Happy Novembeer!

OK, that’s corny, but I’ve been drinking wine at home lately (no more than one glass a day, if that, unless my mother-in-law is visiting, in which case I may need two) until this weekend when I decided that I really wanted to have beer.

I was in the wine shop Friday picking up a bottle of wine for the weekend, when Smuttynose Old Brown Dog Ale caught my eye. When we go out I like to order amber or dark beers, and this one seemed to fit the bill. I got home, declared it happy hour, and cracked open a bottle for myself and my husband.  It was a good choice. 

Later when we were out at dinner I ordered a Dogfish Head Raison D’Etre. That was even yummier. So, when I was out and about on Sunday, I picked up a six-pack of that.

Now, the thing about beer is that its much easier to have one, without feeling like it’s a big commitment. When I drink at most one glass of wine a night, a bottle can last almost all week.  If I have evening plans or end up not wanting a glass every night, most of a bottle can go to waste.  On the other hand, even if I don’t finish my beer, its only part of one beer that’s going down the sink.  And, I’m noticing that my husband is more likely to join me in a beer than in a glass of wine.

Tell me about your Novembeer:

Do you prefer wine or beer? Does it depend on your mood? What is your favorite beer?

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6 Responses to Happy Novembeer!

  1. Cathy says:

    I prefer wine, beer makes me bloaty and yuck 🙂 Since I've been trying to be more flexible and allow myself a few treats now and then (like a glass of wine), I've had the same issue with a bottle…

    I've been buying the small bottles that come in a 4 pack (with a screw top no less!) and using those…it's a little more than 1 glass per bottle but compared with a regular bottle much less goes to waste.

  2. I have never liked beer…even in college when that's all anyone ever drank. So wine it is!

  3. Coco says:

    I won't drink the kind of beer I drank in college, although my husband still likes Rolling Rock.

    Sent from my iPhone

  4. Chelsea @ Strawberry says:

    It really depends on the mood I'm in! Usually, when I am out and about, I like to have a beer with dinner. But if I am drinking at home, either wine or beer is fair game!

  5. Ah, you're killing me – Old Brown Dog is one of my favorite beers… and Dogfish is quickly becoming my favorite brewery! #beertwins!

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