Happy Friday! I jinxed us when I wrote about spring weather for last week’s coffee date post–a few snowflakes fell from the sky on Saturday and it was in the low 30s as we lined up to run the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run, but the Capital Weather Gang declared winter dead this week and we may see 80°F today!

Note To Self
Note to self: When you wear throw-away clothes to stay warm before a race bring clothes to wear after the race–you can put them in your gear check bag or leave them in the car, but if you throw-away your only warm clothes you will be COLD after you finish.
I got warm running, but wished for a warm hoodie after I finished.
Note To Self: Running fast for 10 miles is hard. If you want to beat your previous times it’s going to hurt. If you want to run strong, enjoy the scenery, and not be a wreck the rest of the day, that’s fine too.
Do I want to push this hard next weekend? Maybe not …
Note To Self: Running 13.1 miles in mile-high Denver is going to be hard, especially if you don’t ramp up your long runs. If you want to do the Conte’s rides on Saturdays to get in shape for the Farm to Fork Fondo–Pennsylvania Dutch, you’re going to have to do your long run on Sundays, usually after church. No complaining about how warm it is!
The Conte’s Hill Ride Crew
Note To Self: Speaking of the Farm to Fork Fondo, don’t forget to share your discount code (COCO2018) which is good for any of the Farm to Fork Fondo events. You’d love to have friends join you in Pennsylvania, but it also would be great if someone you know scopes out Farm to Fork Fondo-Shenandoah so you know what to expect if you can make it next year. Any takers? 🙂
Is my time up yet?
What would you write in a note to self this week?
What a fun idea for a post! Note to self: clean out your closet. Note to self: buy more bread.
You look like you are flying in that picture!
That was my final push to finish but it hurt!
my note to self this week is-it’s going to be tough to train for a tri race in 3 weeks! I agree post race was freezing but the blankets helped a bit. Good luck in Denver next weekend. That altitude is no joke
My blanket kept blowing off!
Note to self: see how much better you felt after skipping yesterday’s easy run (because you were feeling run down). It’s more than okay to skip easy runs when you know your body needs extra rest!
But yeah, racing is hard. If it isn’t, you’re not racing!
Just don’t set that timer on my post. 🙂
That is a really important thing to remember. Rest days help us get stronger.
I like this idea for a post. Super fun. I would tell myself to lighten up and enjoy this week and don’t stress about getting in workouts since I will be on Vacation.
Good luck in Denver, that sounds like a tough one.
I hope you do enjoy your vacation! Hopefully you can stay active without formal exercise.
I am (trying) to tell myself that the weather in Boston is completely out of my control, and I just gotta make the best of it. Still doesn’t help me from checking weather.com every hour on the hour haha but I am trying!
Have a great race in Denver!
Ah, weather stalking is dangerous. Just remember that app isn’t reliable anyway — it predicted 8″ snow the day before Cherry Blossom and we only got a few flakes.
You know, I rarely check a bag for after the race but you’re so right! I get rid of my throwaway layer and then when I finish I’m rushing to either get back to my car or hotel to get warm, LOL
I think I don’t want to use bag check because you have to drop your gear so early, but I finally realized it would be good for warm gear after.
I have so much difficulty running in CO! But it’s so beautiful there it’s worth it.
I will definitely have different expectations!
Note to self: Don’t sign up for races too early. You waste money when you can’t run them.
I agree! But so many of the races I do are ones you have to sign up for months in advance!
My note to self: Prom is a week away, it’s time to stop procrastinating 😉 At least I will have ZERO guilt staying inside with my paint brushes because the weather is gonna be brutally cold and wet.
The Judge I clerked for called that perfect working weather. 😉 Good luck — I know you will get it all done wonderfully.
I love your notes! Totally agree about throwing away the warm clothes… no bueno! Especially for those of us who don’t use a drop bag.
It’s crazy I haven’t thought that through before. I think one time there was a really long line to get your bag after so I gave up on the whole concept.
Good reminder about the post-race clothes! I think its easy to expect to be warm after running, but sometimes it can be really chilly after a race!
Hopefully not any more this season, but you never know with our crazy weather.
This is a great idea for a post! My note to self’s all kinda revolve around doing a little better with planning/scheduling all the things that I want to do while trying to not to go overboard. ._.
I’ve definitely learned the hard way about the jacket thing. Nothing worse than being cold after a race.
Snow??? What??? It’s almost May!
Note to self: I probably shouldn’t have complained too much about the cold weather, because the 100% humidity this morning was pretty freaking brutal.
Good luck in Denver! Running in the Mile High City always takes me by surprise. Every. Time. It’s a beautiful place to run, but they have so little air! When I run while visiting my family in Steamboat Springs, CO, it’s even worse! 🙂
I’ve thrown away clothes at the beginning of a race and then had nothing for afterwards but usually it’s warmer by then. But then again I’ve also run with a running jacket on and have been way too warm during a race but was glad I had it afterwards..lol.
I feel you on the warm clothes piece. I was so torn with that. I deliberately brought a shirt I wouldn’t mind tossing because I actually hate it, but kept it on. Wanted badly to ditch the gloves, but wasn’t sure about frozen fingers later. I’m glad I kept them. I seem to jinx the weather every time I wear my Lebow hat — I do it because it’s not handmade and therefore I can toss it And it always stays hat weather
Running hard vs. enjoying the scenery — I knew I’d have to make my peace with that for the blossoms. Oddly my run today was worse for that when I thought I had it out of my system last weekend.
Great idea for a post! I may have to borrow this one. 😉
And, great reminder on the post-race clothes – I’ve forgotten them more times than I care to count!
I learned that about having clothes to gear check. It took a while to get my gear after RnR Vegas, but I was so happy for my extra layers.
I usually try to have a change of clothes in my gear bag, no matter what the weather is on race day. But I’m with you, if its a cold day, you definitely want to make sure that you have something warm to put on post race.