A Week Of Recovery

If you read my race recap for the Reston Perfect 10, you  know I ran strong on that hilly course, but if you missed my Friday Five Runfessions you might not have heard that I placed second in my age group! I found out Monday night when I was looking up my official results and scrolling through the race photos. 

Reston Perfect 10

mile 5, before things got hard

My legs hurt after all those hills, so I spent the week focusing on recovery since I am signed up for the Army Ten Miler this weekend. 

Sunday: I took a long, hot epsom salt bath. It felt good, but I still think ice baths work better for me.

Monday: I started my week with a 6am Core Power Yoga 2 class. My legs appreciated all those downward facing dogs and the time we spent in pigeon pose.

Tuesday: I ran 3 miles on my treadmill and controlled the pace to make sure I was taking it easy. Then, I escaped work early to get a massage to work on my calves. 

Wednesday: My legs were ready for spinning, so I went to my favorite 45 min Real Ride indoor cycling class at Revolve.

Thursday:  I wasn’t sure if my legs were ready for Orange Theory Fitness or not. I held back a little bit on the treadmill, but still got more splat points than I have in a while–maybe my heart rate was higher than usual because I was up so late working …. When I got home I spent some time with my foam roller to work on some lingering kinks. 

Friday: I hit the snooze button after another late night of working, but got up in time for a 30 minute strength routine and more time on the foam roller. 

Saturday: I woke  up to rain on Saturday, but waited it out while I enjoyed visiting with everyone on the Ultimate Coffee Date link up. It was still drizzly when I headed out, but I had a fantastic run–until my @#($)%^ phone wiped itself out again. 🙁 

October 1 Run

I borrowed my husband’s phone to take this post-run photo.
8 miles; 1:13:12; 9:09 pace

I don’t usually remember to take time to stretch after my long runs, but I stretched and rolled while I lamented the lame status of my phone.

Sunday: I was hoping to go to Revolve again, but I woke up to a work email that required immediate attention–I even started in while my coffee was brewing. I just wrapped that up, and now it’s time to get ready for Orange Theory Fitness and a full day of work tomorrow.  

We did squeeze in some fun this weekend, sampling all the IPAs and eating brats at Oktoberfest. 🙂  

Oktoberfest 2016

An anniversary toast!

[Tweet “How I’m recovering between races #runchat”]

Weekly WrapThat’s all I’ve got for 
the Weekly Wrap Link Up
hosted by Holly and Tricia.

How was your week?

Do you have a post-race routine
you follow for recovery?

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24 Responses to A Week Of Recovery

  1. Awesome week! And your “recovery” week might be someone else’s hard week. Big congrats on the 2nd place finish – that is such a major accomplishment! And you have a great photo to commemorate it 🙂

  2. I am always so impressed with the variety of workouts you squeeze into your already busy work week! Way to get it (all) done!!

  3. Great week! I need to step up my foam rolling. Usually I do a pretty good job on my long runs but I’ve slacked the last couple of weeks. I hope you do get that phone situation worked out soon!

  4. I’m usually pretty good about stretching post run and foam rolling at some point in the day, but some days, yeah, I get really busy or am running at odd hours and have to get dinner on the table. The foam rolling almost always happens, sometimes the stretches get ditched.

    I’m trying to get back into more frequent yoga, too — often it’s just 5 minutes at the end of the day but that’s better than nothing all week long!

    Sounds like a great week & good luck in your race this weekend.

  5. It’s always tricky racing 2 weekends in a row but it sounds like you did a great job with your recovery! Congrats on the age group award!

  6. Sonia says:

    Congrats on your AG award! Happy anniversary! Way to go on back to back races!!

  7. Karen says:

    Congrats on a great race! You were busy for a recovery week 🙂 and your long run look great, so it worked! You are ready for the next race.
    Glad you got to have some anniversary fun! Cheers to many more.

  8. Chaitali says:

    You got in a lot of different workouts this week, plus some fun! Too bad about the phone though 🙁 Hopefully you can find a solution.

  9. Wow, busy week. Good for you for fitting it so much while working. And working on Sunday ? That is why I stopped checking email on weekends….

  10. HoHo Runs says:

    What is going on with your phone? I think we all need to focus more on recovery. I usually don’t stretch right after a run. I brew coffee and I sit in my back porch swing while I drink a couple of mugs. Oktoberfest sounds fun! Thanks for linking, Coco!

    • Coco says:

      It’s a “security” setting required by my work email. If I don’t lock my screen correctly, it senses my pocket as password attempts. So, the solution is to lock my screen correctly after each photo stop!

  11. I also neglect to stretch and recover properly after a long run ( or race).

    I can’t wait to hear about the Army 10 Miler because I am interested in running it some day!

  12. Sounds like you did a good job of taking care of your legs! Congrats again on your AG! And, good luck this weekend!

  13. Congrats on 2nd place!! It sounds like a really smart recovery week. Less is more after a race. I’ve learned that the hard way and gotten hurt a few times. Way to be conservative yet active!

  14. Sana says:

    What an amazing accomplishment! Congrats on getting 2nd!

  15. Carla says:

    And yes.
    Your rest.
    Your chill.
    Your RECOVERY??
    My hard week 🙂
    and thats ok 🙂

  16. I don’t know if that’s a recovery week!

  17. Ah what a nice surprise Coco for placing in your AG. Did you have any idea??
    Do you get anything for your placing?
    You had a great week of recovery too. Thinking of your question about post race routine, after all the food, I try to foam roll, but it reminds me I have got to get my foam roller and bring out to the campground with me. I really needed it after my long run this past weekend!

  18. I too think ice baths work best for me, and oh my goodness what is going on with that phone of yours.

  19. Lauren says:

    I am always so impressed with how many workouts you can squeezed into your jam packed week! Great job!!

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