What do you get when you combine glorious spring weather, the scenic George Washington Memorial Parkway, and my favorite local running store? Another great running of my favorite hometown race–and my 2018 GW Parkway Classic Race Recap!

The foreground of the medal design reflects the course well,
but that D.C. skyline is not part of the view!
Race Morning
My husband was back on sherpa duty this year, so I didn’t have to leave the house until 7:00 am, and even that turned about to be earlier than necessary. I woke up shortly before my 6:00 am alarm, got dressed, fixed my coffee and PB toast, did my PF stretches, made a final trip to the bathroom, and was ready to go by 7:00.
It was in the upper 40s and getting sunnier than I expected, so I knew the short-sleeves and shorts I had picked out were going to be perfect. I added sweatpants and a sweatshirt jacket I planned to leave with my husband, and brought my heat sheet from the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run to keep me warm at the start.
I promise I’m in there somewhere!
I stayed in the car until it was time for the massive MRTT group photo, and then took a photo in front of this fun sign near the entrance to Mt. Vernon.
Only later did I realize it was advertising another race that starts at Mt. Vernon that is put on my another organization. Hmm ….
2018 Parkway Classic Race Recap
After a few announcements celebrating the youngest (10) and oldest (90) runners, and one of the most powerful renditions of the National Anthem, we were off! I didn’t really have a plan or goal for this race, other than to do my best whatever that turned out to be.
I forgot about the course feature of the Garmin Fenix.
The Conte’s hill ride has a much more interesting route!
As I started out–too fast as usual–I soaked up the perfect weather and the pretty views along the Potomac River. I knew miles 2-5 had almost all the hills, that mile 5-6 is mostly downhill, and that mile 7-8 would be a challenge. I tried to keep my head in the mile I was in, take the hills as they come, and maintain a hard effort.
My Garmin elevation profile data–
no wonder that first mile is so fast!
As usual, my first mile was way too fast and my pacing for the whole course was pretty rough. I realized at about mile 7+ that I had been focusing on my total average pace instead of my current mile pace, so I thought I was running more more evenly than I was. I also don’t remember seeing those 8:2x split times, which is probably for the best since they would have discouraged me.
I think I paced this race well once.
If Hains Point is my Cherry Blossom nemesis, mile 7-8 is where the wheels usually start to fall off during this race. I actually made it to mile 8 OK today, but as I approached the overpass over the beltway, I felt like I was barely moving. My hips ached a bit, my PF whined a bit, and my legs felt heavy and slow. Obviously, I was running much faster than I usually do, so all that negativity is part of the mental struggles that go on during a race.
I was bracing for the last hill at mile 9, hoped to gain some momentum after that, and determined to hold my pace back from a final push until we got to the Starbucks, which is probably 1/3 mi from the finish line. My legs weren’t up for a push that far out, but I was able to go a bit faster for the last three blocks, when the finish line was in sight. I’m not sure why my Garmin shows that last bit as such much slower–I must have stopped running before I stopped my Garmin. 😉
I was pleased to see 1:22:xx as I crossed the mats, and realized it was a bit faster than my recent Cherry Blossom finish.
I am not an InknBurn ambassador, but I do love this shirt!
I was a bit perplexed when I was handed a breakfast taco from District Taco in the finish chute, but it went surprisingly well with the Port City Pilsner available in the beer garden–or maybe that’s not surprising, but it sure hit the spot. 🙂 (Water, bananas, pretzels and granola bars also were available.)
As usual, the post-race festival atmosphere was great–so many people hang around to enjoy the sunshine and live music–but I was ready to get home and my sherpa was ready to go on a bike ride.
I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.
Did you get outside this weekend?
Do you have a favorite shirt to race in?
Congrats on a great finish time! Idk about pacing, but you know the course and pushed hard when you needed to. I love these 10 mile races. I’m eying Cherry Blossom for next year…
That would be great! Keep me posted — and watch for the ambassador applications in mid-October or so. 🙂
Nice job! I knew you would pull out a great race. Perfect conditions too. I cannot believe I have never done this race. Next year!
You could always come to my house first and share my sherpa. 😉
Coco, you DID pace this run well. It isn’t flat so you shouldn’t expect to run the same pace each mile. (But, I completely understand how we can get all up in our heads over paces.) AND, you beat your Cherry Blossom time. So I think you had an incredible race. Congrats to you!! Thanks for linking.
Thanks, Holly. You’re right, this course doesn’t call for even splits, but I do need to learn to hold back in those first tow miles so there’s more left for those last two!
Have a great week!
Great job! A breakfast taco sounds like a great post-race treat.
Sounds like you did a great job & how nice to have perfect racing weather, too! Actually, a breakfast taco sounds really good for a post race meal. 🙂
I got outside yesterday, which was nice but chilly. Alas, most of today — which was even nicer — was spent inside with family. I’ll get out tomorrow to enjoy some fleeting sunshine. 🙂
Hilly courses always mess with my splits, but it looks like overall you had a great race! I can totally see why you stopped to have your pic taken with that banner – hope you did enjoy your JAUNT, haha!
Wow! You are speedy! I agree with Holly…you paced this race just you needed to due to the terrain. I had similar weather this morning for my race. I debated wearing shorts, but went with capri’s. But, NO FLEECE!!!!! 😉
It’s so nice not to have to layer up!
Love the shirt! A friend recommended this race to me as she personally likes it more than Cherry Blossom — I didn’t realize it started at Mt. Vernon. That’s on my bucket list, so I smell this race happening some year soon. Congrats on a good race, despite the pacing issues. I’m finally starting to believe in spring!
It really is my favorite race — maybe because it was my first. It’s got all the organization and amenities of a big race with “only” about 5000 runners.
Sounds like how I feel about the Frozen Penguin. On its surface, it’s just a spring 5K but it was my first 5K and I love penguins so… It’s a teeny one at ~400 which I don’t love, but it’s one where I’m not the slowest unlike Hope for the Warriors.
Awesome job! This sounds like a really fun race. I’m a huge fan of the 10 mile distance and wish there were more races of that distance available.
What a lovely race recap. I can see why this race is one of your favourites.
Great job! I do love 10 mile races but I hardly see any, at least out here on the west coast. That’s a great time! Weird that they handed you a taco in the finish chute.
That’s how they make sure only runners get them — I just wasn’t expecting it. I’m glad I tried it though, 😉
Great job with that race! Looks like it was perfectly paced!
hmmm breakfast tacos sound pretty tasty lol
They hit the spot for sure!
Love that shirt too! As a DC runner, its a must-have! Congrats on a fabulous race and finish time. Sounds like conditions were ideal.
Taco’s and beer post runs – that sounds pretty great to me! Great job on your race!
This sounds like such a great race, it’s definitely on my list to do one year! And post race tacos sound delicious 🙂 Interesting that there’s another Mt. Vernon race…
Congratulations!! I really enjoyed doing the GW Parkway Classic last year, it’s such a nice race! But you got a breakfast taco at the finish?? I’m so jealous!
We had a lovely weekend with some spring weather finally! I just hope the weather can stay this way!
You did such a great job pacing yourself. Congrats.
10 miles is just a perfect distance. We only have one around here and they have cancelled it. So disappointed.
I need to come to DC.
You do! I think I do all the 10 milers – and one 15K!
I just love these local races! It sounds like a fantastic day. That pic in front of the big sign is so funny!
Sounds like a wonderful event! Who doesn’t love a breakfast taco?
We had some fairly crummy weather this weekend, so I did just over 6 miles running and then we had a date night and the Cub Scouts promotion ceremony. I was hoping to go for a hike at the park where the promotion was held, but it started pouring and that was that. 🙁
You are so speedy my friend! You ran a great race! I so want to make it to DC for one of these 10 milers 🙂
This would be a great one too. You pick a race, I’ll help you figure out the logistics. 😉
I’m glad you had good weather and a speedy run. I love your InknBurn shirt and the blossom print seems perfect for a spring race. That POTUS1 poster cracks me up!
We treasure our local history but take it with a sense of humor too.
Congrats on running a strong race! This race has been on my radar for a couple of years now, but I’ve never run it. Maybe I need to change that next year. Hmmmmmm…….
Congrats on a great race! I was so hesitant to do another 10 miler so close to cherry blossom and as always a little worried but it turned out to be such a beautiful race, I’m SO glad I did it (though it was a little too cold in the beginning!)
Sounds like a great race! I really enjoyed reading your recap.
Loved that sign for the other race, it made me LOL a little bit. 🙂