Fitting It All In

The good news is that my physical therapist has cleared me for some short runs (up to 4 miles). 🙂 The bad news is that I still have about 45 minutes of physical therapy exercises I need to do every day. It was one thing to get up at 5:00 am to fit in a walk and some strengthening exercises, but figuring out how to work in a run and still get to work at a reasonable hour presents a real challenge.

I am not supposed to do my physical therapy exercises on a day that I have physical therapy, so one option is to run on those days.  My appointments are at 7:30 am, so I will have to be very efficient to fit in a run and a shower and get all my stuff together for the day before I have to leave the house at 7:15.

On Friday, I did it all before work, including walking the dog.

I had to sacrifice my morning Twitter/Facebook/Blog time and get breakfast at Starbucks, so it’s not an ideal schedule, but I did get to work on time.

One option would be to do my exercises in the evenings, but I know myself too well to even consider that as a realistic option. By the time I get home from work and fix dinner I am ready to collapse. I certainly don’t have the energy for 45 minutes of planks and glute bridges. 😉I am pretty sure that my best option is to get out of bed with my first alarm (no snooze-button!) and cut down on dilly-dallying.

I also am figuring out how to work in my FitFluential time. I am loving the FitFluential community (if you are interested in becoming a FitFluential Ambassador, you can find information and the application here) and am discovering great new blogs, but I could easily spend all day trying to keep up (which I learned the hard way when I was “working at home last week”–oops!). I have decided to read/comment on three new FitFluential blog posts a day, and only read more after my own work and blogging is done.

Do you have a new routine for the summer?

Do you have to impose limits on your blogging and social media time?

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9 Responses to Fitting It All In

  1. Miz says:

    GIRL summer is kicking my booty 🙂 and not.
    I think I thought it would be….slower? but I also see so very clearly how this might be the last summer my daughter wants to be with ME in the afternoons (over friends) and Im embracing every UP EARLY TO WORK moment of it.

  2. Carrie says:

    I've been limiting my social media time to the mornings. At least the 'interactive' time when I comment on blogs and tweet and such. Other times during the day, I will read things on my phone. It's impossible to keep up with everything out there.

    Great job fitting it all in – your mornings sound like the must go like clockwork.

  3. I am the same way. If it doesn't get done in the morning, it most likely won't get done. Summer has been crazy busy for us, so I've been having a few mornings like that too. Good luck squeezing everything in!

  4. I too am having to learn how to fit it all in. I could read all these great new blogs for 4-5 hours a day, probably even more if I didn't need sleep. I have to find a way to make it all work.

  5. David H. says:

    I've been sacrificing Twitter/Facebook/blogging time in the past month, as you well know, and it's been a welcome break. It kind of forced me to push a mental reset button so I could think about myself a bit. I'm going to start budgeting my off hour social media time better though so it doesn't eat up so much time. All that make sense? I haven't left any comments anywhere in a while. 😉

  6. I'd totally fit in some Starbucks – it gives me that extra happy boost! 🙂

  7. Pingback: Race Recap: PVTC Go Fourth 8K 2012 | Running With Perseverance

  8. Stephanie says:

    I wish I had the discipline to turn it off like David H.! He probably has a healthier lifestyle. Good luck with your routine, Coco. It's not easy to switch it up and still do everything else that life calls for!

  9. Pingback: Putting Together My Strength Routine | Running With Perseverance

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