Back To The Grind

My plan for the day was to do 30 min elliptical and then my 30+ min free weights routine. I hit snooze a few times, not ready to face the morning without Sally or start the day without our walk, but I never considered skipping my workout.

I fixed my Muscle Provider chocolate protein shake, filled my water bottle and went down to the basement. I climbed on the elliptical and chose a 25 min glutes program. The first 15 min went slowly–I usually do intervals and this program is more steady state–but thank goodness the last 10 min and 5 min cool down went faster. I worked up a bit of a sweat, which is always good.

I did my usual weight routine but it took almost 40 min instead of a bit more than 30. I did add front raises to balance the lateral raises, and maybe the tricep dips took longer than the skull crushers they replaced.

I had the news on for distraction, but realized that I get pretty meditative while doing my weights. I watch my form in the mirror, I move slowly and deliberately, I appreciate my muscles. I felt calm and at peace, even though I was working hard.

Speaking of meditative calm, my new yoga DVD came today–thanks to the magic of Amazon. I’m not sure when I will try it with my crazy schedule but I will work it in soon.

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