I am looking forward to having less junk food in my house.

Do you keep junk food in the house for your husband or kids?

What junk food item do you crave most yourself?

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5 Responses to Cleaning Out My Pantry (The Graduation Edition)

  1. Miz says:

    *whispers* my husband is hard-pressed these days to eat much more than stuffwhichisprocessed.
    I dont buy it—but it's in the domicile.
    please to send the mouse!

  2. Colleen says:

    The rule in our house is; if he wants it, he buys it, hides it, and eats it after I go to bed or am not around. It keeps both of us sane, he (apparently) needs junk food to live and I am not going crazy watching him eat it!

    • Coco says:

      Oooh! I like that rule. It drives me *crazy* when my husband is muncing in front of me and I am trying to resist!

  3. Chica Chica says:

    Ugh on the mouse.
    As for junk food… I just ate a bag of sun chips. I normally don't have junk food at home (and in general, in the last year or so, I'm pretty good at staying away from chips and stuff if my husband happens to buy them). However, I cannot say the same for chocolate… or cookies, so I try not to have those at home EVER!

  4. Chica Chica says:

    (And ChicaChica is SB!!! Was logged in with a different account!)

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