I bet the wind will make the headlines of a lot of 2016 Cherry Blossom race recaps, and it was no joke. When I heard it howling as I was getting out of bed, I wondered if the race would be canceled, but there was a reassuring post on the race’s Facebook page that the race was ON.

Still such a beautiful sight!
The seriousness of the windy forecast became clear on Saturday afternoon, when the race organizers announced “adjustments” to keep people safe during the race.
They eliminated all race signage, overhead banners and tall structures (like speaker towers), eliminated all on-course signage and split time clocks (but volunteers were posted at each mile and let you know how far you’d run), eliminated all tents except for the bag check tent and the main medical tent, and eliminated the pre-race warm-up and post-race awards ceremony (and associated stages). They also canceled the kids fun run, which might seem drastic until you see just how windy it was.
(Un-mute the sound to get the full effect)
The Cherry Blossom VIP Dinner
Before I tell you about my race, I have to share a few highlights from the VIP dinner. It was so great to see the members of the Cherry Blossom social media team in person. I hade not met Janelle “IRL” before, and I spent most of dinner chatting with Courtney.
We clean up nice, eh?
And Meb was there! And he shook my hand! And let me take a picture!
I asked him to smile with his dessert!
Yes, Meb ate dessert, but I’m pretty sure his plate had more fruit and less bread pudding than mine did. 😉
My Cherry Blossom Race Recap
On to race day. After I heard those howling winds, I made a last-minute decision to wear a warmer long-sleeved top than I had been planning–the same Athleta top I wore for the Reston 10 Miler. Actually, I think I wore the same gear I wore for Reston, plus a very lightweight windbreaker vest and my new Nike headband.
Before the race in my pretty volunteer t-shirt.
I made it to the monument grounds in time for the Moms Run This Town multi-chapter picture, and then tried to jog around the monument to warm-up, but it was so windy it was ridiculous. (That’s when I took the video above.) At about 7:15 I gave my volunteer shirt to my husband and got into my corral where I was happy for the body heat of the other runners. Still, I was chattering and shiverring in the cold.
The race started promptly at 7:30, and my wave was off by 7:33. Since the sun was out, I warmed up pretty quickly. There were a few moments when I felt warm, but they didn’t last long enough for me to regret wearing my thicker top.
I know this course so well, I focused on pacing myself and saving something for Hains Point. Still, my mile splits are all over the place. Mile 2 included the winds on Memorial Bridge, and miles 9 and 10 were all into the wind. Mile 4 felt really good though!
As I was heading out Hains Point (miles 6-7.5) I realized that if I saw a picture of this part of the course on someone else’s blog, I would think it was really pretty. Why do I hate it so much? I readjusted my attitude and tried to enjoy the blues skies and scenery (but no blossoms) while still holding onto my pace.
Once I reached the end of Hains Point and turned back, the wind was against me again. I held on for a while, but then it got really hard. I convinced myself to try to Finish Strong and kept giving it my all, even though my “all” was depleted.
I think this is my favorite medal ever!
When I crossed the finish line, I was pleased with my time. It wasn’t a PR (you can read about that one here), but I was proud of my 8:09 Garmin pace. (My official race results have me finishing in 1:21:57 at an 8:11 pace for 10 miles.)
[Tweet “A Blustery #CherryBlossom #RaceRecap #runchat”]
After The Race
The race organizers wanted everyone to get home (or out of the cold) as quickly as possible. They handed out space blankets, water, bananas, and granola bars in the finish area, and then directed runners to the medal pick-up and/or bag check areas. After I picked up my medal, I found my husband and we made our way home. We stopped at Starbucks for my grande dark roast, and then I opted for a warm Epsom salt bath in our Jacuzzi tub. There’s no way I would have gotten into an ice bath today, but I still think ice baths work better. Even after a long soak I am moving very slowly ….
If you ran the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run or 5K today, you can link up your race recap on the Cherry Blossom blog here–the link up will be open through May 1.
That’s all I’ve got for the Weekly Wrap. Thanks to Holly and Tricia and all of you who have encouraged me as I trained for this race!
Oh, I almost forgot–my foot was FINE, but it’s a wee bit achy again now. Maybe it’s a lacing issue? I’ll have to figure that out before the GW Parkway Classic on April 23!
Great job!
Thanks, Vicki!
Congratulations on a strong run in tough conditions! It snowed here in Massachusetts today as I sadly wrote my race recaps from this weekend… Happy April?! The medal is awesome!
I heard about that snow – crazy! Can we please have some spring weather now?
So sorry I couldn’t find you or the picture spot! It was crazy windy love the video it really captures it. I have never run in conditions like that before and it was tough going but ended up pulling out a decent time for me. So glad your foot held up for you and congrats! I will link up my post later in the week!
Were you there? I tried to look for you! I was too cold to pull out my phone and text you.
Great job, Coco! I ran NYC in 2014 in CRAZY wind. They did the same with the signs, etc. The bridges were terrifying. Glad your foot held up!
I can imagine! At least Memorial Bridge is pretty low and the Potomac isn’t very wide.
Congratulations and way to push through on a day with very less-than-ideal race conditions! I’ve run races in super-strong wind before and it is NO JOKE. It feels like you are running on a treadmill, right? Because you’re putting in so much effort yet you feel like you aren’t going anywhere. I am glad your foot is okay and YAY for meeting Meb! He is so cute with his plate of dessert – great picture. =)
Wow! Impressive splits with those wind conditions! I fought 20mph wind for my long run today, there were moments where it felt like running in slow motion!
I’m also really impressed with how well the race is organized! To make all those last minute safety adjustments says a lot about how well organized the race director is! Kudos!
After 44 years I think they know what they are doing! And, they were great with email and Facebook updates. It really is a great organization focused on the runners.
Glad your foot held out and that you were able to still run a great race despite the winds….burrrrr…
I certainly did hear about how windy this race was but I didn’t realize they eliminated a lot of stuff. Probably a good call on their part. I raced this weekend along the ocean front and the wind was not as bad as usual but it rained the entire time!
You did really well for those conditions, heck for perfect conditions! Nice job. We had those winds yesterday, but it was windy again today and I had a couple scary moments on the bike when the wind threatened to blow me over!
Seeing the news tonight with the damage in NJ, NY and MA we were lucky to just have to do without mile markers. Be safe on that bike!
Solid splits despite the wind! Congrats! I would say you earned that grande dark roast and a soak.
The post race tents blew over at my race, and it wasn’t THAT windy. I can’t imagine the conditions you ran in. Your splits were incredibly fast Coco. You should be so proud! That medal is very pretty with the cherry blossoms on it. I’m glad to hear your foot didn’t bother you during the race. I often wonder if lacing causes my neuroma to act up too. Thanks for linking with us.
Yikes! It really doesn’t take much wind to make tents dangerous flying projectiles. Since my time never matches the split clocks anyway, I didn’t really miss them. I did miss having a finish line banner to set my sights on though!
Wowsers that wind was something crazy! Way to get it done!!
How cool to meet Meb…so awesome!!!
I was talking to my sister about how people hate running Hains Point during races. Since I don’t run it often, I always love it. Last year’s CB the trees were at full bloom ant it was BEAUTIFUL along with the water view.
Last year was spectacular! I think it’s hard because it’s a long stretch with no crowd support? Except the hardy beer/Oreo people who even were out there today!
Congrats on your race!! The wind was insane, but overall I was happy to not be too cold while we were running…it was before and after the race when I felt the worst! It was so great to finally meet you! The VIP dinner was so much fun 🙂
Yes, even in the wind on Hains Point, I wasn’t cold, just struggling! I hope you had a good race too.
Congrats on the great race!! I think I get why you don’t like Haines Point. It’s sort of dull compares to the rest of the race. Especially sans Cherry Blossoms!
I ran it too: http://cuckoolemon.com/2016/04/03/recap-cherry-blossom-ten-miler/
Thanks! And thanks for linking up your post on the CUCB blog! I love your writing!
Thank you so much!
You are so flipping hardcore intrepid bad ass.
And now?
I want a post detailing how your mental fortitude has facilitated your success both in and beyond!!
How awesome that you have met other friendly runners!
I wish flying was not that expensive so that I could drop by to join you all sometime.
Thanks a lot for sharing your experience!
Congratulations on a strong race in such crazy windy conditions! All of the American flags around the Washington Monument look good in that wind at least, haha. That medal is really pretty – I love the design! Glad to hear the foot didn’t bother you at all during the race!
Thanks! It was a good race when all is said and done.
Glad that you ran a good race despite the crazy wind and finished strong. Finishing strong always feels so good!
Wow what a challenge to run in that Coco! I am so very glad to read though that you had a good race and your foot held up! That is awesome!
Very neat you got to meet Janelle too! Thanks for your support as well! So what is next for you?
Thank you so much! My next race is April 24th. 🙂
Love the medal. So cool that you got to meet Meb.
It was windy in NY too. And today we are having a snowstorm UGH!!!
Yeah, I think it was the Syracuse Half that was snowy? That made us stop complaining!
You ran a fantastic and mentally strong race!
I have never taken an ice bath. I took a cooler bath, but boy do I prefer I long, hot shower after a cold race ! And a very big cup of coffee and it is a perfect, post cold race combination !
Coffee is always part of the recovery plan!
Congrats! Way to go on such a windy day! Your time is awesome! So cool you met Meb!!
Great race and great recap! I love that you posted the video showing how windy it truly was.
Thanks! The pictures weren’t doing it justice!
Great recap! I had a fabulous mile 4 too…I was wondering if Garmin got confused, but I guess that mile must have had a huge tailwind! Glad you had a good race and fun with the VIPs!
Way to gooooo! Sounds like such a challenging race! <3 You go girl!
Thanks so much!
Congratulations. Wonderful blog. I hope we were able to give you a boost just before Haines Point. Signed, Mr. Incredible and Violet
Oh my gosh, you really did! Thank you so much for being out there!
Great recap! I ran the 5k 2 years ago and the weather was perfect! Sorry you guys had such windy weather but great work!!
Two years ago was my PR-setting race – it was a perfect day!
That’s an excellent finish time, especially for the windy conditions!! Congrats 😉 That medal is awesome (and so is your volunteer shirt). We had similar wind in Iowa, but our temps were in the high 70’s….for that ONE day LOL My 8-mile run was brutal in that wind, but I was happy with my pace.
Thanks! They have an annual t-shirt design contest and get some really good entries!
Great job and nice footage of the flags. Really showed how windy it was that day! Glad I had the 5K that day 🙂