Runfessing Late

I am not a person who typically runs late, but I could not get my ish together to make it to Marcia’s Healthy Slice on Friday. So here I am, runfessing late in an effort to cleanse my soul soles before September really gets started.

I also missed the Fit Five Friday Link-Up with DarleneMichelle, Renée, Jenn, and Zenaida. 😞

Runfessing Late

On a day when I’m runfessing late it’s fitting that my first runfession pertains to the snooze button. I runfess, I am using it more and more these days, often getting up 1/2 hour after my alarm first goes off—well, 27 minutes after, since each “snooze” gets me 9 more minutes in bed. I tell myself I need the rest, but I should be making that a priority in the evening, where it doesn’t cut into my workout time. 😴

Speaking of working out, I runfess that now that my body is healthy enough to run, I feel like I could take it or leave it. I hope the running gods don’t strike me down for saying that—or curse me with an injury. I haven’t lost my running mojo, but I’ve been prioritizing strength workouts and just can’t fit it all in—see runfession #1 above! I can hop on my bike for 20 min, but seem to need 30+ min to hop on my tread, because I know I won’t want to stop until I’ve logged at least 3 miles. 🙄

I runfess that while I credit Peloton for getting me to stretch more, I often don’t follow the instructor’s directions when I take a stretching class. There are certain stretches I have to do, and if they are doing something else for too long I will do my own thing. Is that cheating? Am I angering the Peloton gods too? See, this is why I need to runfess!

Weekly Run Down

Our weather went from superb to steamy, so I front-loaded my runs at the beginning of the week. My right calf continued to be fragile, so I treated it to two days off from cardio.

Sunday: Core + 5.25 Scooby Miles
I warmed up with one of RK’s standing core classes and then took Scooby out for a 5ish mile run. It was so nice out!

Monday: Core + 3.7 Scooby Miles + 30 min Upper Body Strength
I wanted to take advantage of a last cool-ish morning. The temperatures were still low but I could feel the humidity creeping back up. I took advantage of a work-from-home day and tacked on a 30 min upper body strength class—RK’s from 8/16 for my fellow Pelo peeps.

Tuesday: Core + Lower Body Strength + 30 min Ride
I got up on time so I would have time for a strength workout and Hannah’s new Carnival Ride—it’s always a fun class!

Wednesday: Core + Upper Body Strength
My calf was feeling tight, so I stuck to upper body strength classes. I definitely pushed to failure in Adrian’s class, but Leanne’s class started with different muscle groups, so it was a good combination.

Thursday: Lower Body Strength + 3.5 Tread Miles
Andy’s new lower body class is great for pre-run activation with some standing moves and a glute bridge series at the end. Camilla’s tread class was tough, with endurance-based programming. 🥵

Friday: Core + Upper Body Strength + 25 min Peloton Rides
It’s not an official milestone, but Friday I took by 6300th Peloton class! Fittingly, it was a climb ride with Hannah F—my favorite bike instructor and my favorite type of class.

Saturday: Upper Body Stretching + Corepower Yoga
I totally jacked up my right shoulder/back sitting for hours with poor posture in front of my computer on Friday. I could barely sleep Friday night and barely move when I got up Saturday, but after so time with my foam roller and a lacrosse ball, I was able to make it to yoga.

I runfess I didn’t really follow along with Hannah C’s class. She started with neck mobility moves and I had no range of motion to work with. I did Adrian’s class while waiting for yoga to start.🤭

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

I promise not to be late to the September Ultimate Coffee Date — please join us on Friday!

Are you usually on time or running late?

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9 Responses to Runfessing Late

  1. Wendy says:

    I’m not saying I’ve lost my running mojo, but I’m definitely reconsidering any long distance races. I just don’t have the motivation anymore. That’s my runfession. I always said I knew when it was time…well, it’s time.

    I’m always cutting it close. In a job where I need to run on time, I do my best. My patients appreciate that! But some of them don’t respect my time…

  2. Melissa says:

    Ha, I’m an on-time person. Being late makes me anxious. But as a family? We are usually running late – or later than i would like! I’ve learned to live with it or at least try to relax!

  3. Have also been prioritizing my strength workouts and having less interest in running long distances. I would rather set my alarm for 27 min later than hitting a snooze button. Sleep is a superpower and completely under rated in my opinion!

  4. Jenny says:

    Don’t worry, the running gods won’t strike you down. In my experience, injuries occur when you’re really feeling amazing and loving every run. Maybe if you keep up the attitude of “I can take it or leave it” you’ll never be injured again!
    If I oversleep on a weekday, I’ll have an extremely angry daughter on my hand- that’s enough motivation to get me out of bed.
    Sounds like you had a good week- take care of that calf!

  5. Catrina says:

    You need to treat yourself to a good lie-in tomorrow, Coco! I think your body needs it! 😉
    I don’t follow stretch routines either – we have five minutes of stretching in the Bodypump class I go to. I’m always doing something different, but fortunately, I’m in the back of the class where nobody sees me.

  6. Well, can I Pelo-fess I did a 10-minute ALW last week that felt worthless (triceps-focused, but the moves didn’t feel effective)? I didn’t have time to find an alternative class, so I improvised, upped the weights, and did my own upper-body moves instead. Problem solved, LOL! I’m glad your shoulder is feeling better! I never realized how much a wonky shoulder can affect so many other things until my incident a month ago (when I fell on a run and jacked-up my shoulder from the impact).

  7. Susanne says:

    I think it’s a good thing you feel neutral about running – now that your body can do it, you can choose whatever you’re up to, at least you have the option to run!
    Ouch about your shoulder though! Those things can be painful.
    I’m super strict with being on time. I’m Swedish after all, lol! But mostly, being late is too stressful and depending on the context, disrespectful to other people who may be involved.

  8. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    I think many of us are losing our running mojo… is it this awfully hot summer or getting older?

    I’m trying to run but it’s not like it used to be.

    I used to love races… this past one had me thinking that I may need to run shorter races or just take a break from it all.

    I hope the running Gods don’t give me an injury.. that’s when I’m dying to run…

  9. Debbie says:

    Better to runfess late, than not at all. 😉 The older I get, the earlier I think I need to be. Now if I’m not 5 minutes early, I feel like I’m late. LOL

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