Summertime Runfessions

It’s the last Friday of July, and a good time to gather at Marcia’s Healthy Slice to share our summertime runfessions and cleanse our souls soles before we head into the dog days of August.

You also may be joining the Fit Five Friday Link-Up with DarleneMichelle, Renée, Jenn, and Zenaida.

Summertime Runfessions

I runfess I didn’t even think about packing running clothes for our summer vacation to the Grand Tetons. At the last minute I tossed in some shorts I could run in, but they were one of many items that came home unworn. Perhaps a bigger runfession is that I didn’t stress over it and I didn’t miss it—how could I with all the glorious hiking we did?

Sorry I’m not sorry about that gap in my Garmin running data.

Speaking of summer vacation packing, I runfess I finally wore the Athleta “hiking” pants I bought in 2019 for our trip to Yellowstone. I had bought two pairs of the same pants in different colors, and only wore one pair at Yellowstone. I liked them a lot—they are really comfortable and practical with quick-dry fabric and lots of pockets—so I decided to keep the other pair even though I hadn’t worn them. Well, I finally took the tags off that second second pair and wore them almost every day in the Grand Tetons. They really are great pants!

The navy pants. ^^^ The other pair is light gray.

Back to running, I runfess I never do the warm-up of Peloton running classes. Just about every class starts with a few minutes of walking, jogging, and drills that I ignore. Don’t get me wrong, I do a warm-up, but mostly off the tread. I do start with 1 minute of walking, take a few minutes to nudge my pace up, and throw in a few 30-second incline intervals, but I’m not doing “high knees,” “butt kicks,” or “side shuffles.”

Nine times out of ten I’m running through that cool down too … 

What’s the longest you’ve held onto new clothes before wearing them?

Do you do any drills before a run?

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9 Responses to Summertime Runfessions

  1. Marcia says:

    I just started wearing a pair of pants I purchased LAST summer. It was ridiculous having them sit there with tags on. Glad you enjoyed the hike pants. I wouldn’t be sad about not running on that trip either!

  2. Jenny says:

    It’s good to switch things up! You were plenty active on that trip, and it gave some of your running muscles a break (and probably worked some different muscles pretty hard, as well.)
    I’ve kept clothes for a while before wearing them, but I think you set the record with 5 years. They sound like amazing pants!
    I do a short mobility routine before I run, but I haven’t done drills in a long time. Maybe someday, if I ever do speedwork again, I’ll do some drills as a warmup then.

  3. I normally don’t stress about running on a trip. I like to take advantage of newer and different opportunities while traveling too. I do a warm up before running then head out. I am not a fan of the drills on the tread and would rather walk. I am sure I have clothes in my closet with tags on that I have never worn! I do a clean out every few months and Honestly would have given them away if they were from 2019 but good thing you didn’t!

  4. Jenn says:

    How cool that those pants worked so well! I don’t know that I have anything unworn from that long ago… maybe something dressy that I just didn’t have an event to attend, but… I don’t know.

    You had some truly wonderful hiking. I love that.

  5. I runfess I don’t do the warm-ups, via Peloton, either (or the cool-downs). Like you, I do my own thing and just jump right into the task at hand. Those pants! After that long of a timespan, I probably would have forgotten them, even with the alternate pair you’d already used. It’s a good thing they weren’t hidden or buried 😉

  6. Catrina says:

    Many years ago, I bought a nice dress for a wedding. I bought it in two colours, black and white. I’ve worn the black one quite often but I’ve NEVER worn the white one. I’m sure it’s 10 years old! I don’t have the heart to give it away or donate it, either.
    You’ve just inspired me to dig it out and start wearing it!

  7. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    I think I have a few dresses I’ve never worn.

    Hiking is a great substitute for running

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