Adjusting To Being Back In The Office

After months and months of trying to cajole us to come into the office on a “routine and regular” basis, management recently set clear expectations that we be in the office four days a week—or did they? (more on this below) I don’t mind too much—it’s nice to start my day at Starbucks—but commuting does cut into my workout time.

Evening view from the roof of the Watergate Hotel.
My office is behin the while building on the right (a boathouse).

Back In The Office

In a virtual “Town Hall” meeting a few weeks ago, our CEO dropped the 4 Days A Week bomb. It wasn’t a big surprise—many large companies and other law firms are doing the same—and some are going so far as to tie bonuses to in-office attendance. The managing partner of my office has made it clear that he pulls key card records every month, and there was some drama over people getting assigned to smaller offices if they weren’t coming in. :-0

In our monthly partner meeting this week, our managing partner reiterated the 4 Days A Week expectation, referring to the CEO’s announcement. A colleague spoke up—jokingly—and clarified that what our CEO actually said was that if you want guidance on how many days a week you should be in the office, that guidance would be 4 or 5 days a week. But if you don’t want guidance ….

This is what happens when you try to tell lawyers what to do! 🙂

Our managing partner had to agree—the Town Hall meeting was recorded—and conceded that if we come in at least 3 days a week, he won’t come after us. So, I guess that’s my new plan, but this week I did go in 4 days, and it was exhausting.

Weekly Wrap

No matter what I plan, I seem to be unable to fit in a run and a strength workout on days I’m going into the office, which is fine from a fitness perspective, but an adjustment I need to get used to. It was harder to keep up with the Pump Up The Volume program and make progress on my Peloton Breakthrough Crew bingo card, but I managed a few bingos.

I may get one more if I do a bootcamp tomorrow.

Sunday: 20 min Core + 45 min Peloton Ride + 10 min ALW
I had too much on my to-do list for an outdoor bike ride, but enough time for Hannah F’s new 45 min climb. I rarely take a 45 min class, but I’m glad I chose this one because it ended up being my 400th Pelton ride.

Monday: 10 min Core + 4.0 Scooby Miles
I had to go into the office, but took Scooby for a run first. Just like last Monday!

Tuesday: Core Power Yoga
The peak pose for June is a transition from tripod headstand to crow. I can barely do it as a dismount from tripod headstand passing briefly through crow into a squat. At least I’ve got a few more weeks to practice.

Wednesday: Core + LB Strength + Peloton Ride
One upside of going to the office is using the Peloton bike at my office gym. I was choosing classes from the Pride collection and found this great one from Hannah F. The playlist features Black LGBTQ artists and was so good!

Thursday: 15 min Core + 4.8 Scooby Miles
My plan was to do a short run and have time for a strength class before going into the office, but once I got started I opted for a longer run because the weather was so nice.

Friday: 10 min Core + 20 min UB + 20 min C+B + 10 min ALW + 10 min LB
Finally a work from home day! I sacrificed my arms to get my first bingo of the week after doing the upper body class of the pump up the volume program. I usually don’t enjoy ALW classes  that have boxing and other non-conventional moves, but I was grateful for the variety in this one!

Saturday: 10 min core + 6,45 Scooby Miles
This run felt a lot better than last week’s “long” run, but it still wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns. My left hamstring (I think it’s the hamstring now) is still a bit tight and and my legs felt a bit heavy, but not like lead.

My fire hydrant entry for the RunChat scavenger hunt.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Have you had to adjust your workout schedule lately?

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22 Responses to Adjusting To Being Back In The Office

  1. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    If they ordered us back into the office I might have to retire. Lol.

    I don’t know how I fit everything in when I did.

    Good luck.

    Only adjusting here is the weather. Hot cold rain. First world problems

  2. I am sorry about the “directive”. I don’t understand why companies are so hung up on being in the office if the work is getting done. But the Peloton bike is a nice perk!

    You’re still getting in plenty of activity, but ugh on the commute.

    • Coco says:

      For us, they say mentoring and developing relationships with colleagues. For me, a lot of the people I work with/mentor are in different offices anyway, but ….

  3. Jenny says:

    This week was a little crazy because of my daughter’s schedule… but it was just for one week. Yes, I don’t know how you manage to get all that done and also go into the office- you must get up EARLY.
    Nice job on your bingos!

  4. My husband’s office has been back full Time for over a year. Looks like many are headed in at least 3-4 days a week. I am sure you will adjust to your new schedule!

  5. I hope your new work schedule transitions smoothly. You’re an active gal, with fitness as a priority, so I know you’ll be able to swing it 😉

  6. Michelle says:

    I struggle with just two days of commuting – I keep hoping we don’t go to more days! I know more and more companies are headed that way. Despite the commute, you got a lot of fitness in this week!

  7. Susanne says:

    I’m not a fan of companies ordering people to the office when the work can be done elsewhere – unless it’s for a special reason. After lockdowns I hoped some hybrid model would be implemented, because many are much happier working from home and it obviously works. I hope you’ll feel the new work schedule works ok for you.
    You seem to manage well getting workouts done around office work though!

    • Coco says:

      Since a lot of us set up full home offices during covid (extra monitors, etc.) it is much easier to work efficiently at home. We’ll see where we really end up!

  8. Wendy says:

    I only work 3 days per week, but obviously, my job can’t be done at home! I sure wouldn’t want my patients to see me in my house, lol. To your comment–it is exhausting! There is just so much going on around me and while I’ve gotten very good at being able to focus on my tasks, it feels good to sit in quiet at home. My workouts, as do yours, keep me sane!

    • Coco says:

      I can’t imagine starting my day without some activity —especially since the rest of my day I’m so sedentary.

  9. Even though I work 3 days a week, I do get 1 remote day just like the rest of my company. However, my boss has reminded me that it’s not “guaranteed”, and not an entitlement. Geez!! Whatever 😆

  10. San says:

    I still have the luxury of working mostly from home, I go in once a week right now and I am happy with this. I am on a lot of Teams call, so it’s not like I am working directly with my co-workers in the office (which otherwise of course would make much more sense, and besides, it’s nice to see people sometime)… but I love when they keep it flexible, because yes, commuting and getting yourself out the door does take away from exercise time. I can see how you’re struggling to fit it all in… it’s nice that you have a Peloton at the office gym though. Nice perk!

  11. Catrina says:

    Oh wow! Well, at least you only have to go in for 3 days and not the whole week. I wonder why companies insist on their people being in the office. Is it a lack of trust? Or do they think communication works better?
    Well done on the Bingo Card! Now drink those 8 cups of water and cross off that box, haha!

  12. Debbie says:

    Ugh on an increased number of days you’re expected to go into the office. It must be frustrating to spend time commuting when you could be working out, but at least you’ve got Starbucks and the Peloton bike to look forward to on the days you go into the office.

  13. Renée says:

    I find it so weird that companies require employees to be in the office when the work can actually be done remotely. Is this a control thing? Micro-managing? Do they think you’re slacking at home? I am working at a bank now (but in back-office operations) and there is no reason to go in… except being new I don’t really know my colleagues. The 1 day I do go is pretty long so I have to make it my rest day. How long is your commute? Do you have to be in by 9am? I have to be in by 8!! Ugh. It’s awesome that you have a Peloton bike at work though. That helps! Oh and yesterday I thought of you because I was early and was able to get a coffee at Starbucks LOL! Made my morning!

  14. Jenn says:

    Hi, Scoobs! How does he feel about you being in the office?

    The office work thing is tough. On the one hand, if you’re productive and get your work done, no one should have a problem with it. Obviously, there are meetings and collaborations that are better handled in person, but those can be scheduled.

    I hope your transition goes smoothly.

  15. Jessie says:

    4 days a week! Ugh. At least its not 5 I guess. I have done 4 here in London, but for whatever reason I don’t hate it as much as in Minneapolis. Maybe its because I’m taking the tube and not driving/parking, etc? And I suppose its all still pretty “new” in terms of meeting people and getting to know the city, but I am not ready to give up AT LEAST one day at home…Good luck adjusting! How did we ever do it before? I am familiar with those 4:40 pre-covid alarms…

  16. Marcia says:

    I think the pandemic really left a lasting mark on the way people work. My husband actually prefers going into the office. I enjoy much more flexibility. My daughter just learned that she’ll have to shell out $20/day to park when she starts her job. She is not happy about that.

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