Warning Signs

I’m still trying to figure out if my sometimes-achy foot is something I can push through, or a warning sign I should be heeding. In the meantime, I’m going to share five warning signs that tickled my funnybone. 

On the grounds of the Capitol


In New York City!

Noise Sign

At the top of a long, steep hill

Warning Signs - Rollerblader On Hill

Along the Lakefront path in Chicago

Warning Signs - End Slow Zone

At the top of Bright Angel Trail at the Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon Sign

Hiking down into the canyon is optional, but hiking back up is mandatory.

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This week the Friday Five Link Up hosted at Eat Pray Run DC, Mar on the Run and You Signed Up for What?! has a “free” theme. Check out the link up to see what others are sharing!

Have you seen any funny signs lately?

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21 Responses to Warning Signs

  1. Pam says:

    This made me LOL. I do hope you are feeling better and the foot is not a problem. I did not see any funny signs that I noticed at my race last weekend, but with the bad weather, we had far fewer spectators.

  2. Haha, this is funny!
    I’ve been having foot problems this week as well!

  3. I love that one of the skater falling whenever I see it. Hope your foot is doing better this weekend

  4. Haha! As if there is any “necessary” noise? I love absurd signs. I see them and think I should take a picture of them. The one I like the best is the one that says “Slow Children Playing”. Are the children playing slowly? lol

  5. Chaitali says:

    lol… I love the roller blading sign ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope the foot feel better!

  6. Those signs are fantastic. I hope the foot isn’t too much of an issue. I had a wonky foot a few summers ago and it is better these days. Although, I do take a soft rubber ball and roll it underneath my foot to keep things from getting stiff. It was a handy trick I learned at a yoga class.

    • Coco says:

      I do try to remember to use a lacrosse ball on my feet every so often. This issue is on the top of my foot, but it always feels good to massage the bottom anyway.

  7. That long, steep hill sign is hilarious. I wonder how many people roller-skated down the hill and hurt themselves in order for that sign to be put up ๐Ÿ˜‰

    The funniest (or scariest) is a mountain lion sign that’s on a trail near my house. It instructs you on how to fight the mountain lion. Eek!!

  8. I wonder what counts as “unnecessary” noise in NYC? I do like the Grand Canyon sign. That’s funny!

  9. Mandy says:

    Those signs are hilarious! I especially love the skater skating down the hill. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing!

  10. Haha, those signs are funny.
    Hope your foot is better….

  11. Samantha @ What's Up, USANA? says:

    These signs are too funny!

  12. I love the sign you saw at the Grand Canyon – so funny!

  13. these all gave me a good chuckle! thanks for linking up!

  14. When I ran the VB half their was one that was no curse words. I have never seen one like that anywhere else.

  15. Funny! I had an experience with ignored warning signs on a bike ride. The bridge really was out! I included the lessons in my book, The Hard Run: Painful Lessons from a Running Granny. You can find it here bit.ly/thehardrun
    Have a great day!

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