No foolin’, it’s time for the Ultimate Coffee Date Link Up! Join us as we imagine we are getting together for coffee (or tea, or your favorite relaxing beverage), and share what’s going on in our lives. It’s a chance to get to know each other better and support each other in all our endeavors. Since it’s no fun to have coffee alone, make sure you leave comments on other blogs in the link up, and don’t forget to visit my co-host Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner.

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If we were having coffee, I would be grateful for the break in my hectic schedule. This week has been insane both at work and at home. Tomorrow is the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run and then I have to recover, pack, and get to the airport for my 8:00 pm flight to Europe. I scored a business class seat so I am hoping to get a few hours of sleep on the plane!
If we were having coffee, I would have to show you my latest kitchen pictures. We’re at that annoying stage where it’s almost done but the final details are taking forever.
We’re also at that stage when we realize that opening up the kitchen to the dining rooms means that we need to redecorate the dining room to coordinate with the kitchen ….
If we were having coffee, I’d have to share my cherry blossom pictures. The blossoms had a rough year with early warm weather followed by a hard frost, but sunrise at the Tidal Basin is lovely no matter what!
If we were having coffee, I’d have to confess to getting the new Fitbit AltaHR. It’s very similar to the Alta so I don’t know if I’ll do a full review, but I am glad the extra bands O bought for my Alta work with this one
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Do you have any April Fool pranks planned for today?
Has anyone pranked you yet?
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Your kitchen is coming along so nicely! I know you’re going to be so happy when you get that project behind you!
Have fun at the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler! I haven’t run that race in years, but I used to love it.
I hope you get to enjoy a nice long nap on your flight to Europe. Thanks for the linkup!
Thanks. I really am loving how my kitchen is coming. It’s a relief to see the choices work out!
Good luck in your race! Can’t even imagine racing & then hopping on a plane. You are tough!
Deb got me. 🙂 I don’t think there’s going to be a lot of pranking here. Oddly, my husband is a tease, but he’s never pranced me. You know I didn’t even think about it for today!
Well, it will be good practice for Denver which will have a much tighter window between race and flight – but still plenty of time.
I’m not a fan of practical jokes, so no pranking around here. I have a great sense of humor but I always think that pranking is a bit mean spirited. Of course, I’m sensitive like that…
Your kitchen is coming along great!
It’s really tough when your kids get older – if they fess up to something on April 1 is it a prank or a coincidence?? I’m never sure how to react. 🙂
It’s been fun to follow all of your photos of your kitchen remodel. It looks great!
Wow you’ve got a lot of travel coming up! Hope the flight is uneventful and you can get some sleep.
Good luck with the Cherry Blossom 10-miler!
Thanks. I think the hardest part of flying to Europe is making myself try to sleep early enough, instead of enjoying the quiet time to read and watch movies.
Your kitchen looks great and I can tell that one room always leads to another needing to be redecorated. I am currently in the same boat. Hope you have a fantastic race tomorrow looks like great weather. Can’t wait to hear about your trip need a yoga date soon
Yes, yoga + coffee IRL. 🙂
A trip to Europe – that’s pretty exciting! It’s a beautiful place to visit. I hope to visit it again soon. Good luck on Cherry Blossom 10-miler. It’s definitely on my radar for next year. I just got to keep an eye out for the lottery. Would love to hear more on the Alta HR. I have the Alta and am thinking of giving it away. As always, thanks for hosting the ‘coffee date’ link-ups. It’s always fun to see what people are up to!
The CUCB lottery is in December. Once this year’s race is over you can sign up for email an alert. 🙂 Funny, I gave my Alta away this week!
Thanks for the update. Will be on the lookup in Dec!
You are busy! The kitchen is looking great! You know what they say, once you start with one project then everything else looks like it needs a re-do too! Good luck with your race and that long distance flight! Safe travels busy lady- no joking today!
Thanks! Same to you!
Your kitchen is looking great!! I am not for April Fools pranks. I am not smooth enough to pull them off. And I just don’t think it is nice to prank someone. I sure hope my husband doesn’t pull one on me, he very much enjoys them and is good at them.
Yeah, I’m not very creative at pranking. I do love a good one though.
We usually don’t pull any pranks around here on April Fools. There seems to be enough of those in our lives already. LOL. Your kitchen is looking great! You’ll enjoy redecorating your dining room too. Good luck at the Cherry Blossom race. I visited DC several years ago during the last week in March and there were NO blossoms. It snowed. I was SO cold! Thanks for the linkup!
Yeah, the weather in D.C. is very fickle this time of year. The race is usually about the same date and it can be too early or too late for the blossoms – although a few years ago it was dead on peak bloom which meant crazy crowds!
Your kitchen looks great. Ours is sorely in need of one but it is so expensive. GL with your race. I hope the weather is better than here.
Yeah, it tooks us a few years to pull the trigger! Luckily we happened to like less expensive options – like simple cabinets.
Wow! The kitchen looks great!
Have fun at CB10…I just finished the Hot Chocolate 5k in Philly.
Safe travels to Europe! Work or leisure?
That sunrise pic is beautiful! I have a few sunset ones. I took the kids on Tuesday.
No pranks here. Thank goodness.
Your kitchen is coming along nicely. Hopefully those final details come together soon.
Have a great trip to Europe!
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I was the target of a couple of April Fool’s pranks this morning. One went wrong and got my 9 year old instead (the ol’ rubber band the sink sprayer so when you turn the faucet on you get soaked) and the other was putting salt in my sweetener dish so that I salted my coffee — yuck. This is what happens when my husband is the first one up and not able to go for a run due to injury.
Beautiful kitchen, BTW!
Oh wow Coco, your kitchen looks fabulous ..and of course you must redecorate the adjacent dining room! 🙂
One day, I would absolutely love to do the Cherry Blossom 10 miler …it just looks like an absolutely beautiful course! Have fun and safe travels on your business trip!
You always have so many beautiful pics of DC 😉 I have not been pranked, but it’s my husband’s birthday…and for years, his parents and sisters would call him (to wish him a Happy Birthday), and he’d tell them that “we have some unexpected news…a new little addition is joining the family in 9 months” and they’d fall for it EVERY time. I mean, like EVERY time LOL Good luck tomorrow, and have a safe trip!!
Have a great race at the Cherry Blossom! I’ve heard great things about that one!
I hope you can get some rest on the plane to Europe. 🙂
I had a good 14+ mile run this morning in prep for Star Wars Dark Side Half on 4/23 here at Disney. Weather is getting a bit warm, but wasn’t too bad today thankfully.
Your kitchen looks great so far. Please post before and after pics when it’s complete! I love that kind of stuff!
Good luck with the race today!
Your kitchen looks like the construction process of what my future dream kitchen would look like. I’m so jealous! *-*
Those cherry blossoms are so gorgeous! I can’t wait til actual-spring! <3
I know exactly what you mean about that “last mile problem” but it really looks great!
Heading over to check out your Cherry Blossom review. That’s on my bucket list for sure!
Have a safe trip!