Opting Inside

I am a big fan of REI’s opt outside campaign, but this week I opted inside for all my workouts. We didn’t have smoke from Canada, but we did have heat and humidity, so the view on all my runs looked something like this.

Note the big fan going strong!

Opting Inside

When I saw it was 76F at 5:00 am on Monday morning, I nearly couldn’t believe my eyes. That trend kept up all week even though we had afternoon showers strong enough to cause flash flooding. It was just too hot to run with Scooby—he was panting hard enough after our walks. While I could go out for a run after walking him, it’s just easier to hop on my tread—in my cool basement gym, under the A/C, with a fan blowing on me. 🙂

I did spend most of July 4th outside—on my son’s back porch.

They inherited some sunflowers and planted a vegetable garden the first weekend they moved! He got the green thumb gene that skipped over me. 😉

All those indoor workouts paid off for my Breakthrough Crew bingo card.

Just three classes short of a blackout.

Weekly Wrap

One consequence of doing all my runs on the treadmill is that none are easy. I find steady-state treadmill running so boring, but enjoy fast-paced intervals classes. Even if I tell myself I’ll take it easy, I find myself following the cues and going hard. At least I am keeping my mileage low.

Sunday: Core + UB Strength + 3.35 Tread miles (Bootcamp)
On Sunday I headed out the door to run with Scooby, but was hit with a blast of gross warm air, and switched to plan B. After taking him for a walk I did a short arms + shoulders workout, then hopped on my tread for a run + tread bootcamp. I used Denis’s yoga class as a post-run stretch.

We really could have gone for a bike ride, but I decided to bake cookies instead—even though that made our house even hotter!

Monday: Core + 20 min FB Strength + 30 min Peloton ride + 10 min ALW
I don’t usually take Kendall’s rides but braved her crazy programming for the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Of course, I could ignore her cueing—and did from time to time.

Tuesday: Core Power Yoga
I was surprised when Ann said she would be teaching her 6 am class on July 4th, but I knew I would be there. There were about 8 of us, and she laughed when she saw we had chosen our “usual” spots in either the front row or the back row, leaving the middle of the room empty.

Wednesday: 10 min Core + 20 min UB Strength + 4.5 Tread Miles
I had to go into the office, but figured traffic would be light after the holiday, so I did a full workout at home first. The playlist for Logan’s July 4th run was more “summer party” than patriotic, but it was good. 

Thursday: 5 min Core + 20 min FB Strength + 35 min Peloton rides
Office gym day! There are two women I see pretty regularly in the gym, but they never use the locker room—I wonder if they live in the pricey condos upstairs?

Friday: 10 min Core + FB Strength + 3.5 Tread miles
I braved two German classes for my bingo card. Since you can preview the moves and both classes had simple formats (3×3 circuits) it wasn’t too hard to follow along. Camilla’s runs always have thoughtful programming and a fun playlist.

Saturday: 3.0 Tread miles (Bootcamp) + 10 min ALW + Yoga
It actually felt nice when I walked Scooby, but it was still in the upper 70s. If I had gotten up earlier I might have gone back out for a solo run, but it was already after 7 and getting too sunny. I dug deep into the Peloton catalog to take a punk rock bootcamp with Chase Tucker from just before the pandemic shutdown. My basement A/C and fan were no match for the sweat that was pouring off of me!


A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Did you do anything fun for the Fourth of July?

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16 Responses to Opting Inside

  1. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    Definitely a struggle this week with the heat and humidity. I sweat in all my outside runs.

    Too early here for sunflowers but I’m looking forward to them.

    I ran a race with friends on the 4th and watched fireworks from my house.

  2. Wendy says:

    Our 4th of July was ridiculously low key. The weather wasn’t great and we didn’t do much at all. So different from when the boys were little and it was just exhausting. I have to say I miss that!

    No sunflowers in our yard–as you know we’ve been feeding the rabbits…

  3. The weather this week was downright awful! We had storms everyday. Being outside is definitely challenging w this humidity. Is it almost October? LOL

  4. Way to get it down…inside, LOL I hear ya on the treadmill runs. I have to do intervals of some sort, as well, or I’m horribly bored out of my mind.

  5. Can’t say as the fourth was “fun”. It is what it is, and it makes my mom’s day. It’s also not easy to get my run done and then get back for Bandit before it’s too hot for him.

    LOL at baking cookies on a hot day! That’s something I’d do (and my husband would probably complain about).

    Love the sunflower!

  6. Jenny says:

    Well, I did most of my runs in the pool this week so the heat didn’t bother me! I did run outside this morning which was a sweatfest, but I was just happy to be out there.
    Funny thing, when you mentioned the playlist for Logan’s July 4th run- on the 4th we tried to put on a 4th of July playlist and it was, as you said, more like “summer party.” No, no! We wanted John Philip Sousa marches. That’s when we realized we’re the dorkiest family in the world.

  7. Jenn says:

    What a nice week. I’m sorry Scooby is missing out on his runs. The pugs aren’t getting much exercise either and they are cranky.

    On the 4th, we ran a 5k, and then had a little gathering at the house. It was nice!

  8. Catrina says:

    Haha, baking cookies on a hot day is true dedication!
    So nice that you could spend your off day on your son’s porch. I love that they started a vegetable garden! I wish I knew more about gardening and would have the opportunity to do it. It must be very gratifying.

  9. Michelle says:

    We spent a really fun 4th at my brother’s (he always hosts a BBQ) – the weather didn’t cooperate but it was still a good time!

    The humidity was off the hook this week – I did one of my runs on the treadmill too just to get a break. Looks like you had some great stacks this week!

  10. Debbie says:

    We celebrated Independence Day with a fun ride in MD and PA! We were lucky that it was less humid on Thursday than other days during the week.

    Perhaps you’re giving the two ladies who use the gym, but not the locker room too much credit. Maybe they go to their offices and just wipe off and change into dry clothes. Ugh, but a possibility. 😉

  11. Renée says:

    I did do something fun for the 4th but it wasn’t really to celebrate the 4th (since that’s not a thing here haha), but I figured my stop at a decommissioned American Air Base counted enough for my being American in the Netherlands on the 4th of July 🙂

    Treadmill runs are hard, no matter what. Humidity and stifling heat? in my opinion worse. You are a she-ro in my book! Well done on all your workouts and … maybe see if you can become friends with the other gym ladies so you can possibly have a look at the condo??? haha!

  12. I find the even paced runs on the treadmill to be a bit hypnotic! The steady sound of my foot fall is enjoyable 🙂 I haven’t used my treadmill since maybe February? Of course I would enjoy any run at this point! 😆

  13. Fedora says:

    Such a refreshing read! It’s easy to get caught up in the pressure to constantly be outside and pushing our limits, but you’re absolutely right that there’s power in honoring our bodies’ needs. Whether that means taking a rest day, trying a new indoor workout, or simply slowing down and being mindful, opting inside can help us recharge and refocus. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences and the helpful tips.

  14. Jessie says:

    You’re fortunate to have such a great set up inside when the outdoors are so harsh!

  15. Cari says:

    Cookies > bike ride any day
    and yes, I have opted inside as well, to the tune of buying a gym membership. I am DONE

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