June Runfessions

It’s the last Friday of the month, which means that the gates to the runfessional are open over at Marcia’s Healthy Slice. It always feels good to bare my soles and take a deep cleansing breath before moving on to a new month. 

June Runfessions
It’s also time for the Friday Five link up at Running On Happy and Fairytales and Fitness. Next weekend Deborah and I will be hosting the July Ultimate Coffee Date -can you believe it?  

June Runfessions

I runfess that today we are heading to Lancaster for the Farm To Fork Fondo–Pennsylvania Dutch and I am SO excited. The fabulous feasting starts tonight at the Meet the Farmers Dinner at Wyebrooke Farm, and will continue tomorrow with five farm rest stops over our 50 mile ride. 

While it’s probably too late to join me tomorrow, you can still use COCO2018 to get 10% off any of the other Farm To Fork Fondo events. If my work calendar stays clear, I’m tempted to do the new Farm To Fork Fondo–Garden State event in October

I runfess that I can’t decide whether Scooby has made running more fun, or if I’m just enjoying the shorter distances. He seems to enjoy running so much, I’m squeezing in short (1.5-2.5 mile) runs on my strength days, and I find myself looking forward to them. He does fine on my 4.3 mile loop, so I may work him up to 5-6 miles–or I may not.

I runfess that Scooby is still not very well-trained on his leash and likes to set the pace. When we start out at dawn he usually keeps a somewhat manageable 9-ish mph pace, but he seems to run faster in broad daylight and I have to run hard to keep up and maintain a semblance of control in case of a squirrel sighting. 

I guess he’s making me do those Tempo runs I never want to do?

I runfess that while we are working on teaching Scooby not to pull on the leash (and he’s much better at walking nicely) I don’t always mind the help getting up a hill. 

I runfess that I don’t have ANY races on my calendar for the rest of the year. As I  runfessed last month, I let the Army Ten Miler registration period come and go, and I still have no regrets over that. I usually do the Reston Perfect 10 as my first fall race, but it’s on the weekend of my 30th anniversary and I hope to be out of town on a romantic getaway–or least on a bike ride with my sweetheart.  
Do you do keep your runs shorter in the summer? 

What’s the next even on your race calendar?


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47 Responses to June Runfessions

  1. Yes I definitely keep my runs shorter in the summer! This is the first summer in 2 years that I haven’t been injured so I was surprised with just how much harder it is to run alot. I think my longest run has been around 8 miles and I probably won’t do much more than that, especially since I’m not training for anything. Have fun this weekend!

    • Coco says:

      I like to keep 8 miles as my base. It’s long enough to feel long, and easy to ramp up to the 10M or Half distance when the time comes.

  2. Wendy says:

    I have no problem keeping my runs shorter in the summer–the heat really takes a toll on me. I have to figure out how to get some long runs in before RnR in 3 weeks. I think it’s just going to be a fun run.

    Cocoa pulls on the leash too. Someone told me about a harness ?best friends? and it has been a miracle tool! It’s much more pleasant walking her now.

    • Coco says:

      With so many blogger friends doing RnR, it sounds like making it a fun one is the way to go anyway! I’m so jealous!

      We do use a harness but I’ll have to look for that one.

  3. Marcia says:

    I feel like I’ve barely raced this year so far with Gasparilla back in Feb and the trail race in May. In a perfect world I’d definitely keep summer runs short but if there’s a fall marathon that’s impossible. Have so much fun this weekend!

    • Coco says:

      That’s always the debate – train in the summer heat or winter conditions! Not that I’m ever doing a marathon, but I think suffering through the suck of summer would pay off.

  4. Laurie says:

    Your Scooby looks like a great running partner. I often do shorter runs in the summer, but with 2 marathons on my schedule (August and October), I was doing longer runs until I injured my hip on Monday. Now, I am doing very short runs or no runs at all! πŸ™

  5. Farrah says:

    hahaha, looks like Scooby’s definitely doing a great job getting you to do tempo runs! I really want a dog someday–might even convince me to actually run! πŸ˜›

  6. LOL, Bandit is a typical runner — starts out to fast & then slows down. But he’s also about 10 & also little. He actually showed zero interest in a run wednesday when I came back to get him, so I let him be. It would be pretty cool to have someone pull me up hills though. πŸ™‚

    They need to put in a running portion for that Farm to Fondo . . . it sounds so cool, but sorry, not biking.

    I have a half coming up in 3 weeks. I have NEVER done a half this late in summer. I think the only thing that will save me is it’s much, much drier in ID. Like the other day our temps were pretty much the same, but the dew point here was 68 and there it was 40!

  7. I did not register for ATM either this year. I was recently talked into doing the Philly half in November though. Can’t wait to hear about your bike ride this weekend should be lots of fun. See you for the coffee date soon!

  8. Lesley says:

    Definitely short runs in the summer! I actually use summer as an off season and use those short runs to build my base. That was what I did in Texas when it’s so hot in the summer, and it does get quite warm in Denver too. Since I just started running, I’ve done 1 mile runs, and I hope i can push it to 2 tomorrow.

  9. Kim G says:

    It’s so great that Scooby is enjoying running!

    I hope that you have an awesome race this weekend. I know you have been looking forward to it for a long time!

  10. Have fun on your Lancaster ride!!! It’s so beautiful down that way.

  11. HoHo Runs says:

    Have fun on the ride this weekend! Maybe I should start running with our new old big dog. I need all the help I can get going up hills! But, it will be all over if he spotted a critter. I have RnR Chi and then nothing else on the calendar. I need a few weeks of downtime. πŸ˜‰

    • Coco says:

      It is all over when Scooby sees a squirrel. He just can’t help himsel (yet). You do need some down time – take it and enjoy it!

  12. Darlene says:

    I am enjoying my short runs. The only problem is that I have to run a 15k tomorrow in the HEAT!!!

    I also have a half in Sept to train for.

    Enjoy your bike race. it sounds like so much fun.

  13. Cari says:

    Happy 30th anniversary! Good luck this weekend. A friend just did a Bike Virginia event that looked amazing. While I enjoy riding a bike on occasion, I have zero interest in long distances – mostly because I can’t take photos while doing them.
    You made me want watermelon with that graphic.
    Also keeping runs shorter this summer – decided to make July about speed training, I think. More TK there.

  14. I am excited to say I DO have a race coming up! A 10K in September!

  15. Instead of running shorter distance in the summer I just run earlier to beat the heat.

  16. I often do short recovery runs, but I have my standard 5-milers (at 05:00 a.m. LOL) and then a long run on weekends (which are anywhere between 7-10 miles). On the weeks I have speedwork scheduled, the total running distance is around 2-4…I got to keep that short or I’ll bail LOL

  17. Given this heat, I’m feeling very little motivation to run long, but I am eyeing a couple of fall half marathons which means I’ll have to start venturing beyond the 8-mile mark at some point.

    Have fun this weekend! Looking forward to hearing all about it!

    • Coco says:

      I think you can put off longer runs for another few weeks. Not that it will be any cooler in August though. πŸ˜‰

  18. Rachel says:

    Do you use a no pull harness on him when you run? Trixie doesn’t really pull me (anymore) but I know I’ll need the no pull one with Cuya. She’s half husky…

  19. I think I need a Scooby on my runs to help me pick up the pace! Your Farm to Fork Fondo sounds like a lot of fun! I will be in Seattle (I live in Chicago) teaching a class on my 30th anniversary this year :-/

  20. Have fun this weekend !

    My dog makes me run 30-40 seconds faster!

  21. Good luck this weekend! Stay cool! Sounds like it is going to be scorcher on the east coast! Sometimes it is nice to not have anything planned. I am sure you will be doing something more fun on your anniversary than running anyway.

  22. Maybe I need to get a dog to help me with speed work, haha! Love your Scooby miles, I’m sure you’ll get that right groove with him soon!

    I haven’t run any summer miles yet…I’m hoping I’ll be able to in a few weeks, but definitely keeping them shorter – it’s just so darn hot!

    All my races for the rest of the year are short distances – and I’m happy about that! The next one, a 10K, isn’t until the end of August. I hope you have a wonderful 30th anniversary getaway!

  23. vicki says:

    Enjoy the ride this weekend, it sounds like a lot of fun. I love running with my dogs too, I’m a little sad because it’s no go with them now until it cools off.

  24. Chrissy says:

    I can’t wait to check out your pics from the Farm to Fork Fondo! I’m sad I’m missing the events this year – such a great ride series!

  25. Those Farm to Fork Fondo rides look like a lot of fun. I haven’t been on my bike in a while. πŸ™
    Puppies are great for tempo runs! I haven’t taken my puppy, Luna recently but when I do I try to go for a short walk after running to show her we can go slow too. I’m not sure she’s making the connection though. πŸ˜€

  26. I think celebrating your anniversary is a great reason to not run Perfect 10 this year. Do you and your hubby have any possible destinations for an anniversary getaway?

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