September Runfessions

I always enjoy reading Runfessions, but this is the first time the last Friday of the month hasn’t caught me by surprise. I’m usually focusing on the first Saturday of the month when Deborah, Lynda and I host the Ultimate Coffee Date link up, but that’s not until next weekend–please come back and join us! 


Runfessions: Cleanse your sweaty soul (or soles) by posting your run- gym- and swimfessions on your blog and join the link up hosted by Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice.

My biggest runfession relates to the Army Ten Miler. It was going to be the third race on my fall calendar, but after I dropped out of the Reston Perfect 10 and Ragnar when my foot was taking its time to heal, it turned into my first.

Army Ten Miler 2015

For the past few weeks I’ve been meaning to get out a calendar and figure out a schedule of gradually increasing long runs that will get me ready to run 10 miles, but that hasn’t happened. I just realized that this weekend is my last chance to run 10 miles if I want to give myself a “step-back” week before the race, and I’m not sure it’s going to happen.

I have an 8:00 am flight on Sunday (what was I thinking?!), which means Saturday is the only day I could fit in a long run, but it’s also the only day I could go for a bike ride with my husband, and I’m not sure that running is my priority. Did I really say that? 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a runner. After all, I just spent over $1000 for a chance to do a long run on the Chicago Lakefront Trail. 😉 But, I’m not sure I care enough about how well I do at the Army Ten Miler this year to choose running over cycling on the one day of the week that I can go for a bike ride. I’ve done two 8 mile runs in September, and that should be enough to get me to the finish line. 

My next confession relates to water–how little I’ve been drinking lately.


Yesterday I filled up this cup in the morning, and this is how much was left at the end of the day. 🙁 

It’s not that I was drinking other things–I had finished my coffee by about 9:30.

It’s not that I don’t like water–it’s my beverage of choice between my morning coffee and my after-dinner IPA.

It’s not that it wasn’t convenient–that cup was in arm’s reach all day.

If this was an isolated incident, I wouldn’t be runfessing it, but I seem to have fallen off the water-drinking wagon and I’m having a hard time climbing back on. 

My last confession is about food-how indulgently I’ve been eating lately. For example, when I was in Dallas a friend took me to dinner at Rise, which specializes in soufflés. 

I could have had a savory soufflé for my entree, or a chocolate soufflé for dessert, but why choose? I had both and an appetizer of tomato soup with “marshmallows” made of mini cheese soufflés.

It all was delicious. And it was a special occasion. But I’ve been indulging at way too many “special” occasions lately, and the excess calories are catching up with me. Yet, like the Army Ten Miler, I don’t care enough right now to do anything about it.

Good thing this is runfessions and not runpentance, since I’m not ready to change my woeful ways!

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Do you have anything to runfess? 

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24 Responses to September Runfessions

  1. You saw my big runfession, but I’m right there with you on the water. I’ve been horrible about drinking it lately.

    I never “race” the ATM – just too many people. Have fun with it!

  2. Marcia says:

    How could one resist all that souffle goodness? I’d have been right there indulging too. I’ve not been rocking the water either lately, which is not a good thing as I’m approaching race week in a matter of 2 days. Thanks so much for linking up!

  3. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with choosing some quality time with your husband over the run. Who knows? Maybe rested legs will surprise you. Or maybe not. But you can never get that time back!

    I’ve been indulging too much, too, and some of it is just a weird intersection of life, like 11 mile run + Yom Kippur falling in the same week (which actually seems to happen every year, which is odd, since Yom Kippur is not a fixed date).

    But I do care. I don’t like the way my clothes are fitting & I really don’t want to have to pay next week at WW — but my body doesn’t always cooperate with me no matter how good I eat.

    So I’ll try & I’ll try not to be too upset if I do end up paying.

  4. I think we all go through periods where running is more of a priority than others. That’s ok do what you love! Have you tried sparkling water? I find it much more satisfying to drink. See you soon for coffee!

  5. HoHo Runs says:

    Running two 8 milers has you set up well for the 10 miler. Go for the bike ride and don’t feel bad about it! The souffles look fantastic! My weight fluctuates wildly anyway (I guess it’s the water drinking) and I get very aggravated when I haven’t indulged but the scale says I did.

  6. Those souffles look amazing – I wouldn’t have passed them up either! Your 8 milers should put you in good form for your race. Enjoy your ride this weekend!

  7. Those souffles! I would have had them all, too! Sometimes running needs to take a backseat. You’ll still be good for your race. It may not be a PR, but you’ll do great!

  8. You’ll do fine in your 10-miler, and your husband will appreciate picking him over running. 🙂 I use to be so great at drinking water, and other than coffee that is about all I drink but I catch myself not drinking as much during the day as I use too! I know the importance of it so I must change it! Thanks for the reminder!

  9. You’ll be fine in your race. Sometimes bike ride with the husband have to take priority.

    My runfession would be pretty boring. I have a marathon in 12 weeks and I basically haven’t started training yet. The heat has won.

  10. With your 8 miler, I think you will be good…I am kind of telling myself that too as an 8 miler will be the last I will get in before Ragnar and RnR Brooklyn half :(-we got this!!!

    Yummy souffles -who could say no to those!

    Sad that you won’t be at Ragnar 🙁

    Take care and ‘see’ you next week at coffee 🙂

  11. Betsy says:

    Mmmm that food looks delicious! I think it was worth the splurge.

  12. Liz says:

    I’ve been so busy I haven’t been drinking enough water too! So bad! Gotta hydrate! And since moving to Portland, OR 6+ months ago (foodie capital of the country, I swear), it’s been so hard to not eat all the good things. But yolo! 😉 (And balance and moderation…)

  13. My runfession is that I didn’t get my post done in time for runfessions; and now I”m out of town! That’s ok…

  14. Look at the bright side of things, a few months ago you couldn’t run. Now you can. You don’t need to all our RACE the 10 mile, but RUN it and appreciate that you can !

  15. I’ve been terrible at the water too! You are NOT alone! And I was supposed to run ATM but I don’t have a babysitter, so bummed!

  16. Quality time with your husband is definitely important. If you’ve gotten two 8 milers under your belt, you’re more than prepared for Army Ten Miler.

  17. I’ve been eating a little too loosely too! It happens….don’t be too hard on yourself! I’m sure you’ll still do well at the Army 10 miler…I hope you enjoy that bike ride!

  18. A long run or a fitness date with the hubby, the hubby wins 🙂 You got the 10 miler! I am with you in the special occasions lately! I am back from the Italy vacation and feeling a little pudgy and don’t really care, right this moment! It is all good! Happy Sunday!

  19. jill conyers says:

    I dont’ have any runfessions. Hubby wins every time.

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