I spent last week in downtown Miami. It wasn’t my first business trip to Miami, but it had been a few years since I’ve visited our Miami office. The first thing I learned–or relearned–is that downtown Miami is nothing like South Beach.

I usually crop out the details from my phone,
but I wanted proof that it was this hot–feels like 92!–this early in the day.
Downtown Miami is a business district with a decent Starbucks, a great Whole Foods, a few expense-account level restaurants, and a very few other places to eat. It’s too far from the shore to benefit from any ocean breezes. Even at 5:00 am the humidity was stifling.

[Tweet “Two #treadmill workouts to beat the heat #runchat”]
Monday I had the hotel gym to myself and did this strength circuit from Tamara plus a few other moves.
Tuesday there were several people in the gym, but I was the first to claim one of the treadmills. I decided to take advantage of the “lap” display and did a track-inspired workout with two mile repeats at mph.

Thursday I had the gym to myself again. I pounded out this tough treadmill workout with a warm-up, cool down, and recovery lap between each hard lap.

I actually did the first fast lap at 7.5 mph and that was WAY too fast.
7.3 mph was hard but doable.
Friday ended up bring a rest day. I had a 7 am flight home and planned to go to Orange Theory Fitness in the afternoon, but my son’s girlfriend’s flight home was cancelled so I rescued her from the airport instead. Yes, I did her a favor, but I didn’t mind the extra time in the car chatting with my son!
Saturday I dropped her off at the airport for her second-chance flight, and then headed to the shadiest path I could think of–which happens to be the hilly path I conquered on my bike two weeks ago.
It really wasn’t that hot compared to Miami,
but I decided I needed to recover with an ice bath.
After the initial shock it felt pretty good.
Sunday: 45 min indoor cycling at Revolve.
It was nice enough for a ride outside, but I opted for indoor cycling to fit other fun and chores into my day.
I figured out how to use my OTF heart rate monitor for an “out-of-studio” workout. I wish it showed actual HR more than %, but I did my best to stay in the green zone.
The worst part of this business trip was learning that I have to go back in two weeks! I will have to keep up my hotel gym mojo for next time!
How did you beat the heat this week?
Now that is just nasty hot! An air conditioned hotel gym and short walk to Starbucks sound like the perfect combination. What a beautiful sunrise too! The elevation chart on your long run looks pretty intense. Great job on that. Thanks for linking, Coco.
It’s a tough route running or cycling!
All I could think while I was reading this was what a shame to be in Miami and be stuck inside! That humidity is no joke. I bet Virginia felt much better in comparison.
It feels so much nicer at home! Miami ^^looked^^ so lovely, but I could barely breathe outside.
Ugh that humidity! Great job getting your workouts in on your business trip. At least you’ll know what to expect when you head back in a couple of weeks.
Yes, I know the good and the bad of what to expect, but for me not knowing is stressful, so it will be better next time — and I won’t bother packing outside running gear.
oh you took to the mill huh? The humidity can’t be worse than here is it?
It was so much worse – I couldn’t believe it. So oppressive with no relief early or late in the day.
I’ve been forced to run on my treadmill mostly because I simply can’t get out early enough to enjoy the cooler morning hours with all the managing I’m having to do.
And I’m grateful that I have that treadmill!
Yes, as much as I prefer running outside, it’s nice to have another option.
Yuck, that sounds like horrible running weather in Miami. The hotel gym definitely sounds like a good idea 🙂
You did fantastic beating the heat. I try to use some of the moves from youtube routines I like if I know I am going to be indoors.
I love recovery bike rides like that 🙂 I did that this morning.
I am really starting to believe in this heart rate zone training as far as I how I feel when I am done. I got my tush kicked spending too much time in the red this week!
There is so much fitness stuff on YouTube I end up spending forever browsing the options! A higher HR definitely is more tiring!
I can imagine it being very challenging to get in your workouts in an unfamiliar place and while trying to work. I don’t do any traveling with my job. Sometimes I wish I did. If I did, I think I’d do just like you. Take my exercise to the hotel gym, try out new equipment and machines. I’ve never been to Miami but I would like to visit there one day.
I have never been to Miami, and while I like Florida, Miami doesn’t particularly interest me. At least you found something to occupy your time !
Other parts of Miami are really nice. But South Beach is glitzy so that might not be your thing either, although it’s great for people watching.
Not sure where you stay while in Miami, but the Epic is lovely / and has a great pool!
Oh, that looks great! It’s too late to book it for next time, but I’ll try for the next next time. 🙂
Ugh. What awful weather. We have similar nastiness here in Charleston, and I actually run outside in that nonsense. But taking it indoors sounds much more pleasant (and sensible). Gorgeous sunrise photo!
Oh ugh. I’ll be in Orlando for a conference in two weeks and will have a 20 miler to do while I’m there- brutal! I’m sure I’ll be using the hotel gym a lot too. You got in some awesome workouts!
Thanks! Maybe it won’t be as humid in Orlando — or you can find some shade!
I used to live in Miami but I didn’t run while I was there. In fact, I am very quick to skip races that are down in the southern part of the state, because I’m pretty intimidated by the temperatures (not that it’s much cooler in the northeast of the state where I am, but it feels like it sometimes). That being said, it’s probably safer to stick to your hotel in downtown Miami – it’s just not that kind of a downtown area.
I don’t do summer races at all, but usually can tolerate the conditions at 6:00 am. I can’t remember if I ever ran in Miami before, but it didn’t seem like a wise move this time.
Wow…that is hot! I can usually handle the heat, but not with humidity, especially that hits at 5am! Best of luck on the next trip around!
Great job! We hope to move to Miami one day!! North side.
I did a couple of runs on the treadmill too. It really does come in handy! Nice job with your workouts, I still get scared about doing speed work on the treadmill, thinking I’m going to fly off the machine lol!
Your workouts have definitely inspired me! Will try them out myself. 🙂
The heat and humidity are so crazy that even my indoor workouts at Orange Theory are feeling hot, hot, hot.
You get to go everywhere fun!
Pingback: 20 Boredom Busting Treadmill Workouts - Fitful Focus
Downtown Miami seems like a great place to run. However, summers can be quite challenging for running. How do you stay motivated to run on the treadmill?