Reaching For A New Routine

With increasing expectations that I go into the office several days a week, I am reaching for a new routine so I can get out the door in time to beat the worst of morning rush hour while still fitting in the Scooby miles, strength workouts, and yes, even Peloton rides (on my Schwinn IC4), that have become part of my morning routine.

Right back at you Judy!

Traffic is so much lighter if I leave at 7:00 vs. 7:30, but I have gotten used to my long morning workout time. I’m struggling to cut it down, but it’s been even more of a struggle to get up earlier. 😉

Reaching For A New Routine

The bottom line is that on days I go into the office, I can’t fit it all in. I need to go back to focusing on cardio or strength instead of doing both, especially now that I am being more diligent about pre-run warm-ups and post-workout stretches to fend off injuries.

To kick off my new routine, I started Robin’s 3-Day Split strength program. The program has three 30 min classes, each focusing on different muscle groups. The idea is to do all three classes in a given week, and repeat in subsequent weeks to see your progress.

The Chest & Tris class was by far the hardest for me. I can do triceps kickbacks with 10 lb weights for days, but I struggled with single arm skull crushers using 8 lb weights. On the other hand, the Lower Body & Core class wasn’t that challenging. I may look for a replacement when I repeat the program this week.

Wanting to save myself for these classes made it easier to resist taking strength classes on other days. Now that I know what I’m in for, I will still steer clear of upper body classes, but I might throw in more lower body classes from the Strength For Runners collection.

Weekly Rundown

I figure if I’m getting bored with my day-by-day recaps, maybe you are too. To mix things up, I’m just going to focus on the highlights.

Erik Jager’s Oktober Fest Ride is actually a highlight from last week, because I took it last Friday. Erik is a German instructor, but he taught this class in English—and wearing lederhosen. The class had a fun mix of tradition Oktoberfest music and rock.

He needs to get lederhosen kits like we have for next year!

This week one of my favorite Peloton cycling instructors added tread classes to her schedule. The evening time slot is rough for me, but it was worth it for Camila’s premiere tread class.

She is wearing shorts. 😉

It was a great class, and I loved that other Peloton instructors Ally Love, Kirsten Fergusen, Ash Pryor, and Jess Sims were in studio to support her.

The remnants of hurricane Ian hung out over the mid-Atlantic through Wednesday, so I didn’t log any Scooby miles until Thursday.

Loved the classic rock playlist in this class.

We had perfect fall weather Saturday morning, and Scooby enjoyed running 6 miles with me.

I tacked on a 30 min tread bootcamp to add 2 more miles and a bit of strength. Was that the smartest decision with my cranky hip flexor? Maybe not, but I kept my running to an easy pace instead of the sprint intervals Matty called out. I wrapped up with a 10 minute stretch class that turned out to be my 350th.

Sunday we waited for the temperature to get into the upper 50s before heading out for a bike ride. It probably was in the low 60s by the time we finished, but I still wore long sleeves.

Other workouts this week I didn’t highlight include daily core classes, a 20 min climb ride with Hanna Frankson and a 30 min Jess King Experience ride.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Do you have a new fall routine?

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21 Responses to Reaching For A New Routine

  1. Kim G says:

    That’s so frustrating that you have to go back into the office more days a week 🙁 I thought that companies would realize that workers can get so much work done at home, and so much more convenient for workers too!

    I’m looking forward to taking Erik’s Oktoberfest ride – he’s always so much fun! I missed Camila’s premiere run and her Bad Bunny run but have plans to take those this month. I am really so happy to see Camila on the tread – I love her energy.

    • Coco says:

      It’s so annoying when there is such an emphasis on productivity and billable hours, but they also want us collaborating and mentoring. 😉

  2. Jenny says:

    My schedule definitely isn’t as daunting as yours, but my mornings are still packed, with getting my daughter to school and then myself to work. I’ve been doing what you did this week- alternating strength and cardio, but making the strength really hard. It’s working for now- summers are different, and then next year my schedule will be turned upside down when my daughter starts high school. But, we make it work.
    Glad you were able to get out for some Scooby miles- I’m sure he’s sad when he can’t get his runs in!

    • Coco says:

      Oh, I think getting your daughter ready for school is much harder. I just need to take Scooby out and handle myself. 😉

  3. how rude that your office is trying to mess up your workout schedule! I liked that Robin 3 day split as well. The arms class was challenging!

  4. I find myself stacking short Pelo classes (10-20 minutes) rather than doing the longer (30 or 45-minutes) individual classes. I get bored in the longer classes, LOL (and they seem to have more recovery breaks?). It’ll be an adjustment when I transition back to indoor cycling, since a lot of those are 30+ minutes (at least the ones I tend to choose).

    • Coco says:

      The longer strength classes do have more recovery, but you are supposed to need it to get the most out of your next reps. The longer cycling classes just seem harder to me — especially the “fitness first” classes, like intervals or climbs, or Jess King’s “sweat steady” rides. 😉

  5. Wendy says:

    I hate when work interferes with my workouts! I am a morning exerciser and I just am too exhausted after work to do it then. So on my early days, I’m up at 4:30. Ugh. I don’t think anyone should get up at a time with a ‘4’ in it! Nice work!

  6. What a bummer that you’re having to go into the office more often. That lack of commute time really gave everyone a lot more time for morning workouts.

  7. Catrina says:

    Oh, no, here they are, the dreaded office days.
    I think you have developed a great strategy, splitting the cardio and strength over different days.
    Also, I like the format of focusing on the week’s highlights!

  8. I am too nervous about going to the office full-time… so far it’s Jan 1. No more pre-work or lunch runs… and getting dark after… HELP!!!

    Kudos to you on making it all work.

  9. Michelle says:

    Commuting to the office definitely puts a cramp in the morning routine – how many days are you expected to go in?

    I really liked Robin’s split – it would be good to repeat it. I also did Camila’s run. Loved her energy – I’ve never done her cycling classes, but now want to check them out.

    • Coco says:

      I draw the line at 3 days, but it’s still a struggle to do more than 2. At least there’s Starbucks when I get there!

  10. Cari says:

    I feel you on the lack of routine. My original plan was to not work from the office on my run days, but then I really loved how no one was in on Mondays, which is a run day. I’m still figuring it out, but don’t do as much in the mornings as you. So glad to be able to do Camila’s class with you!

  11. Marcia says:

    I’d be bummed too about having to spend more time at the office. I’d like to think we learned something about flexibility over the pandemic. I’m still pushing through my super early work days and figuring out how to manage the fatigue that comes with them. My fall routine is challenging because Thing 2 set herself up with a VERY busy schedule, which consumes my afternoons and evenings. It’ll ease up in November though!

  12. Jenn says:

    Boo. Working from home can be so much more convenient and productive.

    I’m sure sweet Scooby misses you, too.

    I’m sure you’ll get it figured out, but it’s annoying to have to make adjustments, especially when it’s not of your doing.

  13. Jessie says:

    Looks like a solid week Coco! It’s so hard to figure out the new routine…with these darn “expectations” about going into the office. On my wfh days, I gain so much time back and end up working more anyways, but still have time for strength (which is hard on the office days as they are long.)

    Anyways, I have not taken a Camille class, but make sense if she doesn’t teach strength since that’s all I use Peloton for.

    Good luck fine-tuning the new routine/plan 🙂

  14. One of the things I don’t like about Summer is how early I have to get out to run to maybe beat the heat. It wears me down by the end of the Summer. Then I procrastinate as it gets cooler and often get out later than I should, LOL!

    I can definitely imagine that getting back into going to the office is a really big adjustment. I’m sorry!

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