Seizing The Day

Last week should have been my last week of training for the Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run next weekend. Or maybe it should have been a week of taking it easy to make sure my foot is ready for that race. But instead, it ended up being a week of seizing the day and taking advantage of special opportunities.

seizing the day
My general plan for the week was to take it easy and let my foot recover from whatever happened to it last week, so on Monday morning I took my dog for a long walk and did a short strength routine focusing on upper body and core exercises.

Seizing The Day With Mizuno

But Monday night Mizuno was going to be at the Joggers & Lagers event hosted by Pacers Running at Port City Brewing, and I was able to leave work early, so this happened.

Mizuno Joggers and Lagers

I tried out the new Mizuno Wave Catalyst, which is a lightweight model that provides light support. I definitely noticed the lightness, but I will be sticking with my Wave Riders for more cushioning on my long runs.

Mizuno Wave Catalyst

Then I tried the new Maniacal IPA. Yummy!

Port City Brewing Maniacal IPA

On Tuesday, I started the day with another long dog walk and a short strength routine, and ended my day with a 60 minute Core Power Yoga 2 class. During yoga, I realized that the standing balance poses might be bothering my foot, so I backed off and practiced my downward facing dog. ๐Ÿ™‚  

Seizing The Day With The Cherry Blossoms

On Wednesday, I heeded the call of the cherry blossoms. They were heading into peak bloom, and since I was going out of town on Thursday, I felt like Wednesday might be my only chance to see them this year.  

Cherry Blossoms 2016I tried to time my run with the sunrise, but I had a tight schedule since I had an 8:00 am conference call. It wasn’t light enough to get any fantastic pictures of the blossoms, but it was gorgeous in person. (You can see some of my favorite cherry blossoms pictures here.) I am going to try to see them again this week, and hope a few are left during the race next weekend.

Thursday and Friday were travel-induced rest days. On Thursday I had an 8:50 am flight to San Diego, which landed just in time for me to make my lunch meeting, after which I had to prepare for a presentation I was giving at a dinner meeting. On Friday, I had a 6:50 am flight to Denver to visit my daughter. I was psyching myself up for a mid-day run, but she was able to get off work early, so my only exercise was of the shop-til-you-drop variety. ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

Seizing The Day At Orange Theory Fitness

I was hoping to go for a run on Saturday, but a snowy weather forecast was throwing a wrench in those plans. While we were shopping I noticed an Orange Theory Fitness studio, and decided to ask if they would let me try a class. The owner happened to be there, and he was nice enough to bend the rules and let me sign up for a Saturday class. (Usually the “first class free” offer is limited to locals). 

Orange Theory Fitness Boulder

It was a lot of fun! I was afraid to go “all out” on the treadmill–no need to risk an injury one week before my race–but I definitely got my heart rate into the “orange” zone. I can’t wait until they open a studio near me!

Seizing The Day On Boulder Creek Path

After refueling at Starbucks, I still was itching for a run. There wasn’t that much snow and the Boulder Creek Path looked pretty clear, so I headed out for a short run.

Boulder Creek Path

I had to watch my footing through a few spots, but the path was in really good condition overall. I wonder if they treat it? 

[Tweet “Seizing The Day With Workouts I Couldn’t Resist #motivation”] 

My foot was fine during all that activity, but always a bit sore afterwards. Maybe it was a good thing that Sunday was another travel day with a 9:30 am flight home.  

Weekly Wrap

See how others have been seizing the day in the Weekly Wrap link up hosted by Holly and Tricia and mark your  calendars to come back here Saturday for the April Ultimate Coffee Date linkup.

Happy Easter!

How did you seize the day last week?

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48 Responses to Seizing The Day

  1. I sure hope nothing big is going on with your foot. I think carpe dieming was the best thing you could have done!

  2. Elizabeth says:

    There must be something in the air with foot pain. My foot pain sounds like yours; ok during, but a little sore after. I guess it’s progress in the right direction! Columbus has a park with a grove of magnolia trees, but nothing compares to DC with the cherry blossoms! I always wonder how the race directors feel when they bloom early. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Have a good week!

    • Coco says:

      I think it’s more rare for the race to coincide with peak blossoms. There might be some still holding on this weekend!

  3. My goodness what’s going on with foot issues? I sure hope you get yours figured out. That’s pretty cool about getting to try out Orange Theory. We don’t have one here. Didn’t we just have a coffee date? Boy this month sure flew by. I’ll be there!! Thanks for linking!!

  4. You do have to seize the day sometimes! Orange theory is fun isn’t it? I probably should have rested and backed off this weekend too but I was at a fitness spa and took every possible class I could and loved it! Rest that foot this week

  5. Sounds like you got some fun runs in despite the foot. I hope it’s nothing and doesn’t give you any problems during the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler.

    Happy Easter!

  6. I hope your foot issue settles for you.

    Beautiful opportunities you took advantage of this week!

    Love Orange Theory…a bit too expensive but loved the free classes when they were available.

    Good luck at CB10!

    How is it time for April coffee!!

  7. Busy week ! Glad you were able to get your fitness in…and see your daughter. How great is that !

  8. Carla says:

    I adore how tenacious you are with your fitness.
    I seize but it looks so different from the way you do (steps vs elevator, bursts of stuff through the day) and I think Im ready for more formal seizing ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Coco says:

      I don’t think your kind of seizing would be enough to balance out all the french fries I’ve been seizing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Pam says:

    I’m glad your foot cooperated this week. I just signed up for Orange Theory Fitness a month ago and our studio will be open next month. I can’t wait to try a class, it looks like a great way to exercise and really get moving. The cherry blossoms look lovely and hopefully you definitely seem ready for your race next weekend.

  10. I have never tried that Orange Theory. They don’t have any near my are. I would like to try that out sometime.

  11. Gosh, I’m sorry to hear about your foot! It looks like you still had some really solid runs. Orange Theory sounds amazing…it seems like Philly is always the last to get these great places!

    • Hollie says:

      Hey Janelle, I live about 10 minutes away from Philly in NJ and we have several Orange Theory locations over here…including in Moorestown Mall ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Coco says:

      Yeah, except for that one time, my foot bothers me after a workout but not during, so running has been OK, whether it should be or not!

  12. Hollie says:

    It sounds like you really seized the moment and the day. I think it’s important to look at your own personal training and ask…what are you grateful for and go for it. We are all grateful for something you know? Sorry about your foot but it does sound like you are making the best of it.

    • Coco says:

      Thanks. So far it’s not really holding me back, I’m just getting a bit worried that I’m doing damage without realizing it.

  13. All this Carpe Diem’ing — I’m STOKED about this week! The new Wave Catalyst look really pretty; but I’m like you (or used to be) a Rider fan. Beautiful pics!

  14. I hope the trees are still full of blooms for the 10 miler this weekend… and, I hope your foot gives you no troubles during the race!

  15. Looks like you did a good job of mixing it up this week – good for you for seizing the opportunities despite your foot. I hope whatever’s going on with your foot doesn’t linger!

  16. HoHo Runs says:

    Foot problems seem prevalent right now. I hope you are having a better week with yours. I still struggle some days with discomfort from my neuroma and probably always will. I would love to see the cherry trees! I hope the blooms stick around for your race. Our Orange Theory finally opened but I haven’t been yet. It’s good to know they offer a free class. Thanks for linking with us Coco.

  17. what away to seize the days! Sounds like a fun week to me! I hope your foot is feeling ok?! Nice of OTF to let you take a visit! Sweet!

    • Coco says:

      Yeah, I think I really lucked out meeting the owner. Plus it seems like everyone in Boulder is really nice. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  18. Stacey says:

    What a great week (minus the foot issue)! I love the idea of the Joggers & Lagers, my local run company partners with Whole Foods every Monday for their Point 2 & Brew run but as of lately I haven’t been able to get out of work to meet up! Hopefully soon though ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Wow, great week despite lots of challenges with work travel! Sometimes those quick trips are jam-packed with meetings and whatnot so it can make it really tough to fit in a workout. I’m interested to try Orange Theory – people seem to love it.

  20. So glad that you got to try out Orange Theory. Now that I am back to running and not run/walking I am headed back next week.

  21. Meagan says:

    There seem to be a lot of foot issues going around lately. I hope yours clear up soon! So cool that you got to go on a sunrise Cherry Blossom run before having to head out of town. I always think it’s neat how DC locals get to check out the blossoms at off times (like early in the morning) and it’s so empty, quiet, and peaceful at the Tidal Basin. Will they still be in full bloom for the race?

    • Coco says:

      Oh, it was very crowded at dawn last week. Today there were much fewer people and somewhat fewer blossoms. I think there will still be some left on Sunday, but it won’t be as spectacular as it was last year when the blossoms — and the crowds — were at their peak during race weekend.

  22. GiGi Eats says:

    BOULDER CREEK PATH!!!!! OMG MEMORIES!!!! I went to CU-Boulder!!

  23. jill conyers says:

    I love the energy of this post! It’s contagious.

  24. Seiz teh day is a motto I try to live by every day..sometime I succeed and many times I fail..but haven’t stopped believing in it.

  25. Looks like you’ve been seizing the day for sure. I have the Mizuno Catalysts too and I absolutely love them.

  26. Farrah says:

    Carpe diem indeed! I miss doing the workouts I’d normally be doing if not for the broken hand, but I’m instead using that time to spend it with friends and family, so it’s a good trade-off!!

    I really hope your foot is okay!! <3

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