Three Things Thursday (The ITB Rehab Edition)

After my long run on Saturday, I followed a three-part plan of attack against my ITB:

1. Foam rolling and stretching.

2. Taking an epsom salt bath.

3. Slathering my leg with Biofreeze.

BIOFREEZE with ILEX Pain Relieving Gel - 4 oz. Tube

What’s your plan of attack against sore muscles?

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6 Responses to Three Things Thursday (The ITB Rehab Edition)

  1. FindingMyHappyPace says:

    Where do you find a carton of Epsom salt? Mine only comes in a bag, and it has enough for 3 baths.
    I have the mister massage my sore muscles, I find he's more eager to do it if I'm naked. TMI?

    • I think you can find epsom salts at the drug store or grocery store. The ones I've found came in a cardboard carton (sort of like the size for a 1/2 gallon of milk). I do believe there are more than 3 baths worth in there – ha!

  2. Slather.
    One of the best words of all time.
    How did it work?

  3. Carly D. @ CarlyBana says:

    How did your 3 steps work? I hope your IT band is feeling good.
    Right now I'm resting my sore Achilles. I'm really not sure what to do with it – I want to try some KT tape this weekend.

  4. Emily (@TriRunner302 says:

    I had sore hamstring last week, and I decided that a 90 minute Bikram session was in order to work out the kink. It seems to have done the trick because the hamstring is back to normal this week.

  5. Miz says:

    Ive gots the carton
    and the biofreeze 🙂

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