New Strength Exercises I Learned From Peloton

It’s no secret that over the past few many months I’ve become a huge fan of the Peloton app. I don’t have a bike, and even though I’ve gotten hooked on the running workouts, my favorite classes–what sucked me in and got me to subscribe in the first place–are the strength classes. I love the diversity of the instructors, the variety of the classes, and I love that I’ve learned new strength exercises.

Peloton Strength Image

I wish Alex had more classes!

New Strength Exercises I Learned From Peloton

As I approach my 500th Peloton class, I’m also approaching my 300th strength class. That’s partly because I tend to “stack” shorter strength classes (10 or 20 minutes) while I usually only do one running or bootcamp class on a given day. But it’s also because I’ve been doing at least a core strength class every day for the past few months.

peloton class history


Over the course of those nearly 300 strength classes, I’ve learned new strength exercises. I can’t remember them all, but thought I’d share a few of my favorites.

One upper body strength exercise I learned from Peloton is the dumbbell halo:

This works strength and mobility.

Other upper body moves I like include scapula push-ups (often done as part of a warm-up) and Arnold presses.

One core exercise I learned from Peloton is the bear plank:

It’s a simple but challenging variation.

Another core exercise that is more challenging than it sounds–reverse planks.

One lower body exercise I learned from Peloton is a kneeling to standing move from the strength for runners collection:

Another one that looks simple but feels effective.

Another “strength for runners” exercise I like is what Becs Gentry calls the “running man.” It’s similar to RDLs, but instead of lowering the leg you’re raising, you lift the knee into a running pose, and throughout the exercise you move your arms like you’re running.

Proof of my dedication to strength workouts–I completed the CoreTober challenge, including the “bonus” classes that were released during the month.

completed coretober chart

And, yes, my core is definitely feeling stronger!

Weekly Run Down

Ironically, after last week’s strength-heavy week, this week I focused more on running. Those of you who saw my Runfessions post won’t be surprised that I did run 5 miles on Friday and 8 on Saturday so I would reach 100 miles for October.

Monday: 3.25 Treadmill Miles + 30 min Peloton Strength
Rain drove me to the treadmill (after walking Scooby of course). I’ve been “warming up” with a core class for a while now, but lately I’ve started “cooling down” with an arms toning class (lighter weights, higher reps, usually filmed at the end of a bike class.)

basement gym selfie

Tuesday: 5.7 Scooby Miles + 20 min Peloton Strength
I braved a light fog to take Scooby out–it didn’t blind me as much as last week’s fog did.

dark foggy scooby selfieWednesday: 45 min Peloton Bootcamp + 5 min Peloton Core
Another foggy morning, so I opted for a Bootcamp workout. All the push-ups in the first strength block had me sore for days.

basement gym selfie

Thursday: 3.5 Treadmill Miles + 15 min Peloton Core
A number of the Peloton instructors are “dressing up” for Halloween, but I don’t think any one will be able to top Matty’s 30 min run as “Mara Thoner”–your BFF from New Jersey who loves to gab!

basement gym selfie with Matty's Halloween run

Friday: 5.75 Scooby Miles + 20 min Peloton Strength
I wore a hat to fend off the light drizzle, which thankfully stopped halfway through this run.

scooby selfie

Saturday: 8.1 Scooby Miles + 10 min Peloton Core
A cool front made it perfect weather for my Scooby Doo top, and Scooby was in fine form too.

October Miles

Reached that 100 mile mark!

Sunday: 3.5 Scooby Miles + 30 min Peloton Strength
I know most people hate that it gets dark so early, but I love having some morning light again when we adjust our clocks and “fall back.” It was still dark when I started out at 6:00, but I could tell the sky was lightening.

Scooby selfie


Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up. It’s always great for motivation and encouragement, but now it’s especially important for distance socializing. We may be physically apart, but we are in this together!

Have you added any new exercises to your fitness library?

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29 Responses to New Strength Exercises I Learned From Peloton

  1. Catrina says:

    Congratulations on completing the Coretober challenge, Coco!
    It must feel good to cross off all those little boxes! 😊👍🏻
    I felt sore from dips this week. As soon as I skip two days and do them again I feel sore.

  2. Wendy says:

    It’s amazing that Peloton hit their stride right as the pandemic hit. It’s as if they knew people were going to be working out at home. What a great app.

    Nice work for you this week!

    • Coco says:

      Yes, they were smart when they did that extended 90-day free trial. They’ve gotten flax for doing so well, but they did donate a lot of $$$ to food banks during Pelothon.

  3. Marcia says:

    I’ve been doing that halo exercise with a kettlebell for years. It’s a great one! Glad you’re enjoying the Peloton app so much.

  4. kookyrunner says:

    I love how much you have embraced the Peloton strength classes. The one thing I love about the instructors is that they are all so energetic and they make me want to master all the moves, even the crazy hard ones like turkish getups, lol.

    • Coco says:

      Those are hard for sure. I think Jess had one class where she did them slow, or did “half get-ups” which helped me remember how to do them.

  5. Birchwood Pie says:

    Ooh stand kneel stand looks like a good one…that I could easily add into my routine. Congrats on your October Century!

  6. I always get excited when I learn a new to me strength move. I think I love the strength classes as much as the cycle classes. nice week of workouts for you!

  7. Lisa says:

    I am definitely looking forward to some more light in the mornings! I feel like with working from home right now I don’t really care about it getting darker earlier. Thats awesome that you are learning new strength moves from your Peloton workouts!

  8. I actually already knew most of those moves. 🙂 I’m not really a big fan of the ST on Peloton, probably because I have other sources I enjoy. But I do like the running, cycling, warmups, cooldowns, etc.

    Congrats on your 100 mile month!

    I do not like the early dark at all. Yes, more light in the morning is good, but the next few months are just a real challenge for me. 🙁

  9. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    I have forgotten about the halo move…gotta add that back in. You have really been rocking Peloton, Coco! I also like the extra early morning light after the time change, though in another month it will be history again LOL

  10. Darlene says:

    Congrats on hitting that 100 mark. I am aiming for 1000 this year…you may see me running a lot in Dec lol.

    Oh how I wish i could embrace ST. How do you find the time…I can barely find the time to run when working FT.

    • Coco says:

      I spend at least an hour working out in the morning — because I’m still getting up at 5 or 5:30 and not starting work until 8:00. So, I start most days with 45 min running with Scooby + 20-30 min strength. If I have to walk him instead, that does eat into my workout time.

  11. Cari says:

    I found out that Peloton will count for gym reimbursement so I might have to look into it even though I don’t have a treadmill or a data plan. Thanks for the tips on the favorites. This weather especially the fog has been so crazy
    I normally don’t mind the hour, but I think I’m with you on the morning light. Determined to take advantage of it.

    • Coco says:

      You have wi-fi at home, right? I think you could get your $13/month worth with the strength, stretching, yoga and (new) barre classes — and the 5-10 min running warm-ups. There are a lot of bodyweight strength classes (i.e., no dumbbells required).

  12. Congrats on 100 miles in October. I also did longer runs on Friday and Saturday just so I could pass my July mileage..and I did!

  13. Michelle D. says:

    I do love all of the variety of the Peloton strength classes! They’ve done such a good job of mixing up the content.

    Congrats on hitting 100 miles!

  14. The halo! I did introduce that move (new to me) to my bootcamp group and they loved it. Well done on the 100 miles and all of the core work!

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